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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 432 The Fifth Gem

The Kree Empire’s undead fleet rushed into the Void Land, and the private armed forces of the Difan Group were instantly defeated. In the end, they were just a group of ragtag groups, and they usually faced mercenaries and space pirates.

The advanced equipment purchased by the Difan Group is enough to crush such a noisy team, but once it encounters a regular legion and the Kree Empire fleet, which is famous for its military strength, it will naturally be difficult to resist.

Taking control of the space port immediately, the commander of the Necron Fleet ordered the blockade of the Void Land, preparing to conduct a large-scale search to find the cosmic spirit ball and complete the mission assigned by the Archon.

This kind of arrogant and rude behavior aroused strong resistance from some people. Those large caravans who came to the Void Land, or the spokespersons of various civilized forces, were familiar with the work style of the Kree Empire Consul. .

They often massacre and exterminate, destroying everything afterwards and erasing traces. Anyway, the Kree Empire has always been adhering to an uninformed and perfunctory attitude, and will not punish Ronan. After all, the other party is one of the Supreme Accusers, representing the warlords. Even the Queen may not be able to control the main war faction headed by the forces at will.

After some unsuccessful negotiations, those large caravans and force spokesmen formed a coalition force, plus many mercenaries stranded in the Void Land, and directly raided the space port.

The two sides fought fiercely, and the Necron fleet’s fierce artillery fire covered the sky above the Void Land. Rocket Raccoon, who left the team, drove a mining spaceship, rushing left and right, trying to break out of the Kree Empire’s encirclement.

This little raccoon came to the Void Land for a bounty of 4 billion, and did not want to get involved in the war conflict of the Kree Empire.

“I wonder if the stupid tree man is hiding well. What if he gets caught by that lunatic Ronan? It would be terrible!”

Rocket Raccoon’s superb skills in piloting the spacecraft allowed him to dodge the intensive artillery fire from behind without any pressure. The green light lit up the sky, like blooming fireworks.

“The predators… there is a group of predators outside who are breaking through the defenses of the Necromancer fleet! I am so lucky!”

After all, the mining spacecraft did not carry any lethal weapons, and it was soon surrounded by the Necromancer fleet. Rocket Raccoon was about to give up resistance and surrendered obediently.

However, a small fleet like a falcon blatantly tore through the Kree Empire’s outer defense line and broke through extremely skillfully.

The pilots all wore red jackets, and the leader wore a fire emblem, clearly the symbol of the Predators.

“Quil! I must catch you this time!”

Yondu, standing proudly on a medium-sized ship, said fiercely.

That bastard kid secretly took away the cosmic spirit ball. Not only was he planning to steal the four billion bounty, but he also provoked Ronan from the Kree Empire, which made Yondu extremely angry.

If he had known earlier, he should have thrown this big trouble to his asshole dad to save himself the headache now.

The battle situation above was stalemate, and the situation below was not peaceful. On the empty long street that had been reduced to ruins, Ronan stared closely at the young man who walked out of the thick smoke.

More specifically, he was staring at the dazzling light blooming from the opponent’s right hand. The ever-changing mass of rich purple light made him feel a hint of danger.

“I am indeed looking for the cosmic spirit ball. Can you provide me with any clues?”

Ronan held the long-handled war hammer and said condescendingly.

He looked at Sean, who looked calm, with an arrogant look on his face, “I will give you a generous reward.”

“It’s a pity that I am destined not to get your generous reward.”

Sean grinned broadly.

“Because the cosmic spirit ball now belongs to me.”

Ronan’s expression was stern, his tyrannical aura was spreading freely, and his black armor buzzed and vibrated, like a lava volcano that was ready to go.

Star-Lord and Gamora, who were hiding on one side of the long street, had disbelief on their faces. They saw that Sean was holding the purple gem with his bare hands, and it was unharmed at all. It seemed that there was no damage at all.

The two people who originally wanted to snatch the power gem back quickly gave up the idea. The other party was obviously a more dangerous mysterious figure. It was better not to provoke him until he found out the details.

“There are always too many people in this universe who don’t know how to live or die. I actually met two in a row today.”

Ronan was not angry, his indifferent eyes were full of murderous intent, and an inexplicable chill swept across the long street.

The tall body erupted violently like a silent volcano, invisible air waves rolled and surged, and the void in all directions suddenly stagnated.

“I will crush every bone in your body, and then you will cry and beg for mercy at my feet!”

After saying the cold declaration, the governor of the Kree Empire suddenly disappeared from the spot.

That unstoppable black figure suddenly rose up, carrying an unparalleled tyrannical aura, and arrived in an instant!

The long-handled war hammer held in both hands was raised high, the atmosphere exploded, as if the space collapsed, and it hit Sean’s head directly.

Although Ronan spoke with contempt, he was quite cautious in his heart. This young man who suddenly appeared was not a weak opponent like Drax.

There was a loud rumbling sound, and the ground with Sean as the center suddenly broke out into fine cracks, like an ever-expanding spider web.

The surging air waves stirred up the dust, like a long dragon flying into the sky, and the deafening dull sound rumbled and reverberated, making the entire Void Land tremble!

“You relied on this meager power to sit on the throne of the Kree Empire’s consul?”

Sean stretched out his left hand to block the long-handled war hammer that Ronan smashed down. He held the power gem in his other hand, and the rich purple light leaked out, escaping violent energy.

His feet sank, the ground cracked, and his deep eyes burst into cold light. Ronan felt that danger was approaching, and before he could react, his whole body was beaten into the sky!

The governor of the Kree Empire felt severe pain all over his body and his eyes were filled with stars, as if he had been hit head-on by a battleship.

In the daze, Ronan turned into a sharp line, crushing dozens of Kree Empire soldiers behind him into bloody foam.

Those unlucky guys were hit by the Archon, and instantly turned into a pile of broken wreckage, with flesh and blood flying everywhere, and no bones left!

The collapsed building masonry was like toppled dominoes. With a continuous roar, Ronan was heavily embedded in a solid wall, creating spider web-like cracks.

Sean clenched his right hand, and the violent purple light stretched and contracted, like an expanding and exploding supernova that would break free from his control at any time.

Shocking purple cracks appeared on the arm, and the rich and dazzling violent light seemed to break through the confinement of the palm, releasing a raging storm of destruction.

“–I am going to kill you!”

Ronan’s roar was like thunder, spreading throughout the entire Void Land!

The long-handled war hammer was swung, and nearby buildings collapsed one after another, turning into a cloud of dust that solidified in the air.

The black armor buzzed and screamed, the hissing air flow was like a group of snakes twisting, and time slowed down at this moment.

Ronan’s dark figure shot out, and the atmosphere shook with ripples visible to the naked eye. The long-handled war hammer was wrapped in fierce energy and attacked the standing Sean.

“I can handle you with just one hand.”

Sean withdrew half of his mind and controlled the power gem in his right hand.

Seeing the approaching figure, he smiled slightly, clenched his fist with his left hand, straightened his body and burst into golden light, and the raging flames condensed into a blazing celestial body.

“You know nothing about power!”

Amid the fierce collision, joking voices quietly sounded.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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