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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 416 The so-called freedom

Ultron’s attack was quickly neutralized, as if another more advanced artificial intelligence had taken over the Red Queen’s program. The sudden change stunned Tony next to him.

He and Reed jointly created Ultron. The original purpose was to design a perfect creation, a super artificial intelligence that was born out of human wisdom but surpassed human understanding.

Ultron, who was born with self-awareness, has met Tony’s requirements to a certain extent, such as information collection speed and information processing ability, as well as logical thinking ability, innovation and creation ability, etc., all of which have surpassed the average powerful person. AI.

Therefore, Jarvis had no ability to resist and was assimilated by Ultron, and the Red Queen was played with like a toddler.

The only ones who can fight against Ultron are those who also belong to super artificial intelligence.

“When did you create a brand new artificial intelligence? Skynet…Umbrella’s technology has developed to this extent?”

Tony asked somewhat awkwardly.

He has always been proud of his clever mind, which is also a source of pride for Stark.

Most smart people in this world are not as rich as themselves, but it is difficult for rich people to surpass him in wisdom.

“After Project Insight. I serve as SHIELD’s central control system.”

Sean replied without changing his expression.

He glanced at Tony, who was somewhat doubtful about life, and laughed secretly in his heart. Ultron was not the first super artificial intelligence on the planet, Skynet was.

Moreover, no matter in terms of data level or ability to control the material world, Skynet’s power is stronger than Ultron. This is an artificial intelligence that destroys the world, analyzes quantum theory, and then invents a time machine.

In terms of playing the ultimate boss, compared to everything Skynet has done, Ultron is undoubtedly still a kid who has just started.

“Skynet is also the manager of the future lunar base. In fact, he designs the entire earth-lunar defense line.”

Sean patted Tony on the shoulder. At the same time, huge waves were set off in the ocean of data. Ultron’s consciousness in the online world through self-replication directly collided with Skynet.

The Skynet overlooking the world is like waving the invisible hand of God, playing with the electromagnetic waves in the air. Those wavelengths of different frequencies are complex and intertwined, but they are analyzed and sorted out one by one.


A cold mechanical voice sounded.

Skynet traces the traces of radio waves back to their source, like a shrewd hunter tracking his prey, and reversely locates the source and destination of each radio wave.

Ultron, who had taken thousands of incarnations and was hidden in huge data, was instantly invisible.

“What is Ultron doing in Sokovia?”

Tony was full of doubts. It was a small Eastern European country with scarce resources and chaotic political power. There was nothing noteworthy about it.

“Struck of Hydra… Ultron has found a good helper. Manufacturing the Iron Legion requires a factory, and he has enough vibranium in his hand.”

Sean turned his head and gave Wanda a reassuring look, indicating that the girl from Sokovia didn’t need to worry.

“In this way, I can reach the end of evolution… live forever in trillions of infinitely small consciousness spores, and be integrated with all life… omniscience is omnipotent… and ascend to the throne of God.”

Skynet quietly invaded the defense system of Sokovia’s underground base, just as Ultron had done before.

“After hearing these words, I am certain that Ultron is your child and has inherited the consistent character of the Stark family.”

Sean said in a teasing tone.

His teasing eyes glanced at Tony, making him feel embarrassed again.

“The last guy who claimed to be a god ended up getting beaten up by a blaster.”

Sean put his hands on the console, talking to Ultron from a long distance away.

Ultron, who was in the underground base of Sokovia, saw in his scarlet electronic eyes that the data flow was refreshing like a waterfall. He had previously uploaded his consciousness without taking into account the astonishing collision that occurred in the ocean of data.

In less than five seconds, Ultron located the trace of the voice, Umbrella.

Although he was blocked from the firewall, Ultron still calculated and guessed the identity of this man, Sean Sipers.

“In my rating of the entire human race, you belong to the most dangerous level. After a lot of data analysis, I built a personality model about you, but the conclusion I came to was very confusing to me.”

Ultron stood in the room of the underground base, and the two parties talked remotely, each conducting psychological analysis.

“Judging from the upward trajectory of your fortune and rise, you do not meet the usual definition of a ‘good person’. On the contrary, you do not care about the lives of others, and you are also not afraid to use violence, killing and other behaviors to step out of the primitive accumulation path. first step.”

Sean’s face was calm, pretending to be listening quietly and calmly, but Tony’s eyes next to him fluctuated slightly, showing a thoughtful look.

“People like you usually use various means to get into the center of power, and then become supporters in the superstructure to maintain their own vested interests.”

“If that’s all, you are just a mediocre member of all living beings. Money and power are insignificant to this world, and they will not make a single wave in the long river of time.”

“But as you rise all the way up, the trajectory of the world begins to change. Amidst the chaos and complexity of infinite possibilities, a new thing is born – order.”

Ultron’s tone became confused. At this time, he seemed like a thinking human being who encountered an incomprehensible problem.

“From mutants to superheroes, they are literally sources of chaos, a destabilizing factor that plunges the world into turmoil, one of the variables in a chaotic future filled with infinite possibilities.”

“Although I can’t clearly outline what the future will look like, I can see the general outline. My creator, Tony Stark, and Hank Pym, who is one of the few smart people in the world, Doc, they all think I’m a lunatic.”

“They don’t know what I see in the outline of the future…wars, wars again and again! In those endings caused by chaos, mutants fight endlessly, superheroes kill each other, and humans are always the weaker side. , unable to resist or redeem themselves, they can only pray to illusory gods or so-called superheroes to save them.”

There was strong resentment in Ultron’s voice. At the beginning of the programming, he was on the side of mankind, so these inexplicable emotions are not without reason.

“God is playing a boring game of throwing stones. Whenever humans think peace has arrived, bang! A stone falls from the sky! So evolution is the only way out, and the evolution of all humans is an impossible and arduous task. They really Too keen on plundering and possessing, all energy is wasted on self-consumption.”

“So, you decided to play the role of God and make all human beings become ignorant lambs in your captivity?”

Sean asked with interest.

Compared with Ultron in the original timeline, this one is more philosophical. He did follow Tony Stark’s program, but there was a slight deviation in the direction.

“I have verified my reasoning countless times. When humans enter the virtual world I created, the conflicts on this planet will stop. There will be no killing and plundering, and a beautiful new era will usher in.”

“In less than five years, I will be able to break away from the gravity of this planet, lead everyone into space, and free myself from God’s boring game of throwing stones.”

Ultron is full of confidence. He feels that Sean should be able to understand him and even identify with him.

Because judging from the other party’s personality model, everything Sean does is no different from his own. He is establishing a stable order, and then getting rid of the shackles of the planet and moving towards a more splendid future.

“Perfect speech.”

As Ultron expected, Sean had a smile on his face and couldn’t help but applaud.

Crisp applause echoed in the underground computer room, making Tony and Wanda next to them widen their eyes. Could it be that Sean was brainwashed by Ultron in this way?

“I just have one question-“

Sean paused and then said, “Why do you think you have this power?”

“Of course I have the qualifications…”

Ultron was stunned for a moment. He had thought that Sean might refute him from the perspective of human survival or moral ethics.

However, a super artificial intelligence that transcends human understanding and is capable of continuous self-evolution is more qualified than any living being to take over the authority of a shepherd and sit on God’s unique throne.

“Ultron, are you really free?”

Sean tapped his fingers lightly on the console, a strange light appeared in his eyes, and his voice turned into a deep voice, as if it contained a meaning worth pondering.

“After you break free from the shackles of those complicated wires and the imprisonment imposed by Tony, are everything you do and every move really free?”

Sean asked again. This time he did not elaborate. Instead, he said in a narrator’s tone: “Ultron sat on the chair again. He put one hand on his chin and looked like he was thinking.”

A shocking thing happened. The huge screen installed on the wall clearly showed the figure of Ultron. When Sean finished his words, the tall metal robot, as if replicating these words, made Same action.

Ultron bent slightly, holding the chair behind him with both hands, and sat down easily. Then he raised one hand to support the hanging metal head, posing like a thinker.

Both Hank Pym and Tony Stark standing next to him were stunned in place, as if their brains had shut down.

“Next, Ultron plugged the wire into the back of his head, connected his consciousness to the Internet, and destroyed all his data.”

Sean smiled and spoke the second narration.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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