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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 419 Cosmic Spirit Ball

A huge spaceship with a spiral shape stretched across the silent void, exuding a silent intimidation.

This is the powerful warship of the Kree Empire, the Dark Star, and the flagship of Ronan the Accuser.

Two faint lights approached the Dark Star at a fast speed. After confirmation by the bridge’s intelligent system, the two small spacecraft entered the interior.

“Your Majesty the Archon, two women claiming to be envoys of Thanos came to visit.”

A soft female voice echoed in the empty hall. The naked Ronan sat up from the dark pool. The water on his blue skin evaporated, and his strong and powerful muscles were like steel, revealing a strong aura.

He is one of the Supreme Accusers of the Kree Empire, a famous warlord in the universe. He once committed the bloody crime of massacring tens of thousands of prisoners in one fell swoop during the landing battle between the Kree Empire and the planet Xandar. He is still remembered today. It makes the Xandarians fearful.

Moreover, this guy who commanded a space fleet was also a fanatic who longed for war. During the Kree Empire’s conquest of colonial planets, he often caused large-scale massacres with ruthless methods and a disregard for life.

“Thanos…I heard that he suffered a rare and tragic defeat on a remote planet in the galaxy.”

Ronan, served by his servant, put on his black armor and prepared to meet the two envoys.

Although there are rumors that the Dark Order under Thanos and the Chitauri army were defeated when they invaded a backward planet called “Earth”, and the overlord of the universe himself was seriously injured. He is in a near-death state and is currently recuperating.

However, even if rumors spread, as long as Thanos survives, who would dare to easily disobey the overlord of the universe?

Those civilized planets that wiped out half of all life are bloody lessons.

Even Ronan, who has always been unruly and proud, does not want to be an enemy of Thanos.

You must know that there are several powerful forces in the vast universe, the Nova Legion of the Xandar planet, the supreme wisdom of the Kree Empire, and the golden fleet of the Shi’ar Empire. They all avoid the Dark Order and hold their noses in connivance with the overlord of the universe. Killing wantonly and not daring to say a word.

This shows that Thanos has such a vicious reputation that wherever he goes, there are mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

“Why did Thanos’s men come to me?”

Ronan was a little confused, and his cold face relaxed slightly.

Putting on the black armor and holding the long-handled war hammer, the Kree Empire consul, who had a sense of oppression all over his body, strode out of the palace.

The two women stood quietly behind the bridge. Ronan knew them, both were Thanos’ adopted daughters.

The green-skinned woman with a strong figure is called Gamora, a well-known killer in the universe. The one behind is Nebula, a life form with half of its body mechanically modified, and an interstellar pirate listed on the wanted list by the Nova Corps.

Neither of them are easy to mess with. If someone despises them because of their gender, they will surely suffer the consequences.

“Thanos wants to get something called the ‘Cosmic Spirit Ball’?”

Ronan sat high in his seat, listening to Gamora’s request for cooperation.

“He should go to a collector. It is known that Tanya Tiwan has a hobby of collecting antiquities, especially things unearthed from the ruins of ancient civilizations.”

The governor of the Kree Empire sneered.

Although he was in awe of Thanos’ tyrannical power, he did not want to become a lackey of the overlord of the universe.

Sending two people here just to order the governor of the Kree Empire to run around would be looking down on oneself too much.

“The great Titan Thanos will naturally reciprocate. This is a fair transaction.”

Gamora stepped forward and said calmly: “As a reward for getting the cosmic spirit ball, the Dark Order can destroy the planet Xandar for the Archon.”

Ronan, who was originally indifferent, suddenly changed his eyes, revealing a sharp light.

He stood up from the black throne, looked directly at Gamora, and said in a cold voice: “Is this Thanos’ promise?”

The planet Xandar is the headquarters of the Nova Corps. It is rich in resources, has advanced technology, and is one of the advanced civilizations in the universe.

But similarly, the Xandarians and the Kree Empire have a generational blood feud that is difficult to resolve, and have been engaged in interstellar wars that have lasted for thousands of years.

The initial trigger was only dozens of resource planets, but later, as both sides invested more troops, fleets set off from their home planets and launched fierce battles in the vast space.

The two civilized worlds that discovered each other were like hunters in a dark forest, raising their shotguns to kill their enemies.

“As far as I know, the Nova Supreme of the Xandar planet has reached a peace agreement with the Queen of the Kree Empire, and has received permission from the Supreme Intelligence.”

Gamora faced Ronan’s stern gaze calmly. She knew that the Kree Empire had developed the life computer “Supreme Intelligence” a long time ago and used it as the top manager of the entire country.

The Kree only act as assistants to the Supreme Intelligence. Any decision made by the entire Supreme Accuser team, including the Queen, needs the permission of the Supreme Intelligence, otherwise it will be regarded as treason.

“This is a disgrace to the Kree!”

Ronan said coldly.

The Kree Empire believes in nationalism. They believe that the Xandarians are inferior beings, germs that need to be exterminated, and the biggest obstacle on the road to conquest.

But now, the Kree Empire wants to reach a peace agreement with the Xandar planet and never violate each other. In Ronan’s eyes, this is undoubtedly a naked betrayal!

When the Kree Queen announced this resolution, many riots broke out within the Kree Empire, and various warlords expressed their protest.

“Generations of my ancestors have sacrificed and shed blood for the war that lasted for thousands of years… My family has been proud of annihilating the Xandar people for generations!”

Anger burst out from Ronan’s eyes. He clenched the long-handled warhammer in his hand and shouted sternly: “The blood feud is now going to be wiped out? This is the behavior of a coward!”

Gamora lowered her head just in time to avoid Ronan’s angry gaze. Who knew whether the governor of the Kree Empire would anger her.

Long before she came here, she and Nebula had heard that Ronan led a fleet to raid the outposts of Xandar in an attempt to sabotage the signing of the peace agreement.

“I will get the cosmic spirit ball for Thanos. I hope he will fulfill his promise and destroy the planet Xandar!”

Ronan thought for a moment and agreed to the cooperation.

With the strength of the Dark Order, it indeed has the confidence to destroy the planet Xandar.

Although the Nova Corps is stationed there, thanks to Thanos’s tyrannical power, no one can stop the overlord of the universe unless he encounters ancient life in the universe.

After Gamora and Nebula left, Ronan leaned on the black throne and said after a while: “Earth.”

He recalled the wild rumors that Thanos had suffered a setback on this planet and nearly died.

“I remember that Mai-Vell went to that place. A long time ago, he participated in a plan of the Supreme Intelligence.”

Ronan frowned and recalled that there was a conflict between the Kree Empire and the Skrulls at that time. Mai-Vell was the lieutenant of a fleet and followed the Skrulls to a backward planet.

It is said that a woman from Earth was later brought back, causing quite a stir.

“It’s just an old thing.”

The governor of the Kree Empire abandoned his thoughts. He did not believe that Thanos would suffer an unprecedented failure among the backward civilizations in the galaxy.

In that area, the only thing Ronan remembered was a powerful civilization called Asgard.

However, as time has passed, Asgard has long been lonely and declining, and it is no longer as prosperous and glorious as before.

“Kolat, you lead a team to search for the cosmic spirit ball.”

Ronan called out a confidant. His lifelong wish was to see the planet Xandar collapse and perish.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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