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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 427 The Pattern of the Universe

In the land of ignorance, the bars in residential areas are different from the bottom mining areas. There are no homeless miners covered in sweat and numb eyes. There are also no dirty prostitutes who will strip off their clothes and let you do whatever you want if you give them a piece of food. Everything here needs to appear more orderly.

Therefore, mercenaries, space pirates, and shady brokers who cannot live in the upper area often hang out here.

When Sean first checked into this hotel called “Devil’s Den”, he attracted a lot of people’s attention. It wasn’t that he looked like a young fat sheep with a bulging pocket, but that as an Earthling, he was really eye-catching.

After all, for most civilized races, the earth is just a remote place that is not obvious in star maps.

But after two days, no one dared to deliberately cause trouble for Sean, or in other words, they all put away their malicious thoughts.

Because there was a team of space pirates who threatened to sell this earth boy to the mining area, but they evaporated and disappeared the next day.

But Sean still sat in a fixed position and threw a strong Cree man to the ground with one hand. After that, he drank twenty glasses of Wildfire in a bar without changing his expression.

This thin-looking earthling won the unanimous praise of all the mercenaries, because the other party had fully proved his strength in terms of strength and drinking capacity.

During this period, many mercenary groups and space pirate fleets extended invitations to Sean.

However, after they learned that Sean owned an independent battleship, they all retracted their words in unison, but their evaluation of this young man was once again raised to a higher level.

“Sir, they all say you are an interstellar ranger, the kind in the story who is the top warrior who travels the universe alone!”

Kirk was still sitting in his original position, holding a piece of barbecue steak and feasting on it, looking at Sean with admiration in his eyes.

The happiness in the eyes of this Rufmund child is very simple, that is, having meat to eat every day and not having to worry about the next meal.

Sean smiled slightly and did not answer. In the past few days, Kirk had reported a lot of news to him.

For example, the whereabouts of Star-Lord Peter Quill.

It is said that the other party discovered a good thing on Morag not long ago. Unfortunately, when they were trading in Xandar, they were unfortunately arrested by the Nova Corps and sent to Qien Prison.

It was a space prison built in the meteorite zone. It belonged to the Nova Corps and held various dangerous criminals, including notorious space pirates, illegal slave traders, and brutal mercenaries.

“This man named Star-Lord…”

Kirk clicked on the smart terminal in his hand, the fourth-generation civilian version of Xandar Planet, which sold for 10,000 credits. Sean bought it for him.

This gift almost moved Kirk to tears, because he had never received any gift in his short life.

The virtual interface displayed a man wearing a red leather jacket with a ruffian-like smile. He was Peter Quill.

“He is a member of the Predators. He was in the team of Yondu-Udon Tower. It is said that he is the adopted child of the other party. This guy named Star-Lord has been a hot topic in the past two days. News about him is flying all over the sky. There is no need at all. inquire about……”

Kirk licked his lips and continued: “He and a group of people made a big fuss in Qian Prison and escaped the pursuit of the Nova Corps. He is currently a man of the hour.”

“There is also a piece of information bought from an intelligence broker. Ronan, the governor of the Kree Empire, and Yondu, Star-Lord’s adoptive father, are all tracking his whereabouts.”

Sean nodded. The only advantage of being ignorant is that he can do things very quickly if he has money. In less than a week since he came here, he has already understood the three major empires, the Nova Legion, and these major forces. .

The intelligence brokers who are active in residential areas are really powerful. Even the news about Thanos’s previous setbacks on Earth was sold to the outside world.


Sean remembered that it was on that planet that Star-Lord discovered the cosmic spirit ball.

“The Morag civilization was once glorious, but it was destroyed a long time ago. No one knows why.”

Kirk added, explaining that the kid had obviously done a lot of homework.

Sean frowned and thought for a while, and then he understood in his heart that the Morag civilization was the previous custodian of the cosmic spirit ball. They must have coveted this terrible power that destroyed the planet, and as a result, they committed suicide and caused a catastrophe.

Compared to other Infinity Stones, the Power Stone stored in the Cosmic Spirit Ball is more dangerous.

Weak living beings cannot touch it at all, otherwise they will be immediately destroyed and annihilated by the power gem. Even a powerful descendant like Star-Lord, with the blood of the gods flowing in his body, can only hold it for a few minutes at most.

“Sorry, sir. No one knows about Vormir.”

There was a hint of apology in Kirk’s eyes. The universe is vast, and if there had not been glorious civilizations or planets with ancient ruins, they would be basically unknown.

Sean waved his hand, indicating that the child didn’t have to worry about it, and he would naturally get the exact information from Gamora’s mouth.

Presumably, Thanos’s adopted daughter didn’t know that the Mad Titan was seriously injured.

“You did a good job, I’m very satisfied.”

Sean smiled and praised.

After he came to the land of ignorance, he saw the great value of this chaotic land.

When the earth uses the nine star fields as a springboard to rush into the universe, this place can be used as a bridgehead.

As for the Difan Group, if the timeline does not change, Ronan’s fleet will arrive soon and carry out large-scale destruction. It may be a good time then.

Originally, Sean wanted to have a meeting with Tanya Tifan, but he didn’t have anything that could impress the collector – it was naturally impossible to hand over the Infinity Stones.

The pattern of the universe has been formed. The three empires have the greatest say. Below are the forces composed of small and medium-sized civilizations, as well as large monopoly groups, or private armed forces.

As a newcomer, it can be said that it is very difficult and almost impossible for Earth to join this banquet and get a piece of cake.

“But Thanos should provide me with an opportunity.”

After Kirk left, Sean sat alone in his seat, thinking secretly.

First, he must prove his strength and have enough fame so that he can gain the status he deserves.

In the era of stars and seas, personal power may be small, but when it reaches a certain level, this rule no longer applies.

“Then start here.”

Sean shook the wine glass with a smile on his lips.

Sometimes, order can emerge from chaos.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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