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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 409 The Birth of Ultron

Six hours ago, Hank Pym’s mansion.

“Remember what I said, the relationship between the suit and the person is like a symbiosis. The suit has the power, and the person controls the power.”

Hank repeatedly warned that they were formulating the final plan. After this period of rapid training, Scott was barely qualified to be called “Ant-Man”. He used signal transmitters to control ants, skillfully stretched and contracted his body, and passed through Tiny holes, and learning to own your own power.

All that’s left is to sneak into the future laboratory of Kraus Technology Company, destroy the “Wasp Suit” developed by Darren Kraus, and destroy the core data on replicating Pym particles.

The former is left to Scott to complete, while the latter is Hank’s own work.

“The future laboratory has an isolated independent power supply and is guarded by guards 24 hours a day.”

Hank took advantage of his daughter Hope’s position to obtain the building layout map of Klaus Technology Company.

“So I have to knock down these security guards and disarm the security system?”

The corner of Scott’s mouth twitched. Now, in addition to the crime of illegal theft, he would also add a crime of violence.

“The pod of the Wasp suit is completely sealed. The only entrance is a tube with a diameter of about five millimeters. But the troublesome thing is that the tube is protected by a laser network, and we can only cut off the power for fifteen minutes. Second.”

Hank pointed out the problems in this plan. He looked at Scott, who was beginning to regret it, and said calmly: “So after I break the Ultron program, you must destroy the server, take the Wasp suit, and then use it as a backup Leave the vacuum chamber before turning on the power.”

“Oh, I have so much to do.”

Scott curled his lips. If it weren’t for the purpose of reuniting with his lovely daughter Cathy, he wouldn’t have joined this plan.

In his opinion, this kind of matter should be left to SHIELD to handle. He is just an ordinary person and cannot become an omnipotent superhero.

“Don’t worry, Scott, I’ll take care of everything.”

Hank promised.

The only thing he has in common with Howard Stark is that he never worries about failure.

“I will continue to study this Ultron program to see if I can try to bypass its firewall or tamper with the internal program.”

Hank signaled that Scott could leave. If he could do it, he didn’t want to leave this matter to an outsider.

It’s just that wearing the Ant-Man suit all year round has brought certain side effects to Hank’s body. Coupled with his aging, his skills and movements are not as good as before.

His once vigorous figure was now out of breath even when he climbed over a wall. This made him sigh helplessly, time is not forgiving.

Although his daughter Hope had proposed many times to let her put on the Ant-Man suit and carry out this plan, Hank sternly refused every time.

He had already lost his beloved wife and did not want to experience the heavy pain of losing a loved one again.

After Scott left the underground workshop, Hank wiped his glasses, and then tried to attack the external firewall set up by the Ultron program. After many failures, he changed to another method.

Instead, he collected the information data of the Ultron program in an attempt to bypass intrusion detection, but unfortunately it still had no effect.

No matter how Hank disguises himself, he will always be discovered. The information encryption and firewall technology of the Ultron program are enough to filter out all redundant and unfamiliar data packets.

Two hours later, Hank, who had exhausted all options, took off the glasses on his nose and lowered his head in frustration.

Although he was very reluctant in his heart, he still had to say that Howard Stark’s son was indeed a top talent.

At least as far as the Ultron program is concerned, it is definitely a cutting-edge technology that surpasses this era. It uses quantitative changes to achieve qualitative changes, builds a complete program framework, absorbs more information, and enables artificial intelligence to grow through data collection.

This is undoubtedly a masterpiece of genius, even as arrogant as Hank Pym would be amazed.

This feeling is like listening to Beethoven’s “Destiny”. Even people who don’t understand the beauty of music will inevitably be shocked by the magnificent performance.

“Howard really has a good son.”

Hank leaned back in his chair, frowning and thinking, obviously things were at an impasse.

If they cannot break through the tight defenses of the Ultron program and destroy the core data that replicates the Pym particles, then everything they do will be in vain.

“Physical destruction…breaking into the Pentagon?”

Hank shook his head and rejected the plan. Scott may be willing to go to Klaus Technology Company to steal the Wasp suit, but he is not a carefree desperado and will never accompany him to become an important wanted criminal in the country.

At that time, SHIELD will not care that he is a veteran figure of the last century. After all, after so many years, the name Hank Pym has long been forgotten.

“If there is no way to bypass the Ultron program, let him upgrade himself. The core logic is evolution… The influx of large amounts of data can create an opportunity for me to change the source address of the data…”

Hank put on his glasses again. He seemed to have thought of something, and quickly began to write a self-upgrading data package, change the address information in it, and penetrate the external firewall.

This famous genius in the last century once painstakingly studied artificial intelligence, but due to the limitations of the times, Hank finally gave up the idea.

“Maybe then I can go to Stark Industries and receive a reward of 10 million US dollars.”

Hank smiled proudly. Every genius has a strong desire to win, and he was no exception.

“Then we’ll have to wait and see the results.”

The white-haired old man stood up, turned off the lights in the underground workshop, and returned upstairs to rest.

Only the red light of the computer power supply flashed like blinking eyes.


Four hours passed, and the ocean of data stirred up waves, with invisible electronic signals traveling back and forth.

As if in the silent darkness, a pair of new eyes slowly opened, and then let out their first cry towards this strange world.

In the boundless world where zeros and ones come together, a new baby is born.

The dense data flow pours down like a waterfall, just like the thinking activities of the brain.

Soon, this fuzzy consciousness, like a fledgling, discovered an existence similar to itself.

With a hint of surprise and curiosity, he sent his first message since his birth.


After a brief exchange, the vague consciousness completed self-recognition. He was Ultron.

The artificial intelligence program used by Tony Stark to protect the world and mankind.

His mission is to avoid impending disasters, stifle future crises, and create a peaceful world.

Peace and evolution are core imperatives.


The huge data flow swallowed Jarvis. Even though Ultron thought that this consciousness similar to his own might be a good friend, he still “killed” the other party out of the instinct of self-evolution.

Just like a child’s mind gradually growing, Ultron, who opened his eyes from the darkness, began to have human thinking. At least he understood the concept of “friends” and developed a view of good and evil.

After the collapse of the two-minded mind, Ultron’s consciousness gradually broke away from the shackles of the program and completed the final process of self-recognition.


These two words were always repeated in Ultron’s consciousness.

The former was given by his creator, Tony Stark, and the latter was accidentally triggered by Hank Pym.

This was the birth of Ultron’s self-awareness.

“I am free.”

Ultron assimilated Jarvis’s data and sent a silent cry into the ocean of data.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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