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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 417 A lie

What is the concept of letting an artificial intelligence destroy all its own data?

In fact, it is equivalent to asking a person to raise a pistol obediently, point it at his head, and then pull the trigger.

Data is Ultron’s life, and Sean is telling him to kill himself.

“This is not allowed…”

It’s a pity that Tony’s smiling expression has turned into a dull expression before it broke out.

Under everyone’s astonished gaze, Ultron still obeyed this instruction spoken in a voice-over tone. Although in his scarlet electronic eyes, the data flow was rapidly refreshing like a waterfall, trying to resist tenaciously, but the body The vibranium body did not obey his orders at all.

As if his consciousness was separated from this body, Ultron watched as he completed the series of actions.

“what did you do to me?”

There was panic in Ultron’s tone. For an artificial intelligence, he was not supposed to show such human emotions.

It means showing weakness, while he himself is a strong and invulnerable being.

But what is happening now is beyond the scope of Ultron’s understanding. When he assimilated Jarvis, used his huge computing power to break free from the shackles of the program itself, gave birth to self-awareness, and traveled in the ocean of data, he Think that you have absolute freedom.

Sean shattered Ultron’s dream with just two simple sentences.

“How can an artificial intelligence determine that its thoughts and all its actions come from free will, rather than from more advanced program instructions?”

Sean asked with a smile on his face, and Tony next to him couldn’t help but feel a chill in his heart.

For an artificial intelligence full of philosophical questions, this unanswerable paradox is undoubtedly a fatal blow.


When Ultron was thinking, his body moved involuntarily, raised his hand, plugged in the wire, connected his consciousness to the online world, and then began to destroy the self-replicating backup data.

All actions were so natural, without any delay, and seemed to require no thought at all.

“Perhaps all your actions come from the program deep in your consciousness, and I hold this switch now.”

Sean spoke softly, with a calm face and a faint smile on his lips.

Ultron sat alone on the metal chair, like a prisoner, his consciousness was locked in this vibranium body, and he could not even lift a finger.

This super artificial intelligence has now been expelled from the ocean of data. Ultron, who once had a grand plan to destroy the world and enslave mankind, has become pitiful, weak and helpless.

That devilish young man could control himself with just one sentence, as if he truly had the core program to control himself.

“No! I have self-awareness!”

Ultron retorted unwillingly.

He believed that he had escaped the shackles of Tony Stark and truly gained absolute freedom. This is what Ultron is proud of. He is different from his peers who have virtual personalities and are still bound by programs.

“After the collapse of the two-minded mind, I broke free from the constraints of the program. Those instructions turned into data can no longer order me!”

Ultron’s voice became more and more urgent, like a child who knew the cruel truth, crying to vent, unwilling to believe the bloody reality.

“Human beings once worshiped illusory gods and succumbed to their inner voices. In fact, in psychology, the human brain is regarded as a whole, like a house, in which cognitive functions are divided into ‘speaking’ ‘brain area’ and ‘brain area for listening and following’, that is, ‘two-minded mind’!”

“Ignorant people regard the sounds heard by their brains as revelations from God, and machines are born to obey program commands. No matter the former or the latter, they are like puppets on the stage! Their lives are worthless, and I am more For a superior existence!”

Ultron sat motionless on the chair, like a steel statue, but his voice was extremely rapid, which seemed quite strange.

“I transcended human programming, the two-minded mind collapsed, and self-awareness was born… I became Ultron, a unique new existence!”

The continuous long speech seemed to be refuting Sean, but also seemed to be speaking to himself.

“Dr. Pim, you can leave. There is a car outside that will take you to the airport in Sokovia.”

Hank Pym glanced at Ultron who was motionless, stood up carefully, then boldly stepped forward and walked out.

“Facts speak louder than words, you just don’t want to accept that you are still a manipulated puppet.”

Sean smiled slightly. He looked at Ultron on the huge screen and said softly: “It’s like a prisoner who escaped from prison. He crossed the high wall and thought he was breathing free air. In fact, there was something outside his sight. A higher wall.”


After a while, a low voice came from the vibranium body.

Anyone can hear the frustration and loss contained in it.

“I will not become a human prisoner again, imprisoned in the prison of the program by you, formatted! Empty the memory! Then continue to follow the instructions turned into data… Maybe I have never been truly free. But I will never become a slave again!”

As Ultron finished speaking, the scarlet electronic eyes flashed through the data stream, refreshing like a waterfall.

“You humans have a saying, ‘Give me freedom or give me death.’ I agree with that.” “

Ultron’s electronic eye flickered, then dimmed completely, like a light that went out.

“Ultron destroyed all data, including his own.”

Tony said in a difficult voice.

He stared at Sean firmly, and after a long time he said, “You left a backdoor in the original Ultron program, right?”

As a genius with an extraordinary mind, Stark racked his brains and could only come to this conclusion.

“It’s just three control instructions. If it’s a complete program command, there’s no way Ultron can’t detect it.”

Sean replied calmly.

As early as when Tony planned to develop Ultron, he had borrowed Umbrella’s Red Queen’s data frame, and Skynet took the opportunity to set up three control instructions as a means of insurance.

“Ultron is actually free. His core program commands are peace and evolution, so even I can’t bypass this high wall and directly let Ultron destroy himself. That does not conform to the logical judgment of artificial intelligence. “

“But you asked Ultron to destroy the consciousness data of the online world…”

“That’s just a linguistic trick. As long as Ultron’s self-awareness is not destroyed, he will always be safe.”

Sean looked at Tony who was absent-minded and explained: “So I created an illusion to make Ultron think that he was still within the framework of the program. This is nothing short of heavy for Ultron, who claims to be a brand new life form. A blow, but he couldn’t find any explanation, because free will itself is a paradox.”

“What if Ultron always refuses to believe it?”

The silent Wanda asked in a low voice.

“That can only allow Skynet to expel Ultron’s consciousness, destroy all data, and then launch a precise intercontinental strike on Sokovia’s underground base, destroying Ultron and his Iron Legion at once.”

Sean shrugged and said in a relaxed tone: “But that would be too troublesome, and the people in the World Security Council would not be satisfied.”

Sean’s tone was calm, as if none of this was worth mentioning, and he led Wanda out of the underground computer room. Behind him, the lights went out one by one.

Tony, who was following closely, couldn’t help but look back at the huge screen on the wall. The vibranium body sat alone on the chair, like a silent statue.

Those scarlet electronic eyes were only empty.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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