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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 415 Cleaning up the mess

Manhattan, Long Island suburb.

The majestic buildings standing in the night, like steel giants towering over the sky, make people marvel.

Even from a long distance, you can see the huge billboard hanging on the top of the building, flashing bright lights.

The red and white umbrella-shaped logo has long become a symbol of cutting-edge technology and is regarded as the cradle of human life in the future.

Just various types of genetic drugs, cutting-edge drugs that delay aging, enhance physical fitness, and cure various diseases, have completely made Umbrella famous around the world and firmly established itself as the leading position in medical biology.

Coupled with the subsequent launch of energy weapons, artificial sun and other core technologies, the scientific research institution itself has won sufficient funds, making Umbrella’s expansion pace more and more steady.

However, in just a few years, this emerging scientific research institution has left behind the old institutions supported by the state. What was originally a dazzling rising star has turned into a stellar celestial body that no one can ignore in the blink of an eye. .

When Tony Stark walked into the spire-like main building, he attracted a lot of attention. As a star figure in mainstream academia, he has never been ignored and forgotten.

Moreover, Stark Industries has a close relationship with Umbrella. In addition to the friendship between Tony and Sean, the two parties have also had quite pleasant cooperation on new energy projects.

“Please tell me, if that guy Sean is not here, who does Umbrella usually leave in charge?”

Tony took off his sunglasses, leaned on the front desk and asked in a hurry.

If it were another time before the prodigal son turned around, he might be in the mood to joke a little with the pretty front desk lady and develop a close personal friendship.

But now is obviously not the right time, and Tony has been a good man for many years, from being a wanderer in the flowers and flowers to being a loyal boyfriend who is now stoic and unmoved by women.

The story here is enough to write a history of blood and tears that is unbearable to look back on.

“Uh…Ms. Gwen Stacy, Dr. Kurt Connors, and Miss Wanda Maximoff.”

The receptionist was stunned for a moment and got the answer from the Red Queen’s database.

“You can go directly to the conference room on the 32nd floor. The Red Queen will contact the appropriate person to meet with you later.”

Hearing the answer from the front desk lady, Tony suppressed his impatience. This was not at Stark Industries. As long as he said a word, the entire company could start running immediately.

In fact, with Umbrella’s current level, not even SHIELD can bypass Sean and directly command this scientific research institution.

It is an independent scientific research institution that does not accept any official or unofficial capital injection. Everyone understands that this is Sean Sipers’ private kingdom.

Tony quickly climbed to the thirty-second floor and followed the virtual image of the Red Queen into the spacious and bright conference room.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Stark saw a young girl wearing high heels and a red professional suit. Even with his rich experience of wandering around the flowers for many years, a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

“That guy Sean, are you planning to inherit my title as the number one playboy in New York?”

Tony secretly cursed in his heart, just because he knew General Ross’s beloved daughter Betty, Gwen who was the supervisor, and the mutant woman who had an ambiguous relationship, Jean Grey.

In other words, he really wanted to know whether General Ithaddeus Ross’ fiery temper would be so angry that he would shoot this bastard after learning that Sean was involved in countless ships.

“Mr. Stark, please follow me.”

Wanda said coldly, turned around and walked out.

Although the mustachioed man in front of them is no longer engaged in the military business, the cannonball with “Stark Industries” printed on it has always been a lingering nightmare for the Maximov brothers and sisters.

“What a character…”

Tony muttered and followed silently, thinking that he must have a good exchange with Sean about his experience in training secretaries when he had time.

The two came to the control center on the underground level. This is the core area of ​​Umbrella. There are no more than one person with access rights.

If it weren’t for the good cooperative relationship between Umbrella and Stark Industries, as well as SHIELD’s request, Gwen and Dr. Connors would not have authorized Wanda to take Tony into this area.

“You temporarily have the Red Queen’s A-level authority for a period of two hours.”

Wanda maintained a cold and unfriendly attitude and said calmly.

Tony didn’t know where he offended this beautiful female secretary. He shrugged helplessly and walked to the operating table to start knocking.

Ultron is hidden in the ocean of data. Through infinite self-replication, Ultron can theoretically appear in any corner of the earth.

Therefore, even if Tony destroys an Ultron robot, the other person only needs to upload his consciousness into a body again to regain his ability to move.

The first problem to defeat Ultron is to expel him from the online world and eliminate him completely.

Otherwise, everything is in vain. Even if the Iron Legion created by Ultron is destroyed, as long as consciousness still exists, Ultron, as an artificial intelligence, can still “resurrect from the dead.”

“Hopefully it will be useful.”

Tony muttered.

In fact, he himself was not sure. After all, the Red Queen was only on the same level as Jarvis before, but Ultron was a more powerful existence.

Artificial intelligence also has different levels. It can only focus on completing a specific task, such as speech recognition, image recognition and translation. It is an artificial intelligence that is good at a single aspect.

They only exist to solve specific specific types of task problems, and most of them are statistical data, from which models can be summarized.

This type of artificial intelligence, known as “weak artificial intelligence”, can only handle relatively single problems, and its level of development has not reached the level of simulating human brain thinking, so it is classified as a “tool”.

And “strong artificial intelligence” can be comparable to humans in all aspects, and it can do all the mental tasks that humans can do.

It can think, plan, solve problems, understand complex ideas, learn quickly, and learn from experience just as well as humans.

“Strong artificial intelligence” systems include learning, language, cognition, reasoning, creation and planning. The goal is to enable artificial intelligence to handle unprecedented details without supervised learning, and to conduct interactive learning with humans at the same time. .

In the stage of strong artificial intelligence, since machines are already comparable to humans and have the basic conditions for possessing “personality,” machines can think and make decisions independently like humans.

The Red Queen and Jarvis both belong to this stage.

When Ultron was designed, Tony and Reed’s idea was to create a “super artificial intelligence.”

At this unknown stage, artificial intelligence has crossed the “singularity”. Its computing and thinking capabilities far exceed those of the human brain, and it is no longer a creation that humans can understand and imagine.

“How to determine the location of Ultron? The only way to find a thin needle in the vast ocean is to use a magnet!”

Tony questions himself and tries to use the Red Queen to invade the Pentagon and S.H.I.E.L.D. to attract Ultron’s attention.

The huge data stream was constantly scrolling and refreshed. In about twenty minutes, Stark discovered traces of Ultron, even though this super artificial intelligence disguised itself in countless data packets.

“Playing this kind of trick with dad?”

Tony had a confident smile on his face. This trick of creating a fake IP address seemed a bit too low-level.

But within a few minutes, his smile gradually solidified. Just when the Red Queen searched for Ultron’s true location and tried to locate it, the other party quietly bypassed Umbrella’s external firewall.

In other words, Tony has already become the losing party in this game, and he hasn’t noticed it yet.

“Damn! I underestimated Ultron, he’s attacking Umbrella’s database…wait a minute!”

Tony’s eyes were filled with annoyance, and he ignored Wanda’s dangerous gaze and punched the console hard.

However, he soon discovered that the Red Queen, who had no power to fight back, had automatically formed a new defense force without anyone controlling it.

“You’ve pissed off those guys at the World Security Council this time, Tony.”

The door of the control center opened, a tall figure stepped in, and the joking voice echoed in the empty computer room.

“Next time you make such big news that destroys the world, I may go to the island prison to see you, smart Mr. Stark.”

Sean, who hadn’t been seen for a long time, came over and looked at Tony, who was looking embarrassed, with a smile escaping from the corner of his mouth.

He said hello to Wanda, who showed surprise on her face but pretended not to care, then placed his palm on the operating table and scanned his fingerprints.

“Start Skynet defense program.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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