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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 426 Planet Devourer

The Rufmund tribe originated from a planet in the Andromeda Sima galaxy. They advocated military dictatorship and had a strong ethos of iron-blooded martial arts. After several technological explosions and multiple foreign conquests, they expanded their territory and finally became a high-level civilization. ranks.

It’s a pity that fate played a huge joke. One day, a nightmare-like existence came and destroyed the hometown of the Rufmund tribe, and the surrounding star fields were turned into a land of nothingness.

“Everyone died…except for one clan member who happened to go out. They survived, but they lost the home they relied on for survival and could only live a homeless life.”

Said the blue-skinned Rufmund child, who was sitting in a bar in the residential area, his eyes filled with deep sadness.

His name is Kirk, and his father is a miner in the Void Land. He was killed in a mining accident many years ago. With his ability to repair energy supply equipment and his own intelligence, this lonely and helpless child barely survived in the bottom mining area. Come down.

“I occasionally serve as a guide for outsiders. There is no law here and it is very chaotic. I know the intermediaries in the trading centers and the black market traders who purchase illegal goods.”

Kirk looked at Sean, who was sitting opposite and listening carefully, and solemnly promised: “Sir, whatever you want to buy or sell, I can help you.”

“I want to get some information.”

Sean smiled slightly.

He had a good impression of this Rufmund child. He was smart and sensible. Unlike the average miners who lived in the bottom mining areas, they only knew how to treat outsiders as fat sheep and could not distinguish the situation.

Every year, there are indeed some rookie mercenaries in the land of ignorance, or ignorant newcomers who are excited to explore the space after hearing a few adventure stories. They want to see a different world and experience an exciting life.

Their final fate is that most of them are either tricked by black marketeers and signed into lifelong slave contracts, or they are looted by homeless miners. What’s worse, even their body organs are harvested and sold to some perverted doctors with special purposes. .

Unfortunately, those miners were unlucky. They met Sean this time and regarded this young man who had seriously injured Thanos as a fat sheep to be slaughtered.

“You are different from those short-sighted miners. I am not a stingy person. As long as you can give me satisfactory news.”

Sean waved, and a green-skinned Zehouberry tribe brought a steaming barbecue steak. He pushed it over and motioned for Kirk to enjoy it.

Kirk glanced at Sean cautiously, as if he couldn’t believe that the guests he usually met would not have such a cordial attitude.

If you can pay yourself the remuneration you deserve, it’s already pretty good. How can you ask for something to eat for yourself?

There are three religions and nine streams in the ignorant place, dragons and snakes are mixed together, and there are all kinds of people. The only thing that does not exist is a good person with great kindness.

This is a lesson that Kirk has always kept in mind for many years. Pies in the sky often do not fall. If they do, they must be wrapped in deadly poison.

“When you are full, you will have the strength to run errands for me.”

Sean said calmly.

He didn’t know much about Void, and he didn’t know much about where Star-Lord was currently.

Instead of wandering around like a headless fly, it is better to ask for information, learn enough information, and then decide what to do next.

Kirk was stunned, thinking that the other party’s cold methods of indifferently taking away dozens of miners could not be related to this gentle face.

“Thank you, sir.”

After sincerely thanking him, Kirk took a small bite of the fragrant barbecue steak. He had indeed not eaten real food for many days.

He only relied on those disgusting nutrient solutions to maintain the necessary meals every day. For delicious meat, Kirk almost forgot what it tasted like.

“By the way, I’m curious about what the terrible creature that destroyed your hometown looks like.”

Sean sipped the amber liquid, which was a specialty drink of the Void Land. It tasted like vodka and felt like a knife cutting your throat.

This strong drink called “Wildfire” is very popular among mercenaries and space pirates. They think that drinking “Dance of the Gods” – something similar to red wine, is a sissy.

A real man should fight like wildfire with others!

The highest record in this bar was set by an Arregus man, the guy with a crocodile head, who drank twelve drinks in one go.

“I don’t know…Sir, I have never seen that terrifying existence. I only know that others call it…”

Kirk paused while eating, his eyes showing deep fear, and his weak body couldn’t help but tremble slightly.


When Sean heard the name, he raised his eyebrows slightly. He couldn’t help but think of a certain purple-haired girl who ran away from home.

Compared to the cute and cute Janata, who is like a foodie, her father has a reputation for being vicious, even worse than Thanos.

Treat each planet as food. Wherever it passes, not even a blade of grass grows, and everything will turn into a dead zone.

It can be called a cosmic natural disaster!

If it weren’t for the activity cycle of Galactus, which far exceeds the existence time of normal civilization, I am afraid that this ancient existence would become the public enemy of all life.

“Okay, I need you to get information about someone.”

Sean’s thoughts wandered slightly, and then he returned to the topic.

“His name is Peter Quill, and his nickname is ‘Star-Lord’, but most people may have never heard of him.”

Kirk carefully wrote down that he knew several intelligence brokers who specialized in this kind of business.

From the various space pirate groups, the activity routes of large caravans, to the strategic secrets of the three empires, there are people selling and selling them in the land of ignorance.

Intelligence brokering has always been a secretive profession, and its practitioners often have special identities and wide connections, and are not unique to ignorant places.

This profession, which was rarely seen in the light, became well-known to the world because of a famous event that could be recorded in history.

Thousands of years ago, in the star domain ruled by the Kree Empire, there was a newly discovered resource planet. This news was sold for an astonishingly high price of 2 billion, and the identity of the buyer was unknown.

But then, Xandar’s fleet occupied the uninhabited resource planet first. According to the generally recognized principles of planet colonization, it should belong to the Xandar people.

However, the always domineering Kree people did not accept this trick and directly sank the Xandar fleet. No one thought that this conflict would later evolve into an interstellar war that would last for thousands of years.

Some historians still believe that the thousand-year blood feud between Xandar and the Kree Empire was entirely due to that piece of information.

“By the way, help me pay attention to it. Does anyone know about a planet on Vormir?”

Sean smiled, drank the wildfire in the cup, and said softly: “I will stay here for a while, I hope you won’t let me down.”

Kirk ate the last bit of barbecue steak and nodded seriously: “Sir, I will definitely find the news you want to know.”

ps: Congratulations ig~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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