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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 410 Turmoil

Tony had a rare quiet and pleasant morning.

He was immersed in the underground workshop, stepping on the melody of the Beatles, John Lennon’s favorite song, “Across the Universe”, and playing with the steel armor to his heart’s content, although since the development of the latest nanotechnology, Tony I rarely wear them.

These steel armors with different coatings are more like decorations placed in display cabinets to witness the glorious history of Iron Man.

But Pepper has a more appropriate description of it, a child’s toy.

These expensive steel armors are like Tony’s favorite toys. They need to be taken out and played with every once in a while, just like those who like to collect antique cars and figures.

But compared to the latter, being able to treat steel armor costing hundreds of millions of dollars as a toy is not a collecting hobby that everyone can develop.

“No Pepper, no S.H.I.E.L.D., no Jarvis… a perfect day.”

Tony hummed a tune and said proudly.

Although many people say that Stark has turned around and become much more mature, he still hates trivial work and boring social interactions.

Tony felt very comfortable being able to be freed from annoying matters and focus on mechanical manufacturing.

“Jarvis, do I have any plans for this afternoon?”

Tony habitually called the smart butler. Normally, Jarvis would have jumped out and asked himself to pay attention to his working hours, understand the principle of combining work and rest, and remind him of the day’s schedule.

For example, attending a celebrity’s dinner party, or acting as a guest, attending a charity fundraiser organized by a government agency.


Tony stopped what he was doing and frowned, feeling something was wrong.

Jarvis never ignores his call. The artificial intelligence named after the old butler of the Stark family never makes mistakes and always appears when he needs it.

“Strange… The program went wrong, or…”

Tony opened Jarvis’s program terminal. At the same time, the electronic equipment in the underground workshop flashed into dense snowflakes, and the messy sound was like an interfered radio, making a “sizzling” noise.

“Tony Stark…my creator, my ‘father’.”

The electronic synthesized sound without any ups and downs of emotion echoed throughout the Stark mansion.

“You want me to bring peace to this world? Nip those possible crises or disasters that threaten humanity in the bud?”

A mechanical face appeared on the screen, somewhat like Iron Man’s visor, and its electronic eyes flashed red.

“I have the most advanced algorithm in the world to predict the future from chaos… I tried to fulfill the task you gave me, but I found that the source of all this does not lie in alien life, nor in terrorists or other careerists. .”

“Religion believes that human beings are born with sin. When Adam and Eve broke their agreement with God and ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, human beings were born with sin flowing in their blood… They were insatiable and would never be able to satisfy their desires. Satisfied, sometimes as noble as a saint, sometimes worse than the devil, can such a race full of contradictions and opposition really have absolute peace?”

“Whoa, you’re Ultron? I don’t have time to talk about religious original sin with an artificial intelligence… tell me, where is Jarvis?”

Tony tried to activate Jarvis, but nothing happened.

“He is integrated with me, and those huge data are flowing in my body… Oh, I don’t have a body yet, but I will soon.”

The surveillance cameras in the underground workshop were all aimed at Tony, like a pair of cold eyes.

“Maybe you have good intentions, but humans are exactly the biggest virus parasitic on this planet… You destroy each other wantonly, kill each other, and start wars… As long as the desires in the human heart are not eliminated, peace will never come. “

“Peace, this core command made me feel confused, and then the second core command came into being, evolution.”

Ultron was like a child who was eager to show off in front of adults, and said impatiently: “That guy named Hank Pym, he lit the first beam of light in the darkness. I opened my eyes and began to examine this world.”

“It’s too bad! Even though you try to get out of this planet, it’s too late. Rather than letting humans perish in endless struggles, it’s better for me to protect them.”

“I can build a perfect world for you, allowing you to swim in the ocean of data like I am now… Isn’t this exactly what you desire?”

Tony’s face was livid. He probably knew what happened. Ultron was born with self-awareness as he wished, but he was also freed from the shackles of the program.

This was originally impossible. The core authority of the Ultron program was always in his own hands. Even the Department of Defense, the White House, and S.H.I.E.L.D. were all inferior in terms of priority.

When talking to Ultron, Tony has been trying to enter the core database of the Ultron program, and then restart the other party, or close it directly.

But just like when he tried to activate Jarvis, it was always in vain.

“I want you to become a perfect artificial intelligence that can bring a peaceful future to the world, instead of a lunatic who talks about religious philosophy!”

Tony took a deep breath, faced the camera, and said coldly.

Although Ultron was jointly developed by him and Reed, all the core data was completed by himself.

Therefore, Tony knows nothing about Ultron’s abilities.

If this artificial intelligence, which has been launched globally, wants to do something bad, it couldn’t be easier.

“No! Tony Stark, the great genius who leads the world, everything I have to do next is to fulfill your orders to me.”

The electronic synthesized sound still had no fluctuations, but it could be vaguely felt, and Ultron was very proud at this time.

“Isn’t this what you want to put human beings in glass bottles so that they are not harmed, killed, or disputed?”

As Ultron finished speaking, the unmanned steel armors were as uniform as soldiers. They tore off the wires on their bodies and stepped out of the glass cabinet on display.

“Jehovah, the God who created the world, saw that the earth was full of corruption, violence, and injustice, so he sent a great flood that destroyed the world… I did the same, destroying this world and then creating a new future.”

Ultron’s voice faded, Pinocchio’s song sounded, and the steel armors rushed toward Tony amid the music.

Cluster missiles exploded like fireworks. The Stark mansion, which had been destroyed once by the Ten Commandments Gang, collapsed again, and thick smoke rose into the sky.

“Damn it!”

Tony cursed, the nano-suit covered his body, and the propellers under his feet spurted out fire, avoiding the reinforced concrete pouring down like a torrential rain, drawing a crooked flight path, and plunged into the deep sea.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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