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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 42 Wearing the jersey again

When the bloody Punisher broke open the window of his house and came in, Matt, who was sitting on the sofa, couldn’t help but sigh. Why did he always have to climb through the window when he said he would go through the front door…

“Can you not…”

Matt, who smelled the pungent smell of blood, couldn’t help but change his face. He swallowed the teasing words he wanted to say. He quickly moved the panting Punisher to the sofa, and then dug out a hemostatic bandage from home. and portable medical kits for sterilizing iodine.

In the past, Matt would wear the Red Devil’s jersey and patrol around Hell’s Kitchen every night, looking for traces of criminal gangsters and street thugs. At that time, injuries were a common occurrence for him.

Although his eyes are invisible, Matt has a more developed super sense than ordinary people. The Punisher’s body is almost covered with stab wounds. The long and narrow wounds are crisscrossed, and the blood is soaked in the black skull T-shirt. When will Hell’s Kitchen appear again? A master of using cold weapons?

With doubts in his heart, Matt treated the wounds of the nearly comatose Punisher and performed a simple bandage. He had already decided to give up his identity as Daredevil and say goodbye to his previous life, but he and the Punisher were once on the same side. Partners on the same front, they also hate crime and hope to use their own power to change Hell’s Kitchen, but the Punisher is angry because of the loss of his family, while he is motivated by his inner sense of justice.


I don’t know how long it took, the Punisher opened his eyes, and his consciousness gradually woke up from his drowsiness. He had at least a dozen wounds all over his body, and he had lost a lot of blood. If he hadn’t relied on his strong physique to hold on, he would have been sent to the hospital long ago. The morgue.

“I don’t want to know those things about the criminal group, Frank. It’s hard for me to live a peaceful life and forget the identity of Daredevil… The reason why I took you in and helped you treat your wounds instead of sending you directly to Police station or hospital, just because we were friends once, so don’t involve me in those sinful whirlpools again!”

Matt sat in the dark, as if he knew what the Punisher was going to say. He didn’t want to be sucked into those huge vortexes of filth and sin. Hell’s Kitchen had always been like this. He once felt that Kingpin was the culprit of all this. , but the underworld emperor fell, but the criminal activities did not decrease, but became more intense. The gangs fought like wild dogs to compete for territory.

“Matt, the anger in your heart has really disappeared?!” The Punisher, who was lying on the sofa, struggled to get up, and his eyes that were always full of anger looked directly at the figure in the darkness.

“Your father is called the ‘Fire Boxer’ Jack Murdoch. In order to make a living, he had to fight boxing matches for gang leaders. This kind of secretly manipulated matches sometimes required your father to fight fake matches to help the gangs gain greater profits. . That time you wanted to watch your father’s game, so he ignored the gang’s orders and won the game, but the result…”

“Shut up! Frank!” Matt yelled with suppressed anger.

“…and he was killed by a gangster and died in an alley! The law you believe in did not bring the murderer to justice, because the bastard bribed the police, threatened the jury, and even if the evidence was conclusive, he could still After killing someone, continue to get away with it!”

“When the law fails to seek justice for people, we take matters into our own hands. Isn’t that why you turned into Daredevil? Why are you backing down like a coward now?!”

Not to be outdone, the Punisher responded, his deep and hoarse voice containing endless pain and anger. He hated those criminals and wished to send them all to hell!

“I’m different from you…” Matt muttered as if he suddenly lost his strength.

He once tried to use his ability to maintain justice, so he lost his lover, Erica was killed by the Hand; his friend Fergie left the law firm and drifted away from him; Karen, who was by his side, also Choose to leave. Putting on the mask of Daredevil meant shouldering heavy responsibilities and costs. Matt felt tired and could no longer go on.

“Erica is still alive.” Looking at the decadent Matt, the Punisher told the news. “She hangs out with the Hand and obeys the orders of a woman. And she is stronger than before. Even I am no match for her!”

“The Hand’s letter stabbed Erica with a knife, and she fell into my arms. I buried her with the stickman… But now you are telling me that Erica is still alive, and you are planning to kill her. Will the hands stay together?”

There was a trace of anger in Matt’s voice. Watching his lover die in his arms with his own eyes was an eternal pain in his heart: “Frank, although we are friends, don’t make fun of Erica!”

“You think I’m lying to you? All the wounds on my body were caused by your dear Erica with a Japanese samurai sword. She is no longer the person you remember, Matt, as the Hand call them. She is the ‘Black Sky’, and her body has been taken over by another existence, turning her into a cold-blooded and ruthless killing machine!”

The Punisher stood up unsteadily, took out a bottle of beer from the refrigerator, and poured the cold liquid into his throat, making the strong man covered with bandages calm down a little.

“Matt, the Hand is planning a huge conspiracy. There is a big hole under their new position, Midtown Circle Financial Company. The earthquake in Hell’s Kitchen was caused by those from the Hand. If they continue to let them go, I don’t know what terrible consequences it will lead to, a war is coming, and we have to fight for Hell’s Kitchen!”

The Punisher told Matt everything he knew. He hoped that his old friend could put on the Red Devil’s suit again, become Daredevil again, and work with him to stop the Hand’s conspiracy.

“Put on that mask and join me in saving Hell’s Kitchen and saving your Erica!”

Matt remained silent. He closed his empty eyes, and many memories that had been deliberately forgotten came to his mind like a tide. He grew up in an orphanage, was taught by a blind stickman, was admitted to Columbia University, and determined to become a A good lawyer…

Those scenes flashed by like a fleeting glimpse. After graduation, Matt understood that the law may be fair and selfless, but its enforcers may not be so. There is too much injustice and darkness in the world, and a blind lawyer alone cannot fight against those. Capitalists who can afford a whole team of lawyers cannot punish gang leaders who collude with the police.

So he put on a mask, used his extraordinary super senses and the martial arts skills he learned from the stickman to transform into the red devil of Hell’s Kitchen, specifically looking for trouble for those gangsters.

“Frank, maybe you are right – if you want to achieve peace, you must prepare to fight.” Matt stood up from the darkness. He opened the partition in the living room, where there were red battle uniforms and belts. A mask with devil horns.

Matt, who put on the Daredevil suit again, turned to the Punisher and said, “Do we have any other teammates? Just two people can’t deal with the Hand.”

The Punisher, who was covered in white bandages, laughed, his hoarse voice sounding like metal friction: “Of course, you are not the only hero of Hell’s Kitchen.”

ps: I’m stuck and have a headache~

Thank you all readers for your collection and recommendation votes, Crab|( ̄3 ̄)|


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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