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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 421 Single Dog Quicksilver

Upper East Side, Manhattan.

The community west of Lexington Avenue is dotted with duplex villas. This area is the most expensive and popular residential area in New York. It is known as the “Gold Coast”. It is a truly wealthy area and has always been popular with wealthy people. of love.

Many people say that even the air here is filled with the flavor of Franklin and the conservative values ​​of upper class society.

As the orange sunset sank into the horizon, Sean stepped out of the black car, took a bottle of high-end red wine from Canon Cavely Winery, and knocked on the door of Maximov’s house.

Almost as soon as the doorbell rang, a silver figure opened the door. Pietro was wearing a pair of special headphones and humming Jimmy Cross’s “Time in a Bottle”, suddenly arriving like a ghost.

Sean lowered his head and glanced at the carpet at the door. There was a scorch mark on it. Pietro must have often used this method to greet visiting neighbors.

“Wow, Sean, what a surprise! My sister will be so happy to know.”

Pietro was very familiar with it. He put his arms around Sean’s neck, took the bottle of high-end red wine tied with a knot, and shouted upstairs: “Wanda, the bastard you always talk about is here.”

The corner of Sean’s mouth twitched, and he saw Wanda, who was wearing casual home clothes, running down in a hurry, pulling on a pair of fluffy slippers, her long hair tied behind her head, her delicate little face facing the sky, compared to Compared with the usual formal attire in Umbrella, it looks more lifelike.

“Aren’t you tired of playing this kind of trick every time…ah!”

Wanda, who ran down to teach her brother a lesson, immediately froze on the stairs when she saw the young man standing next to Pietro.

Then, she screamed and ran back to the room upstairs like a frightened deer.

Sean looked at the brother and sister quite speechlessly, but the figure of a certain little loli flashed in his mind.

Occasionally when he returned home, he was not used to hearing Mindy’s chirping voice.

The two guys, one big and one small, drove around the world in the RV, but Sean was not worried about their safety.

One is a descendant of ancient life in the universe, and the other is a super-killing woman who is comparable to a killing machine. Whoever messes with them will be the unlucky one.

Sean sat on the sofa in the living room and chatted with Pietro. This young man who came to New York from Sokovia quickly adapted to his current life.

Wanda became a qualified secretary under the training of Mystique Raven, while Pietro joined the umbrella team led by Blonsky.

Originally, Sean wanted Pietro to go to Professor Charles’s mutant academy, but compared to staying in school and facing a bunch of kids all day long, he longed for the hard life of combat training.

Soldiers who can receive a generous salary every month, along with generous welfare measures, and who perform outstandingly can be officially awarded a medal by the White House and enjoy military honors.

All this made Pietro feel excited. He had stayed in Sokovia and wasted his time in the factory. Those thoughts of becoming a big shot could only be buried deep in his heart and it was difficult to put them into practice.

“I thought you didn’t want to see me, Wanda.”

After a while, Wanda Shiran, who had changed into a long bohemian dress, walked down the stairs, with a little makeup on her bare face.

“It’s really troublesome to have a boss like you who harasses employees after get off work.”

Wanda said stiffly.

She glared at her brother Pietro, who was watching the excitement, and walked into the kitchen to start working.

Miss Maximov, who was born in Sokovia, is not like Betty or Gwen, who is a flower in the greenhouse and is pampered.

When Sean was taken in, he learned Wanda’s excellent cooking skills. He looked at the beautiful figure in the kitchen with interest and said with a smile: “I miss your smoked salmon and meat sauce very much.” pasta.”

Wanda snorted and assumed an indifferent attitude, but her pursed lips could not suppress a smile.

She honestly took out the smoked fresh salmon from the refrigerator, comforting herself that this was just a necessary courtesy for entertaining guests.

“Need any help? I’m good at chopping onions.”

Sean sneaked into the kitchen at some point, naturally took the kitchen knife, diced the onions and chopped the garlic, and used it to mix with the meat sauce and stir-fry.

“No, you were so stupid the first time you did this.”

Wanda looked at Sean’s skillful movements and curled her lips.

She thought of those days in Sokovia. After coming to New York, she lived a more prosperous life, but Wanda often missed the past time.

In that small room, there were many warm memories, not only with his brother Pietro, but also some girlish feelings buried deep in my heart.

“I’m going to be away for a while. Raven will help me with SHIELD, and Umbrella will be left to you and Gwen. If you encounter problems, you can go to Dr. Connors and Ms. Hansen. “

Sean cut the smoked fresh salmon into thin slices, folded it into a flower shape, squeezed some lemon juice on it, and placed it on the plate.

Wanda, who was stir-frying the meat sauce, paused in her movements, and the jumping oil stars splashed on her white arms, making her moan lowly.

“You have the nerve to say I’m clumsy and just let me do it.”

After Sean finished cutting the toast, he pulled away from Wanda who was a little distracted, and the kitchen suddenly fell into silence.

“We are going somewhere far away this time. I saw the email replied by Mr. Richards. The Dark Elf spaceship has been repaired. Do you want to leave the earth?”

Wanda, who stood silently behind and took off her apron, said softly after a while.

“I got some news from Asgard. Although I have the upper hand in this game, the outcome does not seem to have changed. To be on the safe side, I must get more chips.”

Sean made no secret that he was indeed planning to drive a dark elf spaceship on a space voyage.

The fifth gem, the Cosmic Spirit Ball, fell into the hands of Star-Lord and will soon be sent to the collector.

If nothing else, Thanos should destroy the planet Xandar in exchange for the search by Ronan, the governor of the Kree Empire.

After Sean obtained the Eye of Agamothar, he cut off his past and future through the time stone. During the entire retrospective process, he vaguely glimpsed the huge shadow shrouding the future.

There is no doubt that that is the figure of the Mad Titan Thanos.

Even though he has already obtained four Infinity Stones, it stands to reason that he has a firm upper hand.

But Thanos will still pose a huge threat to himself in the future.

This confused Sean very much. Due to the flapping of butterfly wings, he no longer knew the future well, so it was difficult to guess the real reason for a while.

“Is there any danger?”

Wanda asked quietly.


Before Sean finished speaking, delicate red lips were printed on the corners of his mouth. Wanda stood on her tiptoes gently, her eyes filled with tenderness.

Oil stars splashed and meat sauce made a sizzling sound. The two people in the kitchen were so entangled with each other that they completely forgot about it.

Pietro, who was lying on the sofa in the living room, sniffing the faint smell of burnt food, said angrily: “Are singles so insignificant?”

Full of grief and anger, Pietro ran out of the door, preparing to go to the Burger King two streets away to vent his anger by eating two pizzas.

Sean and Wanda looked at each other and snickered at each other. Under the dim light, the two figures merged into one.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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