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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 429 Civil strife

Sean was sitting in this entertainment center that combines a casino and a bar, watching Star-Lord and his group swaggering in. Now that they have entered the Void Land, they don’t have to worry about the Nova Legion’s wanted order. Most of the people here have Carrying seven or eight illegal charges.

Without the permission of the Difan Group, the Nova Corps does not have the right to enforce laws. This is the transcendent status held by Tanya Difan, one of the elders of the universe.

However, Ronan, the governor of the Kree Empire, has always been a bold and cold warlord who never cared about rules.

In order to conceal that he was looking for the Cosmic Spirit Orb, the war maniac from the Kree Empire did not hesitate to massacre the entire Qian Prison, which shows his unscrupulous cruelty.

“A familiar scent.”

Sean looked covertly at the backpack on Star-Lord’s shoulder. There was a sealed silver ball inside, with complex patterns hollowed out on the metal surface.

That is the Cosmic Spirit Ball, one of the Infinity Stones.

In fact, the silvery-white ball shell is like an insurance, sealing the power gem intact inside, preventing the terrifying energy inside from leaking out and causing terrible consequences.

I wonder how the Morag civilization committed suicide and destroyed its own planet?

A thought flashed through Sean’s mind.

Beyond the noisy crowd, Star-Lord and Gamora walked into the slightly quieter observation deck, while Rocket Raccoon, Groot the Treeman, and Drax the Destroyer were all participating in the O’Neilon game outside.

After experiencing a thrilling and crazy jailbreak, escaping from the pursuit of the Nova Corps, and about to receive a sky-high price bounty of 4 billion, there is nothing wrong with wanting to vent your inner ecstasy.

Anyway, the representatives of Tanya Difan haven’t arrived yet, so they have to stay here and wait.

As for Star-Lord himself, he showed his prodigal nature and secretly thought about flirting with the hot Gamora.

Peter Quill, who was raised by a gang of predators, is not a good person in the standard sense. He mostly behaves like a scoundrel or a gangster.

Especially in terms of private life, he is even more unrestrained. He has had in-depth exchanges with women of many races. Of course, the relationship is limited to one-night stands. He is the kind of person who is tender before going to bed and who is the standard scumbag after getting out of bed. male.

“Big guy, did you see it? There’s an Earthling sitting over there!”

Rocket Raccoon sat on Groot’s shoulder, drank a strong drink, and said vaguely: “Peter doesn’t even go to say hello to his fellow countrymen.”

“Little guy, have some respect for me and call me Drax.”

The strong man known as the Destroyer corrected him dissatisfied.

“We crossed half of the galaxy, not to kill Ronan, but here we are drinking and playing games!”

Drax drank the strong drink from his glass and crushed the glass into smithereens.

The main reason why he joined this team was to find a few partners to kill Ronan, the governor of the Kree Empire, and avenge the death of his wife and daughter.

“Then don’t stare at me like you’re looking at a monster! That doesn’t respect me either, big guy!”

The drunken Rocket Raccoon yelled back, not wanting to be outdone.

He is a highly mechanically modified animal, numbered 89P13. His appearance is similar to that of a raccoon on Earth, and he lives with the picked-up tree man Groot.

Rocket Raccoon, who is good at piloting spaceships, repairing and modifying machinery, is a cosmic bounty hunter. Because he has a tragic past, he likes to disguise himself with a sharp tongue.

“I’m Groot.”

The tree man said weakly.

“Don’t try to persuade me, I’m going to let this big guy know how powerful I am today!”

Rocket Raccoon stepped on Groot’s shoulders with his short legs, pounced on the angry Drax, and slapped him wildly. For the burly Drax, it was no different from scratching an itch.


Drax waved his backhand, and Rocket Raccoon was slapped against the wall like a fly, and slowly slid down in a large font.

The tree man Groot standing on the side shouted, and his hands turned into long whips and wrapped around Drax. The two men immediately started fighting, causing chaos in the casino below.

The gamblers who were in high spirits immediately turned their attention to the game, which was more exciting than the Oroni game. They all cheered loudly and encouraged themselves.

What’s more, they even offered a handicap on which side would win, the tree man or the strong man.

“Big guy…”

Rocket Raccoon, who pounced again and wanted to join the battlefield, was once again thrown away by Drax and hit the edge of the bar.

Sean, who was watching the show silently as a melon-eater, just in time to protect Rocket Raccoon who was about to be thrown against the wall, with a gentle smile on his face, and he also smoothed the messy hair on his body.

“You… be gentle… continue…”

The furious Rocket Raccoon originally wanted to take out the blaster from his back and blast Drax into pieces.

As a result, Sean stroked his fur, and his body softened. This raccoon-like animal retained some of its original habits, such as letting people gently stroke its head, which was a weakness.

The battle between Groot and Drax the Destroyer didn’t last long. Star-Lord, who arrived in time, separated them.

Currently, this team comes together for the sky-high bounty and different purposes. Naturally, there is no deep friendship.

Rocket Raccoon broke free from Sean’s arms, suppressed the comfortable feeling in his heart, jumped to Groot’s side, drew out his blaster and stared at Drax.

“What’s wrong with you guys?”

Star-Lord looked at these people with a headache, and lowered his voice to Rocket Raccoon: “Soon we will be able to share four billion equally. For this huge sum of money, can’t we just be patient?”

“That’s four billion! It’s enough for you to buy a luxury spaceship!”

Soon you’ll be the richest raccoon in the universe – something Star-Lord wisely didn’t say.

The best way to annoy Rocket Raccoon is to call him a raccoon or a mouse.

That wouldn’t be pleasant. Star-Lord knows this very well.

“You only have money in your eyes! I escaped from prison not to enjoy life, but to kill Ronan!”

Drax’s chest heaved, clearly angry.

He glared at a few people, then turned around and walked into the crowd, taking the initiative to leave the team.

Star-Lord saw that the crowd of onlookers was getting bigger and bigger, and the manager of the lower-level casino stared at him with unkind eyes.

He had no choice but to flee with Gamora. Before Rocket Raccoon followed, he turned to look at Sean, who was still sitting in his seat.

“Peter, here is a fellow countryman of yours.”

Rocket Raccoon shouted, then followed the team.

As a group of people walked outside, a long shuttle-shaped suspended flying car stopped. The silver-white metal streamlines presented a technological beauty.

“The master asked me to invite you over.”

A maid with a different skin color stepped out of the car and extended an invitation to Star-Lord and others.

Tanya Difan is a well-known collector in the universe. He likes to collect special and precious things, such as living specimens of prehistoric creatures or life forms of rare races. There are many kinds of them.

Star-Lord has obtained the cosmic spirit ball, Gamora has some sales channels, Rocket Raccoon drives the spaceship, and the remaining tree man Groot and Drax the Destroyer are all quite powerful.

In this way, they got together, escaped from the heavily guarded Qien Prison, crossed half of the galaxy, and came to the Land of Voidness.

Star-Lord took the lead and got into the car. He seemed to see a sky-high bounty of four billion waving to him.

Drax, who was standing in the crowd, looked at this scene and felt very angry. He came to avenge Ronan, the accuser, but now his companions only want to make a fortune.

“I have to find another way. Others are unreliable.”

The strong man carrying the blood feud thought so.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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