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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 412 Purpose

“Dr. Pym is missing.”

Twenty minutes later, Zemo received news from the SWAT team that Hank Pym’s mansion was empty.

Tony, who was sitting in the command room, banged the table heavily, his eyes filled with annoyance.

Obviously Hank Pym is a key figure, otherwise Ultron would not have taken him away. However, SHIELD cannot yet guess what the real purpose of this artificial intelligence with huge computing power and ability to travel through the online world at any time is.

Zemo has notified Colonel Ross to mobilize Umbrella’s umbrella external response team to strengthen the security of the White House and high-level government to prevent Ultron from trying to launch a nuclear strike by hijacking the president.

“Ultron looted the warehouses of multiple military bases and took away a large amount of vibranium. In addition to mass-producing the Iron Legion, it must have other uses.”

Tony rested his chin with his hands, frowning in thought. Originally, SHIELD’s Insight Program was capable of monitoring the entire world, and no criminal could escape tracking.

But this has no effect on Ultron. Maybe the global surveillance network will become his eyes. This is the most troublesome part.

“He wants to have a human body! Ultron wants to evolve!”

Tony recalled everything Ultron said in the underground workshop, and suddenly realized.

“As far as I know, the human form is not perfect, at least from a biological perspective.”

Zemo was a little puzzled. According to the logical thinking of artificial intelligence, all actions should be based on the optimal solution.

Why did Ultron create a human body for himself?

“No, Ultron is different. He desires to be more than human, so he must first become human.”

Tony analyzed calmly, judging from Ultron’s performance, he was not a cold machine, but more like a rebellious child.

“Create a new body… Ultron looted so many military bases just to get a lot of vibranium.”

Tony’s eyes were bright and he murmured to himself: “Only this kind of metal can effectively combine cells and generate tissue…”

“Since Ultron needs vibranium, he will definitely go to Ulysses Klaue. He is now the largest supplier of vibranium in the world.”

Zemo agreed with Stark’s judgment, and he immediately called Blonsky, who is now Umbrella’s security director. He leads a group of young mutants and super soldiers, and can be called the best of S.H.I.E.L.D. Strong support.

In a new era where superheroes are retiring, it is up to them to save the world and maintain order.

“To be on the safe side, I think it’s better not to dispatch the Helicarrier. Who knows whether Ultron can break through SHIELD’s security network.”

Tony puts on the latest developed nanosuit, which is the Mark50. He has to solve this problem before Sean comes back, otherwise this matter will definitely be regarded as an indelible black history and will be mentioned often in the future. .


Port of Los Angeles, California.

This port on the east side of the Pacific Ocean can be said to be one of the bridgeheads of the North American Continental Bridge and the largest container port in the United States.

Ulysses Klaue, who got rid of his identity as a smuggler, has now transformed into the world’s largest supplier of vibranium with the support of Umbrella and the Ministry of Defense.

To put it bluntly, it is actually acting as the government’s white glove and being put on the table.

But even so, Ulysses Crow is very satisfied. His name has been erased from the Pentagon’s blacklist, and he has become a good citizen with a legal identity. He no longer needs to hide in the backward and remote African continent, and follow that Do business for stupid warlords or indigenous tribes.

This huge difference in treatment made Ulysses Crow feel extremely lucky for his original choice. That seemingly risky gamble finally paid off handsomely.

Now, Wakanda has become a vibranium export base for the five major countries, the Black Panther royal family has been expelled, and Ulysses Klaue no longer has any worries.

The former smuggler, who has a completely different identity, is no longer dressed in dirty and greasy clothes. He is now dressed in a suit and leather shoes with shiny leather shoes, giving him the elite look of a successful person.

He was sitting in a luxurious and bright office, and the words “West Coast Trading Company” were clearly printed on the business card box on his desk.


Just when Ulysses Crow was feeling contented with his current life, a piercing alarm bell rang loudly, a scream came from the vibrating phone, and then there was a burst of gunfire.

“There are still blind people who dare to come here to cause trouble?”

The thought came to Crowe’s mind that no one on the entire West Coast knew what kind of behemoth stood behind this trading company.

Umbrella, an unknown scientific research institution a few years ago, has now firmly established itself as the number one company in North America, acquiring and controlling many large enterprises, as well as countless small and medium-sized companies.

Even the once prosperous Stark Industries and the re-emerging Osborn Industries will be eclipsed by this rapid development momentum.

Crowe took out a pistol from under the table, and the office door was blasted open, and a robot that was a head taller than an ordinary person walked in.

“Ulysses Klaue.” The scarlet electronic eyes stared at the human in front of him and said, “Let’s talk about business.”

“here it is……”

“I know the background of this company. Umbrella’s name doesn’t scare me. If there wasn’t an artificial intelligence there, I wouldn’t bother to travel to so many places.”

Ultron raised his hand and knocked away the pistol pointed at him, and said in a contemptuous tone: “Colt M1911, seven bullets, effective range is 50 meters, bullet caliber 0.45 inches… With all due respect, given the recoil of this gun, In other words, it is not suitable for combat shooting. Like the popular Desert Eagle, their main markets are hunting and metal target shooting.”

“I need about five tons of vibranium.”

Ultron did not beat around the bush and made his request directly.

“I emptied several warehouses in the US military base, but it was still not enough, so I found you, Mr. Crow.”

The unexpected robot tilted its head, paused, and then said, “You have two minutes to think about it.”

Crow’s expensive designer suit was soaked with sweat. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, he could see the robots like an army, killing the security personnel who dared to resist without mercy.

It is conceivable that if you refuse categorically, the outcome will probably not be too good.

“I can prepare three tons of vibranium immediately and put them on four large container ships. The rest will have to wait four hours.”

In less than a minute, Crowe gave an answer that satisfied Ultron.

“You are a smart man. Don’t worry, I am not a robber. You have received enough remuneration for your private company account in the Cayman Islands… The financial game in your human world is really interesting.”

Ultron’s tone was full of generosity, but Ulysses Klaue secretly complained that after losing so much vibranium, Umbrella and the Ministry of National Defense would pursue the case. All of this would be stolen money and would have to be turned over. Do I have a dime connection?

“I always say ‘make your friends and your enemies rich and you’ll see who your true friends are.'”

Ultron grinned, as if smiling.

He glanced out the window and said softly: “The person I was waiting for has arrived.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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