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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 43 Everyone has their own thoughts

Midtown Circle Financial Company, top floor conference room.

“Isn’t the boss behind you going to come see me in person?” a middle-aged woman wearing a white shawl asked, her brows slightly furrowed, her face with fine wrinkles filled with the power of someone who has been in a position of power for a long time.

“This is not a good attitude when talking about business. How could the Hand cooperate with a mysterious person who doesn’t even want to show his face?”

Wesley, who was in a neat suit, sat in the conference room with a polite smile on his face and said in a steady voice: “I can fully represent the boss’s opinions, and we are very sincere. Please Alexandra A lady must believe this.”

What Wesley was facing was the head of the Midtown Circle Financial Company, a woman with a legendary life experience. This middle-aged woman named Alexandra had always been a member of New York’s upper class circles. A famous figure. It is said that he founded a huge real estate company from scratch. He has a wide range of businesses and businesses. However, what is incompatible with his huge career is his extremely low-key personal style. He rarely appears in public, even at social gatherings. They rarely participate.

Of course, what Wesley knew was not just superficial information. This middle-aged woman who had earned a huge net worth in less than a few decades was actually one of the five leaders of the Hand. The mysterious organization “Kunlun” in the East has devoted its life to pursuing the illusory goal of eternal life.

“The boss behind you is really arrogant. When Jin Bin cooperated with us, he didn’t even dare to sit behind the scenes and direct everything remotely.” Alexandra looked cold, and she didn’t care about this so-called cooperation. Don’t care.

Now, all the power of the Hand is invested in Danny Rand. As long as he captures the last guardian of Kunlun and uses the power of the opponent’s “Immortal Iron Fist” to break the underground door, the hope of eternal life is close. In front of you. Compared to prolonging her own life, Alexandra doesn’t care about a business no matter how huge the profit is.

After all, what could be more precious than life? The reason why they were expelled from Kunlun back then was because of their infinite thirst for life!

“In fact, business is not important. There are countless business partners in the Hand. What my boss is looking forward to is to have a closer connection with the Hand, such as gaining access to your resources and even an intelligence network.”

Wesley sat upright and expressed his intention with a serious face. To be honest, before the two parties had established a completely trusting cooperative relationship, he rashly made such an unreasonable request. He was really afraid that he would be chopped down in anger. die.

However, the world is big and the boss is the biggest. No matter how rude the request is, Wesley, as an agent, can only faithfully implement it. This is one of the reasons why he became Kingpin’s confidant.

“Haha, your boss is such an interesting person.” Alexandra laughed perfunctorily before getting up and leaving.

She didn’t have time to waste on such insignificant matters. The guy who originally thought she could bring down Jin Bin would be a good partner no matter what, but now it seemed that he was just an arrogant person who didn’t know the heights of the world.

“How about Danny Rand as a sincere gift?” Wesley said calmly without saying anything to persuade him to stay.

Seeing Alexandra stop and suddenly turn around to look at him, Wesley knew that the information provided by his boss was indeed correct. The Guardian of Kunlun who had won the title of “Immortal Iron Fist” was indeed his opponent. The most important person.

“How much do you know?” Alexandra asked calmly, with a hint of murderous intent in her eyes.

“Ms. Alexandra is the supreme leader of the Five Fingers of the Hand. Madam Gao, Sowanda, Murakami, and Botu have worked with us. They are all rushing to New York now. As for the Hand and Kunlun I also know some of the connections.”

Wesley greeted the indifferent gaze of the Supreme Leader of the Hand with a calm expression. Knowing the other party’s secret, he would either become a collaborator of the Hand on behalf of his boss, or he could simply evaporate and disappear from this world.

Running errands for big shots is also a high-risk profession. Wesley smiled bitterly in his heart.

“Who is your boss?” Alexandra finally began to face the mysterious man sitting behind the scenes. There were only a handful of people who knew the history of the Hand, and even fewer knew the identities of Kunlun and Danny Rand’s Iron Fist. Rare.

“You can call him King, or Mr. K.” Wesley reluctantly gave out his boss’s pseudonym. He was used to his boss’s bad taste.

“So what does he want? Everyone has their own interests, right? What does he want to get from the Hand?” Alexandra became interested in this man.

“Black Sky.” Wesley asked, “My boss wants to know about the Hand’s most powerful weapon.”

“That’s not a cheap thing sold in batches on the production line.” Alexandra was a little surprised. She didn’t expect that what the other party asked for would be this.

“What my boss pursues is strong individual strength, so he is very interested in Heikong.” Wesley said with a faint smile. “In return, he will leave Danny Rand and some other troublesome guys in your hands.”

Alexandra was silent for a while. She didn’t have much time left. According to the medical examination report a few days ago, many organs in her body were on the verge of failure and her life was about to come to an end.

The “dragon bones” previously stolen from Kunlun have been used up, and the last bit is used to resurrect the dead Erica and transform her into Black Sky. The death that has been gradually forgotten over the years is like an icy cold wind lingering on the body, and the huge fear invades the soul. This makes Alexandra lose her usual calmness and reason. In order to dig out a new dragon bone, she even Destroy the entire New York!

“If your boss can hand over Danny Rand to me, I can agree that he will become the sixth finger of the Hand.” Alexandra made the decision. Danny Rand is currently the opener. It is acceptable for the key person in that door to pay some price for this.

“Then…” Wesley stood up and stretched out his hand, saying with a smile: “I wish us a happy cooperation.”

“I hope I can meet your mysterious boss next time.” Alexandra shook her hand with a meaningful look in her eyes. From this moment on, the Hand will fully investigate the boss behind Wesley.

A mysterious person who knows the origin and secrets of the Hand makes Alexandra feel very uneasy. If time is not too tight, she will never agree to the other party’s request for cooperation. Instead, she will send Black Sky Erica to This unstable factor is completely eliminated!

Watching Wesley leave, Alexandra had a gloomy look in her eyes. The cooperation was only temporary. After Danny Rand got it, she could open the underground door and dig out a new keel. The entire foundation of New York will sink, and countless people will be buried with it.

The mysterious man who calls himself Mr. K may be the most suitable scapegoat.

Alexandra stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, staring at the figure emerging on the transparent glass, and couldn’t help but reveal a fanatical expression. The years had gradually aged her young body, and her elastic skin had lost its vitality, and her smooth skin had lost its vitality. His face was covered with fine wrinkles, and the organs in his body were beginning to fail.

And all of this will change again as long as the dragon bone is obtained and developed into a potion!

That magical substance has powerful life energy and can bring people back to life and restore youth.

Alexandra looked at the steel jungle in the distance. Soon this prosperous city would cease to exist. Just like Pompeii, which once had a splendid civilization, it disappeared in a disaster.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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