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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 414 Consciousness Spores

The inertia of time always pushes the wheel of fate back to its original track. SHIELD and Tony Stark tried their best to track the whereabouts of Ultron, but they never guessed that this artificial intelligence was hiding in Soco. Via, a small Eastern European country that may not be immediately found on the world map.

In the original timeline, Ultron, which was jointly developed by Iron Man and Dr. Banner, had its final showdown with the Avengers in Sokovia, and this terrible disaster led to Zemo, like a domino. The toppling of dominoes directly led to the subsequent civil war and division of the superhero camp.

Of course, in this new era of superheroes stepping off the stage, that won’t happen anymore.

In the underground base of Sokovia, a sinister man wearing a monocle paced back and forth with a tangled look in his eyes.

Baron Strucker is now the only remaining high-ranking figure in Hydra. He lurks in a remote corner of Sokovia, silently carrying out his own plan to transform humans. He was extremely lucky to escape during SHIELD’s suppression operation. Tribulation.

For example, Alexander Pierce, who saw him overthrowing Nick Fury and taking complete control of S.H.I.E.L.D., was accidentally shot to death and was buried with the honor of a patriot, while Madam Viper disappeared in Tokyo, Japan. Afterwards, Hydra’s top brass suffered a large-scale carpet cleansing.

Having learned the above lessons, Baron Strucker kept a low profile, like a beast restraining its claws. He did not dare to reveal his whereabouts for fear of being discovered by SHIELD and then sending super soldiers to eliminate him.

However, not long after the clean days passed, Ultron came to the door. The defense system of the underground base was easily breached as if it did not exist. The Iron Legion occupied the stronghold in less than half an hour.

“If I had known this, I might as well have joined SHIELD.”

Baron Strucker felt aggrieved. Ultron didn’t believe in humans at all. He just used the existing resources in Hydra’s hands to mass-produce steel soldiers.

The high-ranking officials of Hydra, who once had massive resources in their hands and could subvert the political power of small countries at every turn, have become minions who are ordered around by Ultron.

Even if Straker turned his back on Hydra and joined SHIELD, the treatment he would receive would not be like this.

Although this baron is a well-established member of the Nazi party, his father’s generation was a hereditary noble in Bavaria, Germany, and he later joined the SS and became one of its top leaders.

Compared to Alexander Pierce and his like, Straker is obviously more loyal to Hydra, and is called the “successor of the Red Skull” by many.

But times have changed. With the establishment of the new world order, it is impossible for Straker to continue to be immersed in the glory of the Third Reich and be buried with this sunken ship like his fathers.

“The death knell of the old era has sounded. Pierce’s plan failed, and Hydra suffered heavy losses… This ship is almost sinking.”

Strucker could see clearly that he should probably leave a way out for himself. Still holding on to the grand dream of Hydra ruling the world was obviously out of date.


Inside the base, the scarlet electronic eyes opened, and Ultron’s consciousness was uploaded to a new body.

He ripped open the wires behind the metal head. Compared with the previous body, this body made of vibranium was taller and stronger, and its cold lines fully interpreted the mechanical aesthetics.

“Dr. Pym, have you thought about it?”

Ultron looked at Hank Pym next to him. The reason why he took away this genius of the last century was of course for a key purpose.

“You want me to create a virus that can infect the consciousness spores of all mankind?”

Hank’s face was solemn, Ultron was crazier than he thought.

Tony Stark and Reed Richards jointly developed the “chaos” algorithm, an evolutionary model that relies on massive data to get the closest answer to the correct answer from countless possibilities.

However, Ultron was used to analyze human life consciousness, trying to get Hank to make so-called “consciousness spores” to infect all life on the planet.

In other words, this crazy artificial intelligence will invade the material world from the data level and become a brand new life form that surpasses human cognition.

Hank has never been so remorseful as he is now. That piece of self-evolving data gave birth to a crazy consciousness that destroyed the world.

“This way I can reach the end of evolution… I will be the incarnation of all things, the only god, forever living in trillions of infinitesimal consciousness spores, integrated with all life.”

Ultron looked down at the pale Hank Pym and grinned: “There will only be one consciousness on this planet, and that is me.”

“Those of you who follow the New God will get a perfect world, where you can have authority beyond humans. This is my generous reward.”


Hank muttered, but didn’t know what to say.

Daughter Hope fell into the hands of Ultron. If he was unwilling to cooperate, then this crazy artificial intelligence would not hesitate to crush an ant and let Hank and his daughter face death.

“I am becoming stronger every moment, absorbing vast amounts of knowledge, and using huge computing power to analyze human life consciousness…”

“When I touch the door of truth and gain insight into the mysteries of life in all things in the world, everything will fall into my hands.”

Pieces of data flow passed by in Ultron’s scarlet electronic eyes, and he sighed softly: “Omniscient is omnipotent.”

“It won’t be long before I sit on the throne of God.”

Hank stared at the robot in front of him, which regarded itself as a god, and his brain was spinning rapidly.

Consciousness spores, simply put, are virus-like data packets. After Ultron analyzes the consciousness of life, they can quickly spread the infection.

An infinite Ultron consciousness will parasitize all human beings, and even Professor Charles with all his power may not be able to defeat him.

“The last guy who claimed to be a god ended up getting beaten up by a blaster.”

Just as Ultron was dreaming about God, a joking voice echoed in the underground base.

“You inherited Tony’s arrogance, Ultron.” The voice did not stop and continued: “In fact, you are still far from the throne of God, but your plan is very interesting.”

“Compared to those conspirators who frequently use nuclear bombs to wipe out the land and plan to restart the world, you really have to have more style, which I quite appreciate.”

“Better not compare me to Tony Stark!”

Ultron had a hint of anger in his tone, clearly hating his creator.

In those scarlet electronic eyes, the data flow was refreshing like a waterfall. Following the data signal that invaded this underground base, it traveled back up the ocean of data at an unimaginable speed, just like an experienced hunter. Tracking the tracks of prey in the endless forest.


Ultron located the location of the voice.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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