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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 425 Arriving at the Land of Nothingness

After winning over the dwarf king Aitri and promising to rebuild Nidawi and avenge the deaths of his people, Sean continued on his long journey.

The young man lying on the bridge seat, his mind was racing with thoughts. He admired the four gems on the Infinity Gauntlet, with a look of ecstasy in his eyes. The brilliant light almost dazzled his eyes.

The six infinite rough stones are the concrete embodiment of the supreme rules in this universe, so Thanos wants to get them with all his heart, trying to use this supreme power to wipe out half of the creatures in the universe at once and maintain the order and stability of the balance of all things.

The Mad Titan claimed that he had received revelation from death and had seen the end of the universe. The subsequent destruction of his home planet Titan made him even more convinced of this.

As a result, Thanos began to embark on the road of killing and conquest. With the tyrannical strength of the Eternal clan and his innate talent for learning, he soon gained a huge reputation and accumulated strength to become the overlord of a party.

A huge fleet called the “Dark Order”, led by Thanos, massacred civilized planets. As its power expanded, even the three major empires of the universe were unable to stop it. They could only let it go and turned a blind eye to it all. .

In the eyes of the rulers of various civilized empires, Thanos is just a murderous madman, a barbarian conquered purely by force, and not a huge threat that must be eradicated.

When efforts are not proportional to gains, no one will take the initiative to exercise justice, not even the Nova Corps.

“In vain.”

Sean stared at the huge star map with twinkling lights. He learned from Odin that the cosmic spirit ball had fallen into the hands of a predator named Peter Quill, an Earthling, and a not-so-great man. Famous nickname, “Star-Lord”.

According to the original timeline, Sean thought that instead of running around the entire universe, looking for Star-Lord like a needle in a haystack, it would be better to just sit back and wait in ignorance. Anyway, the group of people would find the Collector sooner or later.

The splendid and colorful nebulae rotate like ink paintings rendered in various colors. The giant vertical battleship is like a huge sword cutting through the waves, smashing through the spectacular and beautiful dust nebula.

Anchoring the space coordinates, after several jumps, Sean quickly saw the destination of his trip, a huge and weird head, like a smaller planet, quietly suspended in the dark void.

The body of the Void Land is the huge head of an ancient god. It was discovered by the Difan Group hundreds of years ago and was gradually mined.

In the vast dark universe, these ancient beings called gods are of great value – of course, they only refer to dead gods. Their bones, brain tissue, and spinal fluid are all rare resources. In the underground black market that specializes in selling and selling, the price is extremely high, and it can even be said that they are priceless.

Under the careful management and construction of the Difan Group, this chaotic area that is not controlled by the laws of the three empires and the Nova Legion has gradually turned into a well-known lawless place in the universe, which is very affected by those smugglers. A favorite of merchants and space pirates.

The Difan Group maintains the order and balance of the Void Land, and uses it as the center to control the surrounding star fields, turning this asteroid-like head of the god into a legally existing underground black market.

Here, everyone never has to worry about being wanted or arrested by other forces – even the three major empires will obtain the permission of the Difan Group in advance. Therefore, you can safely and boldly sell and deal with those who have obtained wealth and gains through illegal means.

Over time, not only smugglers and space pirates like to come here, but also mercenaries and spokesmen of major forces use the Void Ground as a secret private channel.

Sean’s battleship docked at the space port in the Void Land. The huge and unique ship attracted many people’s prying and curious eyes. However, there are all kinds of strange things happening in the universe every day. Seeing Di Fan The group’s patrol team arrived and they dispersed.

A large group that can establish order and take root in a lawless place must have a strong private armed force, just like the East India Company in the Age of Discovery. While acting as a legal caravan, it can occasionally appear as a space pirate.

After the end of the era of exploration of the universe, with the expansion and conquest of the three empires and the emergence of the Nova Corps, a colonial development movement is rising and spreading vigorously.

Those rich and uninhabited resource planets, backward and remote weak civilizations… They are all wrapped up in the torrent, an insignificant and tiny wave.

“Fortunately, Nedaway doesn’t lack this.”

Sean paid enough credits through his personal terminal, a universal currency certified by the three empires, and Shi Shiran stepped off the spacecraft.

He was a young rich man with a net worth of billions on Earth, but when he entered the universe, he immediately turned back into a pauper.

Sean didn’t care much about this. A strong man like him would never worry about running out of money.

“This is the place of ignorance…”

Sean looked over from the space port. This god’s head has evolved into an extremely prosperous trading port. Large caravans and pirate ships from various planets can be seen. When they meet each other, they will greet each other warmly, like old friends. generally.

Living up to the title of a lawless place, Sean entered the lower mining area and felt several malicious glances. Humanoid creatures with different skin colors and shapes were dormant in dark corners, waiting for prey to appear.

There are indeed patrols and law enforcement teams in Xuwu Land, but they are private armed forces of the Difan Group and only serve the big shots. The underlying mining areas are slums. As long as they don’t cause big trouble, they will ignore them.

In the words of Tanlia Difan, the leader of the Difan Group, people are dying every minute in this universe. Life that cannot create value is naturally worthless.

“Sir, I see you need a guide.”

A child with blue skin ran out. Judging from the appearance, he was a Rufmund tribesman, and he belonged to the same tribe as Nebula, one of Thanos’s adopted daughters.

“Would you be a good guide?”

Sean smiled slightly.

Passing through the underlying mining area is the residential area of ​​Xunwu Land, and further forward is the trading center built with the Difan Group as the center.

It is the most prosperous place in the land of ignorance, and large caravans go in and out, buying or selling anything of value, such as rare ores, strange creatures, and even the core secrets of a certain civilization, to name a few.

“I am the most fair guide here…Sir, we’d better leave this place first.”

The Rufmund child blinked and held Sean’s hand. People died every day in the bottom mining area, and the patrol never cared.

They are cheap labor, garbage that cannot create more value. No matter how many people die, the arrival of a hunting ship full of slaves will fill the mining area in an instant.

In the colonial era under the background of the big universe, war and plunder are common themes.

PS: Come on IG~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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not work with dark mode