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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 418 Pym Particles

“You have stayed in Asgard for so long. Could it be that His Majesty the King wants to promote the close relationship between the two civilized worlds by marrying you?”

After boarding the elevator, Tony abandoned the inexplicable sadness in his heart, resumed his usual cynical and playful style, and began to guess the reason why Sean went to Asgard.

He blinked at Sean. In his capacity as Sean, he managed one of the largest scientific research institutions on the planet. He also served as the top advisor of SHIELD and could influence the decision-making judgment of the World Security Council at any time.

If Odin is really serious about deepening the cooperative relationship between Asgard and the earth, it is not surprising to ask for marriage. After all, it is a civilized country similar to the medieval period, and maybe it still retains this royal habit.

“Although I am very moved, the King of Asgard does not have a suitable daughter.”

Sean was noncommittal. Her Royal Highness, the eldest princess of Asgard, did not have a good temper. She was unruly and ambitious. Even Odin, who was in his heyday a thousand years ago, could not subdue her. In the end, Hela had to be imprisoned in the underworld of Helm.

“That’s such a pity. I thought you could have an affair in Asgard. Anyway, there is no reproductive isolation between the two civilizations…”

“If you have the idea of ​​in-depth communication with Asgardian beauties, let Thor introduce it to you another day.”

Seeing Tony taking the topic further and further, Sean coughed twice and interrupted him.

Although the two civilized worlds have begun to establish exchanges, the earth’s understanding of Asgard is only limited to Nordic mythology and some written materials, which is like seeing flowers in the fog and is not clear.

Although the World Security Council has long ago had the idea of ​​sending a diplomatic team to Asgard for on-the-spot investigation, the trip has not been possible due to various reasons.

On the one hand, both sides still maintain the necessary vigilance. Although the two civilized worlds cooperate with each other and seem to be united with each other, in fact they are both wary; on the other hand, the attitudes of various countries towards how to treat Asgard. Have different opinions.

So in Tony’s opinion, Sean, as the first earthling to set foot on Asgard, might be able to say something like Armstrong in the future, “That’s one small step for a man, one step for mankind.” The classic saying “Big Step” has been engraved in the vast history.

“What is Thor’s hometown like? From his description, it’s like a paradise-like medieval country. If I can hold up his hammer, I can exercise the right of first night again like the previous lord… “

Tony’s eyes were full of curiosity. After SHIELD formulated the nine-star strategic defense plan, he once joked that when humans broke away from the warm embrace of the earth and headed towards the stars and sea, he would definitely put down Stark Industries. Everything, become an interstellar ranger, or a space pirate, and experience the adventurous and exciting life.

Just like Han Solo, he might also meet the princess of a certain civilized empire and have a romantic encounter. Of course, this sentence was revealed by him during a private gathering with Sean.

“If you go to Asgard, you will know that descriptions in language are ultimately pale.”

Shawn replied with a smile.

He actually didn’t stay in Asgard for long, but there were some slight differences in the flow of time between the two civilized worlds.

He just talked to Odin about Loki, Hela, Thor, and the upcoming terrible prophecies, and then stayed in the library of Asgard for a while.

“I had a deep conversation with Thor’s father about the famous Norse mythology, Ragnarok.”

Sean’s eyes flashed. Odin was very worried that the prophecy of Ragnarok would come true. The three goddesses of destiny gave vague warnings, which roughly stated that Asgard would turn into a sea of ​​fire and be burned by fire.

Atropos, Crotho and Lachesis, these three are named “destiny”. They are the gods who spin the thread of life. They have predicted the arrival of Ragnarok a long time ago. .

Odin said frankly that that would be the end of Asgard. The stars would fall from the sky and time would cease to exist. Asgard had become a sea of ​​fire. Pillars of fire penetrated the entire world. Thick smoke covered the top of the mountain, supporting the vast land of the world. Trees were also engulfed in flames and collapsed.

“I thought it was just a story…but the Norse mythology is based on Asgard, so Twilight of the Gods may be a fact, and it seems to make sense.”

Tony’s head shook, and he quickly accepted that there were settings of myths and prophecies in this universe.

For him, this is nothing more than using scientific methods and means, including reasoning, judgment and establishing corresponding technical models, based on various relevant information, intelligence and data inside and outside the system to be predicted, after knowing the correct direction. , predict the possible trends and changes in the development of the object, thereby obtaining future information.

The “chaos” algorithm owned by Ultron can also achieve this level.

“Thor is prepared to prevent this prophecy from happening, but generally speaking, the endings of prophecies that are inexplicable are often full of fatalism.”

A smile appeared on Sean’s lips. Odin had long known that Thor was heading to Muspelheim, the legendary Land of Fire, a scorching place guarded by the fire giant Sutert.

However, the King of Asgard obviously does not think that doing so can prevent the arrival of Ragnarok.

“Then what are you going to do?”

Tony stepped out of the elevator and couldn’t help but ask before leaving.

Now that the Ultron crisis has been successfully resolved, he has to rush back to appease Pepper’s anger. Although the seaside villa that was blown into ruins was insured and the expensive budget for renovation was nothing in Stark’s eyes.

However, it takes considerable energy and time to design a satisfactory interior style, select artworks with appreciation potential and good taste, and reorganize workers.

“I haven’t thought about it for the moment. After all, SHIELD doesn’t have that much power to interfere in the internal disputes of the cosmic civilization. And even if what Odin said is true, then this is actually their family’s private matter… Could it be that he is entrusted with it? I was abused domestically, can the World Security Council still approve me to lead the army there?”

Sean shrugged, with a relaxed smile on his face, and replied in a teasing tone.

“Remember that you have a hearing next week. Think of a reason to explain the trouble Ultron has caused.”

Seeing Tony turning around to leave, Sean did not forget to remind him.

This time, Stark could not get through it as easily as he had dealt with the Department of Defense before. The people in the World Security Council were very angry at his behavior.

Especially thinking about the huge harm that Ultron is likely to cause, it makes these big men who stand at the top of the power pyramid even more frightened.

If it weren’t for the fact that Tony was one of the first superheroes to sign the registration bill, and his status and reputation were quite outstanding, and he was worried about causing a bigger disturbance, SHIELD might have already received an arrest order.

“Okay, there’s no need to smile so happily when you see Stark being unlucky.”

Sean stretched out his fingers and lightly flicked Wanda’s smooth forehead.

He turned around and saw the female secretary with a stern face, her eyes curved into crescent moons, and an expression of joy that could not be concealed.

This ambiguous move that was close to flirting scared Wanda and quickly glanced around her, then wrinkled her nose and said dissatisfied: “Mr. Sipers, you have to respect yourself… Oops!”

“Don’t talk to your boss in such a formulaic tone. I don’t like it.”

Sean looked at Wanda, who was covering her forehead and feeling aggrieved, and corrected her seriously.

“By the way, let Raven prepare the information about Klaus Technology Company. I happen to be a little interested in Hank Pym’s lifelong efforts.”

After chatting for a while, Sean turned the topic back to work.

At the level of microscopic fields and quantum technology, Umbrella’s accumulated foundation is quite weak, and Pym particles can fill in some of the gaps.

And maybe, Sean can meet a heroine from the last century.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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