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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 423 Neutron Star Furnace

The huge battleship was moored at the port. Sean walked out of the hatch and landed on the huge star ring. Those dwarves with ingenious forging skills lived here.

With the neutron star as the core, Nidawi used all the power of the dwarves, plus the huge resources provided by Asgard, to create a giant ring on the entire periphery. They are nested layer by layer, forming an extremely large but yet powerful ring. A majestic creation of extreme precision.

When Sean entered the interior of the star ring, what he saw was a huge city made of steel, with a complex and precise network of pipelines used to transport materials and supply energy, just like a huge assembly line factory.

“Nidawi, the legendary forging place, the country of the dwarves…”

Gradually going deeper into the center of the star ring, Sean saw the huge smelting furnace. The dwarves seemed to like large buildings. Even the pipes were several times larger than those on the earth.

“Thanos’s Infinity Gauntlet.”

Approaching the stalled smelting furnace, a glove mold placed on a high platform came into Sean’s sight.

Before he could get close, a strong wind blew behind him. Sean turned around suddenly, his mind moved slightly, and a strong stance suddenly formed to block this sudden attack!

The attacker was a giant, at least as tall as a two- or three-story building, and roughly estimated to be about seventeen feet. It was like a hill, and it slammed into him!

Sean waved his arm, and Peiran’s power made a roaring sound, knocking the mad giant out with just one punch.

“Dwarf King Aitri?”

The light of the soul gem lights up, like a gentle spring breeze blowing through, exuding a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

The giant hit the ground hard, his violent eyes suddenly became trance-like, and the invisible force soothed the anger and pain in his heart.

“Who are you? A messenger sent by Asgard?”

Ai Cui, who had messy hair, woke up, with a nervous look of uncertainty in his eyes.

He is the leader of the dwarves and a famous forging master in this universe. Mjolnir, the God of Thunder, and Odin’s Destroyer Armor are all his proud works.

The key reason why Nidawi has not been plundered and rioted by interstellar pirates or advanced civilizations, except for its remote location, is that it is protected by Asgard’s force. In return, the dwarves will build various kinds of things for Odin. Powerful weapon.

When Thanos led the Dark Order to arrive, the message Eitri wanted to send to Asgard was intercepted by Ebony Maw, one of the five Obsidian generals, otherwise Odin would not have been unprepared.

“Asgard itself cannot be protected. After Thanos obtained the Infinity Gauntlet, he led the Chitauri army to invade Odin’s country… They suffered heavy casualties.”

When Sean saw the sad and angry eyes of Dwarf King Aitri, he had to tell another cruel news.

Ai Cui, who finally had some hope in his heart, his eyes dimmed and he sat down on the ground with a bang.

He looked at his hands, the arms that had once forged countless magical weapons, being wrapped in the cooling molten iron and unable to return to their original state.

“There used to be three hundred dwarves living in this star ring… Thanos asked me to build the Infinity Gauntlet for him. It was a terrifying weapon that carried the powerful energy of six gems…”

Ai Cui said to himself, with unspeakable sadness in his tone.

“I completed this task, and as a reward, he spared my life, but killed everyone else and destroyed my hands!”

This dwarf, who was not worthy of his name, raised his hands. There was no doubt that they could no longer forge any weapons.

“What if I could cure you?”

Sean looked at the desperate dwarf king Ai Cui and said with a smile.

Thanos killed all the dwarves and left Eitri to die on Nidave. With no other means of navigation and the neutron star furnace extinguished, no one could survive long.

But the Mad Titan never expected that he would suffer a disastrous defeat on Earth, so that the Dark Order hurriedly evacuated and the Chitauri army returned defeated.

“I need an Infinity Gauntlet. I’m afraid you are the only one in this universe who can do it.”

Sean raised his right hand, and a metal glove appeared out of thin air.

Eitri stared at the four shining infinity stones, shocked and speechless.

He saw this human being put on the imitation metal glove, and then lightly snapped his fingers.

Emerald green light suddenly lit up, covering Ai Cui’s body like running water, and time suddenly went back, as if being pushed backwards by an invisible force.

The solidified molten iron tightly clinging to his hands disintegrated little by little, and his hands regained consciousness.

Ai Cui was so surprised that he couldn’t help but roar loudly to vent his ecstasy.

As a dwarf, what he pursues all his life is to forge a perfect supreme artifact, but after losing his hands, he is like a useless person.

His kindred were destroyed and his hands were disabled. The heavy blow made Ai Cui fall into despair and almost lost the motivation to live.

“I need a better Infinity Gauntlet than this.”

Sean said softly.

“I can build it for you, but… the neutron star furnace went out, and the cold wave froze the star ring.”

Ai Cui pointed at the huge stationary star ring and said in embarrassment.

Even the most outstanding forging master is limited by materials and tools.

Especially if you want to melt special metals, a neutron star furnace is one of the essential conditions.

“You’ll see Nidave burning again.”

Sean didn’t seem to be surprised at all. His feet shook slightly, his body shot up, and a loud roar echoed inside the star ring.

A golden streak shot up into the sky like lightning, and the Sentinel armor, which had not appeared for a long time, covered Sean’s body like running water.

In an instant, he arrived at the outer edge of the star ring. He placed his hands on the solid and thick star ring. His muscles were bulging like raised hills, and majestic power surged!

“Oh my god! This…”

Ai Cui inside the star ring was dumbfounded. He may not have been as shocked as he was today.

This human being, he wants to pull the star ring with both hands?

The rumbling sound was like rolling thunder. At the frozen hub of the star ring, the frost condensed into ice gradually peeled off, and the huge stationary ring began to rotate little by little.

Pei Ran’s driving force made the extinguished neutron star shine again, and warm heat rushed towards his face.

“My Nidawi! My Nidawi…”

Ai Cui murmured to himself, tears flashing in his eyes. He once thought he would never see this beautiful scene again in his life.

The dying star erupts with fierce fire, and under the control of surface metal, it releases turbulent energy, like a brilliant cloud, illuminating the dark universe.

A thick beam of light shot out from the rainbow circle and passed through the holes of the star ring. The hot energy passed through the laid pipes and ignited each heater.

However, this shocking scene did not last long before it dimmed. The switch of the rainbow circle could not withstand the impact of the majestic energy and directly collapsed and was damaged.

“Looks like I have to do you one more favor.”

Sean smiled slightly, released his hands, and rushed straight towards the rainbow circle at the core of the neutron star.

“Are you crazy? The energy of the entire star will be concentrated on you! Even the steel will melt and collapse under the huge pressure!”

Eitri exclaimed. As one of the builders of this neutron star furnace, he knew very well the powerful energy released at the core.

Even the Asgardians with strong bodies cannot withstand that kind of terrifying impact.

“I love this feeling… stellar energy, haha.”

Sean opened his hands and held the switch, and the golden torrent surged through his body.

The valve behind him suddenly opened, and dazzling fire light spurted out!

Like a flood bursting its banks, the violent energy gathered into a beam of light, passing through Sean’s body and shooting straight into the hole of the star ring.

The huge furnace was boiling like a boil, and the dwarf king Ai Cui rushed to pour the cast metal into it. The red molten iron was vaguely white, which was a sign of the gradual increase in temperature.

“I need to last longer!”

Eitri yelled as he saw the metal melting, dragging the mold.

“I can stand here all day, if you need me.”

Sean pulled hard with both hands, but the violent energy couldn’t hurt him at all, and he even had room to laugh.

Compared to this level of energy bombardment, he had experienced something more painful. When the door opened, his soul and body felt as if they had been scratched by a knife.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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