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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 420 Departure

On the top floor of Stark Tower, Tony was lazily leaning on the sofa, sipping a glass of whiskey on the rocks. He had just finished a hearing, with a depressed look on his face.

“After all, I am also a superhero, the chief scientific advisor of SHIELD, and the boss of a new energy company, but those people didn’t even give me any face.”

Tony complained like a bitch to Sean who was sitting at the bar.

“If they really didn’t give you any face, you would have been forcibly arrested by Bronski’s special service team and thrown into an isolated island prison.”

Sean shook his wine glass and replied in a relaxed tone.

This time, the Ultron program developed by Tony caused quite a stir. Although the leakage of the information was completely blocked immediately, SHIELD is under the jurisdiction of the World Security Council after all, so such a thing is impossible. If you know something, don’t report it and keep it hidden.

In fact, after Tony found Zemo, the colonel from Sokovia reported it directly to the World Security Council, and promptly formulated a set of emergency warning plans to prevent the incident from deteriorating and causing irreversible consequences. A huge crisis.

“You should thank Ultron for not focusing on hijacking the president and getting the nuclear bomb codes. Otherwise, by the time I return to New York, World War III might have already started.”

Sean looked at the angry Tony and said teasingly.

Although the Insight Project launched by S.H.I.E.L.D. has Skynet as the last line of insurance, Ultron is determined to cause trouble, and I am afraid it will indeed cause chaos in the world.

Just creating a financial tsunami on Wall Street, or invading the military systems of various countries, can make Tony exhausted and SHIELD is helpless.

“Do you know how much energy and resources I invested in the Ultron program?”

Tony raised his head and drank the amber liquid in the glass.

He is just dissatisfied with the tyrannical attitude of the World Security Council and has no room for concession. Not only does he have to compensate for the loss of the US military base, but Stark Industries must be under the long-term control of SHIELD.

“If you do something wrong, you have to admit it, Tony. I can’t plead for you in this kind of thing.”

Sean was sipping his drink. He knew that the World Security Council wanted to take the opportunity to give Stark a slap in the face and make him restrain his willful attitude.

Even though he uses SHIELD as a springboard and has a certain say in the World Security Council, there is no need to stand up for Tony on this matter.

“You took Dr. Pym away? That is not an easy person to get along with. I just learned that Howard once worked with Hank Pym, and the two of them broke up on bad terms.”

Tony complained for a while, and suddenly seemed to remember something, and talked about the first generation Ant-Man.

Hank Pym was a genius of the last century. He discovered Pym particles at a young age and developed a special suit. He was later recruited to S.H.I.E.L.D. and became the legendary Ant-Man agent.

Speaking of which, the main reason why Ultron was born with self-awareness and broke away from Tony Stark’s programming was due to Hank Pym.

“I am somewhat interested in quantum tunneling technology, and Umbrella’s accumulation in the microscopic field is relatively weak.”

Shawn replied softly.

He knew that Hank Pym wanted to rescue his wife Janet, the original Wasp, who had been shrunk to a subatomic state and lost in the quantum realm.

Therefore, Hank took his daughter Hope and immersed himself in the development and research of quantum tunnel technology. Although the other party had an eccentric personality, his genius mind was enough to make Sean ignore it all.

“Dr. Pym is an arrogant person. How could he cooperate with you?”

Tony was a little surprised. Based on the information he learned, Hank Pym was very difficult to deal with.

The reason why Darren Krause was able to successfully drive the founder of Pym Industries out of the board of directors was mainly because Hank Pym’s daughter planned the farce.

Being betrayed and hurt by the two closest people around him one after another, Hank Pym was disheartened. After that, he lived a semi-reclusive life and no longer interfered with any affairs of Pym Industries.

“Dr. Pym had fallen out with two of his partners, a student he trusted betrayed him, and his beloved daughter hated him… As you can imagine, this is definitely a guy who is even more difficult to get close to than me.”

Sean laughed at Tony’s self-deprecation, put down the wine glass in his hand, and nodded in agreement.

“I acquired Kraus Technologies, formerly known as Pym Industries.”

Sean spoke the answer slowly and unhurriedly, as if it was just a trivial matter.

Tony frowned slightly. Claus Technology Company is a large enterprise with multiple core technologies and spans several fields. It has considerable potential in terms of development prospects and operations.

Even if it is a hostile takeover, given Umbrella’s huge size, it will take a period of savings and preparation.

“Mr. Darren Krause is suspected of stealing other people’s technological achievements and attempted murder – Mr. Scott Long, an enthusiastic citizen, can testify that he illegally broke into Hank Pym’s mansion and was armed with a murder weapon. .”

Sean shrugged and said innocently: “The New York Police Department arrested Darren Krause two days ago. His company’s stock price plummeted. Umbrella just took advantage of the situation. This is not a hostile takeover.”

Tony was stunned for a moment and was speechless. Obadiah Stane had used this method many times when he was in power. Stark Industries was originally backed by the Ministry of Defense, and its path to fortune could not be said to be glorious.

If it only took one genius brain to create the largest military-industrial empire in the United States, then Reed Richards would not have wasted so long, and Victor Doom would not have lost everything because of one failure. Difficult to turn over.

As long as you pay, you will be rewarded. This is the biggest lie in the world.

“I hired Hank Pym back to Krause Technologies, and he readily agreed.”

Sean was smiling and his eyes were deep.

The fact is that if Hank Pym refuses his request, he will be sent to an isolated island prison, lose his personal freedom, and face life imprisonment.

The World Security Council is extremely dissatisfied with the Ultron crisis caused by Tony Stark, but it is not easy to attack directly due to the identity and status of the other party.

At this time, it is necessary to choose a scapegoat to bear the anger of all parties.

Hank Pym is undoubtedly the best choice.

A has-been scientist who has no power behind him and cannot involve any party is the most suitable person to play this role.

Sean just made the stakes clear, and Dr. Pym, who was said to be difficult to get along with, made the decision easily.

“You are sometimes more annoying than those politicians.”

Tony said half-jokingly, putting his legs on the table with a cynical look.

“This is the law of survival, you and I both know it.”

Sean was noncommittal. He put down his glass and prepared to leave.

“I’m about to embark on a new journey. I hope that when I come back, you won’t cause any big headaches again.”

Sean held his head high and his body upright, and before Tony could ask where he was going, his back disappeared out the door.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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