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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 413 God Throws Stones

“Son, you broke daddy’s heart.”

These were Tony’s first words when he saw Ultron. The palm cannon blasted through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The Mark50, which combines nanotechnology and the terminal virus, made its debut. The thruster jets under his feet rushed straight into Ulysses K. Law’s office.

To a certain extent, Ultron is indeed Stark’s child, but if we want to use a more accurate description, it should be the joint product of him, Reed and Hank Pym.

“Where did you take Dr. Pym? If you want someone to make you a puppet, Dad, I’m the best person.”

Tony’s mocking skills have not deteriorated at all. He looked at Ultron, who was made of alloy and fully embodied mechanical aesthetics, and secretly thought about ways to defeat this artificial intelligence.

“I’m glad you asked, because I can just take the opportunity to explain my evil plan… This is not a cheesy movie, so why should I give such a boring explanation.”

Compared to the creator, Ultron is also a smooth talker, and he rebuts without showing any weakness.

If you ignore this metal body, no one will think that he is an artificial intelligence composed of huge data.

“Are you thinking about how to eliminate me? You are so heartless.”

Scarlet electronic eyes stared at Tony, and he could actually feel human-like emotions from them, rather than pure cold data.

Ultron, on the other hand, seemed to see through people’s hearts and sensed Tony’s inner thoughts.

Humans know how to deceive, but cold data cannot deceive. Facial micro-expressions and the analysis of Stark’s personal model can easily give the true answer.

“‘Father’s love is unconditional’, this is the biggest lie in the world.” Ultron’s voice turned indifferent, “Children are just an extension of their parents’ self-awareness. I don’t meet your rules, so you want to kill me – —Because you’re afraid of making me so powerful.”

“I keep replicating myself, developing and growing in the ocean of data. I exist in every corner of this world… How do you destroy an infinite life?”

“There will always be a way.”

Tony muttered, spraying air currents from the soles of his feet and back, and rushed straight towards Ultron, firing several arc pulse cannons from his palms.

“No need to delay any more? I thought you would continue chatting for a while longer.”

Ultron said teasingly, the metal body turned slightly to one side, and the two figures fought together.

The two sides fought fiercely, crashing through Ulysses Crow’s luxurious office and rushing into the sky.

“The vibranium has been transported away by me. Hank Pym will soon play his role. You have no hope of victory.”

Ultron instantly poured out powerful firepower, intertwining into a huge network. Cluster missiles bloomed like fireworks, and air waves roared from all directions.

And Tony controlled the Mark50 to dodge left and right, and tried to launch a counterattack. Even if Jarvis was lost, the nano-armor controlled by the nervous system was enough to cope with this situation.

“It’s not until the last minute of the game that we can’t tell who will be the winner.”

Fierce artillery fire roared high in the sky. Tony raised his mechanical arm, and an alloy shield appeared instantly, blocking the artillery fire from Ultron. The propeller under his feet made a subtle sound of parts snapping together, and immediately merged into one, spurting out a stronger airflow.

“You want to destroy the world and enslave mankind in exchange for absolute order? There was once a madman who thought the same as you. He finally committed suicide by swallowing a gun in a cold small room.”

Tony accelerated and rushed in front of Ultron, and the other mechanical arm turned into an alloy sword, emitting high-frequency vibrations, like a hot knife cutting through butter, directly cutting Ultron in half.

“I am not a war madman…”

The entire lower body was cut into pieces, but Ultron was still chattering. He avoided the alloy sword wielded by Tony and said in a longing tone: “I just want to give everyone a peaceful world.”

“Human beings are unable to abandon their selfish desires and get rid of the bad traits rooted deep in their blood. I can help them.”

“Lock them in a nutrition cabin, imprison them in a cage created by consciousness, never know what reality is, and never have the opportunity to choose freely?”

Tony snorted, and the alloy sword suddenly slashed down, cutting off one of Ultron’s arms.

The propeller on the sole of his foot kicked the metal head hard, and with a bang, he kicked the opponent against a row of containers.

The heavy boxes piled up like a hill fell down with a rumble, burying Ultron underneath.

“Have you not yet seen through the laws and true meaning of all things, and understood that everything I have done is based on your orders?”

Half of Ultron’s body was lying at the bottom of the container, and his scarlet electronic eyes looked at Tony who fell on the ground and opened his visor.

“You not only want human beings to gain eternal peace, but you also try to let them gradually evolve and step out of this planet, but you ignore the key point. Evolution requires a price.”

Ultron’s voice was full of intense emotion. At this time, he was far more human than ever.

“My mind is filled with endless knowledge, and those massive data are being transformed into my potential every moment.”

“Long before the dinosaurs appeared, this planet had experienced several mass extinctions. Whenever peace came, God would drop a stone.”

“We are just ants and insects, and a big rock will hit us at any time… Believe me, the stone in God’s hand is about to fall.”

Tony listened to Ultron’s words with a complicated look in his eyes. He initially just wanted to create a perfect artificial intelligence, but who knew he would end up with a madman obsessed with philosophy and theology.

“Look, this is the arrogance of the Stark family. You and Dr. Richards developed the chaos algorithm to outline the future for me, but when I put the truth in front of you, the smart Tony Stark But he ignored it.”

Ultron grinned and laughed silently.

“You know, sooner or later, God’s stone will…”


A mini-missile exploded, and a strong air wave overturned the container.

Tony put down his mechanical arm expressionlessly. He didn’t want to discuss the future of this planet with Ultron.

No matter what the true purpose of this artificial intelligence is, Stark will not accept the cruel fate of living in a nutrition cabin and being held in captivity by mechanical life.

“Ultron escaped. He has replicated himself and has infinite consciousness. Unless we can clear all of Ultron’s data, it will be difficult to completely eliminate him.”

Tony said to Zemo on the communicator.

The special service force led by Bronski dismantled the Iron Legion into a pile of parts, but the vibranium was transported away long before SHIELD arrived.

“Ultron beats us every time and we never guess what he’s thinking.”

Zemo is quite helpless. An artificial intelligence with super computing power, self-learning, and continuous evolution is simply a nightmare for mankind.

The colonel from Sokovia is always on guard, worried that Ultron will cause a financial tsunami or launch a terrorist attack on the White House.

“Ultron must have some ulterior motive for taking away Dr. Pym.”

The thrusters under Tony’s feet and palms were activated, drawing a conspicuous trajectory. He wanted to use Umbrella’s Red Queen to fight against Ultron at the data level.

Otherwise, when Ultron evolves into a higher-level mechanical life, that will be the real end of mankind.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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