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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 431 Confronting Ronan

The turbulent air waves rolled and rolled, like balls of strong gunpowder suddenly exploding, causing bursts of explosions and loud noises!

Like a chain reaction, deafening explosions resounded endlessly. The terrifying power of the Power Stone, after completely destroying the living bodies that touched it, scattered like purple fireworks!

In the rich light, strong air currents shot out, like flames steaming, forming a terrible storm, destroying all nearby materials.

The collection center carefully built by Tanya Difan was torn to pieces by this violent whirlpool in an instant. The Difan Group building standing in the center of the void land was shaken and the building collapsed.

People who felt the strange movement cast their gaze over and saw that the Difan Group Building was like a towering mountain peak that had collapsed. It was teetering, with rocks flying, and it would fall apart at any time.

“What the fuck is going on?!”

Star-Lord, who found a bunker to hide, finally recovered from the aftermath of the huge explosion. He stared at the messy collection center with wide eyes, shocked and speechless.

He never thought that the cosmic spirit ball, worth a sky-high bounty of 4 billion, would be such a dangerous and terrifying weapon.

And he actually put this silver ball in his backpack without caring!

Star-Lord suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. It turned out that everything Tanya Tifan presented in the picture was not an exaggeration. The gem shining with purple light did have the terrifying power to destroy the planet.

“Damn it! The gem is gone!”

Seeing the energy storm gradually weakening, Gamora, with a strong figure, immediately rushed to the research table and found that the purple gem containing terrifying energy had disappeared, leaving only the silver-white metal shell, quietly suspended in the air. There.

Just as they were frantically searching for the Power Stone, there was a lot of noise from the outside world. Strong wind pressure tore through the airflow. Loud booms echoed over the Void Land. The Kree Empire’s Necromancer fleet forcibly broke into this lawless land. .

“Take over this area and find the cosmic spirit ball.”

As the indifferent voice sounded in the communicator, the undead fleet poured into the Void Land like locusts, and green artillery fire poured out.

The private armed forces of the Difan Group were no match for the well-trained Necromancer fleet of the Kree Empire in a hurry. After several rounds of fierce artillery fire, it was a bleak situation of defeat, which was like a one-sided massacre.

In a matter of moments, the Kree Empire’s Necron fleet took control of the space port. The mercenaries who wanted to take advantage of the chaos and the space pirates who were fishing in troubled waters were blown up into gorgeous fireworks.

“It’s finally here! I’ve been waiting for this day for so long, you bastard executioners!”

Drax the Destroyer looked at the swarming undead fleet and couldn’t help laughing loudly.

The fire of hatred has destroyed his sanity, and only by truly killing Ronan can he gain inner peace.

“Did you find Ronan?”

Star-Lord, who ran out of the Difan Group building, asked in disbelief.

The cosmic spirit ball is not in their hands now, but the most terrifying enemy has already come to the door. If they are caught by the other party and have no bargaining chips, then their end will definitely be worse than death.

The Nova Corps would send them to prison at most, but Ronan, the governor of the Kree Empire, is a lunatic. From his unscrupulous intrusion into the Void, it can be seen that there are no rules in the eyes of this Kree man.

Thinking of the consequences of falling into Ronan’s hands, Star-Lord took Gamora and ran away decisively. At this time, he could not care about team friendship, and Drax was obviously mentally ill and could be called a pig teammate.

By the time the Kree Empire’s space fighter landed, Xunwu Land was already in chaos, with the rioting crowd running in all directions for fear of being harmed.

A tall man wearing black armor walked down, exuding a tyrannical aura, like the apex predator in the universe, filled with a strong sense of oppression.

No one dared to stand in front of this man, as if he stayed for just one more second, he would be immediately greeted by death.

“Ronan the Accuser!”

Drax roared excitedly, holding a dagger in each hand, preparing for a life-or-death duel with his enemy.

“Are you the one who sent the message?”

asked the dictator of the Kree Empire.

He made a deal with the notorious Mad Titan Thanos, using the Cosmic Spirit Ball in exchange for the destruction of the planet Xandar.

“My wife and daughter, my people and homeland… are all destroyed in your hands. Today I want to make a complete settlement with you!”

Drax the Destroyer roared wildly, his eyes turned blood red, and the rage of hatred burned in his heart.

“Is the cosmic spirit ball on you?”

Ronan didn’t care about the other party’s furious roar and directly raised the key question.

Seeing Drax startled slightly, Ronan knew the answer, then turned around contemptuously, stopped paying attention to him, and directly sent his men to trace the whereabouts of the cosmic spirit ball.

Although he has never met directly with the overlord of the universe, Thanos has always kept his promises. There is no doubt that as long as he hands things over to the other party, the planet Xandar will be destined to be destroyed.

“No! You can’t leave today!”

When Drax the Destroyer saw his enemy turning away, he strode forward angrily, slashing wildly with daggers in both hands. He wanted to avenge his dead wife and daughter.

The accuser Ronan is the overlord of the Kree Empire, and his personal force is even more powerful. Therefore, he has developed a domineering and unruly style of doing things. This can be seen from his unscrupulous intrusion into the ignorant land controlled by the Difan Group.

The governor of the Kree Empire didn’t take Drax seriously at all. Looking at the strong man charging towards him like an out-of-control beast, he couldn’t help but smile with contempt.

He raised his hand to block the opponent’s attack, then made a fist with the other hand and hit the inexplicable guy’s chest hard. The heavy force was like a rumbling train hitting him.


With a dull sound, the Destroyer, holding daggers in both hands, fell heavily on the metal door panel. His whole body seemed to fall apart, and he couldn’t even move a finger.

Drax, who once dominated Qion Prison and earned the title of Destroyer, was helpless in the hands of the Kree Empire’s Archon.

Ronan walked up to the opponent, with cold eyes, and strangled Drax’s neck with one hand. This man may be strong and powerful, but his fighting skills are very poor and he doesn’t know how to control his power at all.

“I don’t remember killing your family, and I probably won’t remember killing you.”

Ronan said nonchalantly, and then easily threw Drax into the chemical pool, and the yellow turbid spinal fluid splashed out.

“Humble reptile!”

With a sneer, Ronan turned around and was about to leave, when a flash of purple light attracted his attention.

On the empty street that was reduced to rubble, a tall young man quietly walked out of the billowing smoke, with steady steps and a calm demeanor.

Ronan’s pupils shrank suddenly, a dazzling light surged in the opponent’s palm, and a terrifying aura slowly brewed.

“Are you looking for the cosmic spirit ball?”

Sean asked softly, looking calmly at the accuser Ronan, not afraid of the other person’s cold and cruel aura.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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