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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 422 The first stop, Nidawi

The vast universe always remains as deep and silent as ever, as if it has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

A tiny piece of dust floats and sails in the dark void, blue light waves flicker and appear, and the propeller ejects a powerful stream of particles, which seems to be moving slowly but is actually moving forward rapidly.

Sean was lying quietly on the seat on the bridge. The entire empty main control room was echoing with the golden songs of the last century. His eyes were slightly closed, as if he was contemplating.

This battleship of the dark elves was actually monotonous in the past, without any form of entertainment. The interior was depressingly black, and the complicated and twisted patterns gave it a sense of horror.

This made Sean feel that he had made a mistake. He should have asked Reed to modify it, at least to fit his aesthetic style, rather than a gloomy and weird dark style.

“In five minutes, the next space jump will take place.”

The sound of Skynet machinery sounded.

As the overlord of the nine realms tens of thousands of years ago, it is not surprising that the dark elves have cutting-edge technology such as warp engines. In fact, when it comes to space technology, Asgard’s Rainbow Bridge is more advanced.

The combination of technology and magic can mobilize dark energy at any time, break through space barriers, and span long distances. It is really a weapon of war.

It’s a pity that Odin is not willing to contribute. Although Asgard and the earth are currently in alliance, where does the love and intimacy between civilizations come from? War and plunder are the main themes.

“There is still a lot to do…”

Sean said meaningfully.

Facing the vast space and vast galaxies, without space jumping technology that breaks through the limitations of galaxies, the entire civilization will always be in a backward stage, staying like a prisoner within the galaxy, losing all possibilities for outward expansion and exploration.

Compared to powerful civilizations like the Dark Elves and Asgard, Earth’s current process is just the first step.

“In the boring interstellar voyage, even hearing the voice of Skynet is so kind.”

Sean said teasingly.

The one driving this battleship is Skynet, which is built into the spacecraft control center. As the only super artificial intelligence on earth today, this is undoubtedly the most suitable choice.

When Sean was in Asgard, he received a wide-area star map presented by Odin, which contained a large number of coordinate anchor points to prevent him from getting lost in the dark universe.

He also quickly learned a few interstellar lingua franca, which are basically the most powerful civilized empires in the universe, such as the Xandar planet backed by the Nova Legion, the Kree Empire, a long-established overlord with tens of thousands of years, and the one that rejects foreign civilizations. The Shi’ar Empire, and even the Skrull Empire, which keeps a low profile all year round.

These forces can be said to be the most powerful existences in the universe, ruling many colonial planets, possessing rich resources, advanced technology, and profound heritage.

Except for life forms like the Mad Titan Thanos, who are extremely powerful in their own power, almost no one dares to provoke.

The huge battleship, like a vertical giant sword, shook slightly, and the silent darkness seemed to be pulled into a tunnel. The mottled light and shadow were like glimpses, during which one could vaguely glimpse the gorgeous and spectacular nebulae, or the cold and dead meteorite belt.

Of course, this is only what Sean can see. Those warping and pulling glimpses have already exceeded the limit of what the human eye can capture.

At first, Sean could still be shocked by this cosmic wonder, but later he gradually became numb.

Interstellar travel is more boring than medieval sailing adventures. There is always a dull and boring dark background along the way. It is no wonder that most people put themselves into hibernation capsules to maintain the slow decline of life functions.

As a living being with four gems, Sean does not need to do this. In fact, when his power expands to a certain extent, he may not need a spaceship and can cross the stars alone by relying only on the space gems.

“Unfortunately, my understanding of this dark universe is also completely blank.”

Sean muttered to himself. As the vibration stopped, he saw a dead and cold area through the holographic projection.

The edge of the nine star fields, the country of the dwarves, Nidawi.

This was once a legendary place in the universe, the home of the dwarves.

Mjolnir, the god of thunder, was made by the dwarf king Aitri. Only Nidawi’s neutron star furnace can forge Asgard’s unique metal Uru into a powerful weapon with infinite power.

“It seems Thanos has visited here before.”

Sean looked at the cold planet that was in deathly silence. This was completely different from what Odin had described.

According to legend, Nidave’s neutron star furnace never goes out and shines through the star field. Even from a long distance, you can see the dazzling fire boiling violently.

But now, through the holographic projection, Sean only saw an icy planet. The neutron star furnace that the dwarves were proud of had no light at all.

Looking from the outside, this neutron star, which is ranked as the most extreme celestial body in the universe along with the black hole, is covered with layers of runic metal packages, with Odin’s runes densely imprinted on it.

With the existing materials and technology, it is completely impossible to withstand the huge gravity of the neutron star. Only the unique forging ability of the dwarves, coupled with Odin’s divine power, can create such a terrifying furnace.

Asgard and the dwarves used a structure similar to a Dyson sphere to cast a giant shell that covered the neutron star.

In this way, the huge gravity and cosmic rays are blocked, and sophisticated and complex star ring facilities are used to build an energy core and at the same time suppress the rotation speed of the neutron star.

Turn the dying star that exploded into a supernova due to gravitational collapse into a huge furnace for smelting metals and forging weapons.

On the periphery of the neutron star are huge circular arrays, which the dwarves call star rings. When the entire furnace is started, the ring rotates to guide energy, and regulates the released cosmic rays through the metal layer covering the planet’s surface. It can be regarded as a large-scale ignition device.

For a time, Nidave’s neutron star furnace was coveted by many advanced civilizations, but they did not have the forging technology of the dwarves, and they were also unable to understand the runes that represented Odin’s power.

Losing these two prerequisites means that it is impossible to copy or even learn.

Therefore, while those advanced civilizations are envious, they can only praise Nidawi as a huge miracle in the universe.

But now it seems that this miracle has been destroyed.

The Mad Titan Thanos led the Dark Order here and used the lives of the dwarves to force the dwarf king Aitri to create the Infinity Gauntlet for him, the supreme artifact to carry the infinite gems.

When the Infinity Gauntlet was completed, Thanos directly extinguished the neutron star furnace known as the “miracle” in order to prevent others from pursuing the great power of the Infinity Stones like him. This resulted in the cold and dead planet in front of him. .

Sean knew this very well. With a slight thought in his mind, the imitation metal glove appeared out of thin air, and the light of the four gems shone brightly.

The extremely strong metal gloves showed fine cracks visible to the naked eye. It was obvious that this knockoff used by Odin to collect could no longer withstand the energy output of the four gems and gradually began to disintegrate.

This is also the reason why Sean chose Nidawi as his first stop on his interstellar journey.

He needs a complete Infinity Gauntlet, a supreme artifact capable of holding six gems.

The huge battleship, like a giant vertical sword, slowly slowed down and arrived at the only port.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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