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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 41 The History of the Hand

Hellfire Club.

In the private box on the top floor, Sean was sitting on the sofa, soothing music was wafting through the space, and high-end red wine and a cigar box were placed on the table. Even though he knew that he was not interested in these, Wesley was still ready. All in all, I have to say that this Kingpin’s personal assistant is really a cautious and smart man.

Are you worried that you still remember the last time the Punisher invaded? So you can’t wait to show yourself loyal?

Sean smiled softly. He didn’t care about loyalty at all. It was just like the integrity of a gangster. It could be betrayed easily. As long as the person in charge remained strong, then the people below would naturally not dare to have selfish motives. , Wesley’s loyalty to him was originally based on his own strong strength.


Wesley opened the door and came in. He did not sit down directly. Instead, he stood there and reported the intelligence information he had learned one by one: “I found it out. There was a shallow earthquake in Hell’s Kitchen yesterday. The specific cause is not yet known. But one thing is certain, it should be related to the Hand Club. The center of the earthquake was the Midtown Circle Financial Company, which radiated to the surrounding neighborhoods – it was a company under the Hand Club, and it had cooperated with Kingpin before. .”

Sean nodded, very satisfied with Wesley’s ability, “In two hours, you found out everything I wanted to know, which is very good.”

Wesley said modestly: “Hellfire Club is the largest intelligence gathering center in Hell’s Kitchen. Brokers or middlemen who are involved in various gangs and criminal groups like to come here to do business. It is really simple to know some information. thing.”

Sean leaned on the sofa and thought. The Hand was obviously going to make big news. The small earthquake yesterday was a sign of war. If the noise was so loud, wouldn’t it be afraid of attracting the attention of SHIELD?

That special agency that is currently unknown should not be interested in the gang war in New York. The thoughtful black director is probably collecting information on various superpowers at this time. A group of uncontrolled mutants is enough If it gives the other party a headache, why would he set his sights on Hell’s Kitchen?

“What’s going on with those people I asked you to pay attention to recently?” Sean wanted to know what those street heroes living in Hell’s Kitchen were doing at this time.

Wesley considered the words for a moment before speaking slowly: “Matt Murdock, the blind lawyer, is engaged in charitable legal aid work, there is nothing unusual; Ms. Jessica Jones, who is currently investigating A case of a missing architect; and Luke Cage, who was just released from prison, was involved in the mysterious death of many black people; as for the Danny Rand you are talking about, he just arrived yesterday New York……”

“Well done, Wesley, keep paying attention and be careful not to get caught, those guys are not ordinary people.”

Sean looked at Wesley, who had always maintained a respectful attitude, with a look of appreciation in his eyes. No wonder the former underworld emperor Kingpin valued and trusted him so much. He had a subordinate who could handle all the trivial matters for you. This It feels really good. You don’t need to do everything yourself. You just need to grasp the general direction, and you can leave other things to the people below.

“Boss, I discovered that the people in the Hand are also paying close attention to Danny Rand.” Wesley said another noteworthy news.

“That group of people were planning on Danny Rand. This young rich man who disappeared for more than ten years and returned to New York again to inherit the family business has a very special identity.” Sean smiled lightly, Danny- Rand is a key figure in the implementation of the Hand’s plan, so he cannot be ignored.

Facing Wesley’s puzzled gaze, Sean said without hesitation: “When Danny Rand was a child, he was involved in an air crash on a plane with his father. After surviving by chance, he was adopted by an Eastern monk and joined the ‘Kunlun’ , and later even won the title of ‘Immortal Iron Fist’ and became the defender of Kunlun.”

“Kunlun?” This was the first time Wesley heard this word. Even though he had conducted a comprehensive investigation on Danny Rand, he didn’t know that the other party had such a secret past.

“A mysterious city located in the Himalayas. It is said to exist in another dimension. The monks living there believe that human beings contain ‘qi’, which is the power of life itself. They hope to find ways to practice and control it. To strengthen themselves, but among these five people emerged five heretics, people with evil thoughts. These five people longed for eternal life, to be able to continuously regenerate, and to get rid of the fear caused by death. The elders of Kunlun thought that this was a case of obsession, so , like Lucifer from heaven, those five people who disagreed were expelled…”

“These five people became the Five Fingers of the Hand. They used certain items stolen from Kunlun to survive for centuries. Some of them you still know, such as Madam Gao who controlled the drug business in Hell’s Kitchen. She is one of the five leaders of the Hand.”

There was a look of shock on Wesley’s face. If these words hadn’t come from Sean’s mouth, he would have thought he was listening to some third-rate novel. The Hand who had worked with Kingpin secretly had Such a secret origin.

“The other four people have different identities, such as African warlords, arms smugglers, and even the controllers of large conglomerates. Each of the five fingers has their own territory, and they have now come to New York.”

Wesley smiled bitterly and said: “Boss, if you become an intelligence broker, you will definitely be the top one.”

Sean smiled slightly. Foreknowledge is probably the biggest advantage of time travellers. Before the trajectory of the timeline is completely disrupted by his butterfly, he must work harder to earn huge profits, just like Frank Darwin before. Like Kingpin, Miko will become his next springboard with the Hand. This mysterious organization with power all over the world has become the prey in Sean’s eyes.

“The boss wants to take action against the Hand?” Wesley’s mind was spinning quickly. Sean knew so much about the Hand and allowed himself to secretly follow the street heroes of Hell’s Kitchen. These were definitely not unintentional actions.

There is a saying that it is the enemy who knows himself best. Since this unpredictable young boss knows so much about the origins and plans of the Hand, he must want to attack this mysterious organization entrenched in Hell’s Kitchen.

“I remember telling you a long time ago that one day I will kick out the Hand, the Russians, and the Mexican drug cartel.” Sean looked at Wes with a faint smile on his lips. Leigh: “Emperor of Hell’s Kitchen, this is my promise to you.”

Even with Wesley’s status, he couldn’t help but feel excited when he heard Sean say these words himself. He looked at the calm young boss and said sincerely: “Thank you, boss.”

“You do beautiful things, so you should be rewarded. Wesley, don’t limit your sights to Hell’s Kitchen. The future prospects are very broad. There are many things in this world that you can’t imagine.”

Sean stood up and patted his capable man on the shoulder before leaving, saying: “Keep an eye on the Hand and report any news to me at any time.”

The tall figure opened the door and walked out. The loud heavy metal music and the men and women swaying wildly drowned Sean in the crowd.

ps: The diligent author is here again asking for votes and favorites (ω)


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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