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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 430 Collector Di Fan

“Our collection is the richest in the universe, with all kinds of animals, antiques and specimens, you name it, the owner has the right collection.”

The pink-skinned maid led Star-Lord and his party into the core area of ​​the Difan Group, Tanlia – Difan’s collection center.

“Let me introduce to you, Tanya Difan, the most famous collector in the universe.”

The maid introduced the controller of the Difan Group to Star-Lord and others.

Tanya Difan is one of the oldest beings in the universe, and he is one of the elders of the universe, with a transcendent status.

This collector looks like a weirdly dressed middle-aged man, but he is actually an extremely ancient intelligent being. His long life made him think that he wanted to find a hobby for fun.

So Di Fan began to collect interesting antiquities and strange beings from all over the universe. In the end, his obsession with collecting reached a certain level, and he began to collect things purely for the sake of collecting, things that he considered rare or precious.

And what is the most precious thing in the universe?

Of course, it has to be the legendary infinite gem with powerful power, so Tanlia Difan will release a huge bounty to find the cosmic spirit ball.

When Star-Lord and the others entered the collection center of Tanlia-Difan, they were stunned by the various weird and strange creatures or civilization relics that only had eyes for the four billion astronomical bounty.

A space dog wearing a space suit, a talking Howard the Duck, a dark elf body, and a big wriggling yellow cocoon, etc., are an eye-opener for Star-Lord and others.

“Dear Gamora, nice to meet you.”

Collectors are no stranger to this adopted daughter of Thanos.

As a member of the Universe Elders, Tanya Difan has connections with many forces.

He naturally also knew that the Mad Titan wanted to collect the Infinity Stones, but the Cosmic Spirit Ball was destined to fall into his hands.

“It’s better to skip the greetings, Di Fan, we’ve got what we discussed, we’re here to get the bounty!”

The fit green-skinned woman said coldly.

She comes from the Zehobel planet that was massacred by Thanos. The Mad Titan wiped out half of its people, but spared the young Gamora and trained her to become an extremely dangerous assassin.

Tired of the bloody and dark life, and hearing that Thanos was in weakness, Gamora took advantage of this opportunity and decided to break away from his control.

“What is that thing?”

The Collector suddenly widened his eyes and stared at the tree man next to Star-Lord, seeming to be very interested in this creature.

“I’m Groot.”

The tree man replied.

“I didn’t expect to see a Groot again. Sir, please allow me to pay now to have your body in my name – after your death of course.”

The collector’s hobby made him want to put the tree man on the display cabinet.

After a small interlude, everyone returned to the main topic. This group of people was extremely eager for the sky-high bounty of 4 billion, and they couldn’t wait to take the money and leave immediately.

The collector looked at the silver sphere with burning eyes. This was the perfect collection that he wanted to get at all costs.

“My friends, this is exactly what I want.”

The collector carefully placed the sphere on a specially made metal instrument, his hands even shaking unconsciously.

The beam of light refracted on the silver shell of the metal sphere, and the hollow patterns gradually changed, with purple light looming.

“Before the birth of the universe, there were six singularities. After a big explosion, all living things woke up from chaos. The remnants of these singularities were melted into six gems. They are the Infinity Stones!”

The metal instrument quickly peeled off the shell of the cosmic spirit ball. From the hollow and simple silver sphere, a hazy and faint purple light emitted. The light stretched and contracted, as if calling for something.

“It seems that these gems can only be controlled by extremely powerful life forms…”

Several scenes suddenly appeared in the void. Ancient gods like Titans once owned these gems. They controlled the supreme power to destroy the planet.

“These rulers can single-handedly wipe out a civilization without any effort… Once upon a time, the destroyed Morag civilization obtained this gem.”

“The rulers formed a group to jointly master the gem and share its power. However, they overestimated themselves. As a result, the planet was destroyed and the entire civilization was plunged into catastrophe.”

The picture kept flickering, and the rulers of those gems controlled the terrifying energy that destroyed the world, and the overwhelming light surged. In their hands, destroying a planet is as easy as popping a bubble.

During the collector’s explanation, the silver sphere was completely peeled off, revealing its true appearance. A gem emitting rich purple light was quietly suspended, attracting everyone’s attention.

“Perfect! Unparalleled!”

This famous collector couldn’t hold back the excitement in his heart, and his whole body was trembling. Is there any collection more precious than the Infinity Stones in the entire universe?

“…It’s been an eye-opener for us, but let’s talk to you about the remuneration first.”

Rocket Raccoon didn’t know what an Infinity Stone was, and he wasn’t interested in learning about it, so he shouted impatiently.

Rather than hearing about the origin of the universe and ancient civilizations, he wanted to get that huge bounty and live a free and unrestrained life.

The collector temporarily turned his attention away from the purple gem that exuded beautiful light. In terms of business, he was relatively honest. Four billion was really insignificant to the Difan Group.

“How do you want to get paid?”

the Collector asked.

“Rich man, what do you think? Of course it’s credits… Or you can get me a new starship from the Nova Corps!”

Rocket Raccoon exclaimed that he would soon be a millionaire.

Just when everyone’s attention was diverted from the purple gem, the infinity gem that bloomed with rich light gently rotated and released an invisible wave of energy.

The maid who was staying quietly moved quietly, her eyes were attracted by the rich purple light, and she unknowingly approached the stone of power.

The collector opened the drawer and was about to give out the reward, but suddenly paused——

“Carina, back off!”

snapped the collector.

He saw that the maid was attracted by the light of the gem and wanted to reach out and touch the core of the rich light.

“I am no longer your slave!”

The maid’s mind was attracted by the power gem, and she ignored Tanya Difan’s scolding and grabbed the exposed purple gem.

In an instant, endless energy light bloomed from the hand, feeling the touch of the life form, the power gem instantly woke up!

The surging energy was released immediately, and the turbulent storm stirred up and spread in Tanlia-Difan’s collection center. The huge energy that had no place to contain was like a blooming firework, pouring out in all directions.

The terrifying destructive power made everyone present feel terrified, and the maid holding the gem even let out a miserable howl, and the endless violent energy eroded her body until it was completely broken!

As the collector said, only extremely capable life forms can hold gems. Weak individuals will only be destroyed and eliminated by the terrifying energy!

The noisy and boiling Void Land suddenly roared and shook, as if it was hit by a cosmic storm. The tall buildings of the Difan Group emitted rich fireworks, like a volcano erupting from it.

Just when everyone was stunned, Sean walked leisurely into the building with flaming lights. He could feel that the purple gem that symbolized power was calling him.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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