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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 433 Who is the master?

Ronan tried his best to strike hard, but Sean still blocked it lightly. The long-handled warhammer was firmly pressed with his palm. Even though it carried the majestic energy like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, it remained motionless and could not move an inch. !

The stagnant air flow roared like a dragon, making a sharp whistling sound, forming violent hurricanes.

Sean suddenly clenched his palm. The long-handled war hammer, a high-tech creation of the Kree Empire, burst into cracks and shattered in the next moment.

Ignoring the shocked look in the Kree Empire’s governor’s eyes, Sean’s eyes flashed, and the blazing celestial body formed by the surging flames hit Ronan’s body directly.

The black armor disintegrated into ashes, and Ronan seemed to have withstood a fierce bombardment from a round of undead artillery. His strong and powerful body instantly became a ball of charred black, and his whole body was hit hard against the metal door panel behind him!

Sean approached the dying Kree Empire governor. His right hand held the power gem. Purple lines spread upwards along the palm of his hand, and strange lines criss-crossed it.

“Do you want to get the cosmic spirit ball?”

The gentle voice awakened Ronan’s remaining will.

He barely opened his eyes, his strong body was scorched by the hot wind, and his brain clearly conveyed severe pain.

Compared with the damage to his body, what made Ronan more painful was the disastrous defeat he faced!

The governor of the Kree Empire saw the other party open his palms, and a rich purple light shone. He couldn’t help but squint his eyes to relieve the burning pain in his retinas.

“Are you worthy enough to own it?”

Sean smiled slightly, and the overwhelming purple light surged and rolled, like a sea of ​​​​fire, surrounding the severely injured Ronan.

The roaring and majestic waves kept washing over Ronan’s body, tearing every inch of flesh and blood.

Under the impact of the violent force, the tiny particles were annihilated and shattered one after another, and the extreme pain swept through his body. The arrogant and cold-hearted Archon of the Kree Empire couldn’t help but let out a miserable howl in the thick light that was churning like mist.

“You don’t know enough about true power.”

Sean clenched his fists, and the purple light erupting from his palms suddenly dissipated. Ronan knelt weakly at his feet, his body like porcelain about to break, as if it would fall apart in the next moment.

Ronan, who was lying humbly on the ground, raised his head with difficulty and looked up at Sean, who was like a god. He saw that the other person gently picked up the purple gem and set it in a golden glove.

The Infinity Gauntlet with five gems gathered together bloomed with brilliant energy. The void was like a great tide rolling, and the viscous air was like ocean waves, sweeping in all directions one after another.

“Submit to the power and offer your loyalty.”

Sean said this softly.

On the golden glove, the Mind Stone flashed slightly, releasing invisible fluctuations.

The dazzling spiritual radiance, like a rising sun, swallowed up Ronan’s weak will.

The defeated Kree Empire governor showed a trace of struggle at first, but then quickly turned dull.

“As you command, Master.”

Ronan, the arrogant accuser, knelt devoutly at Sean’s feet like the most loyal servant.

This scene made Star-Lord and Gamora, who were hiding aside, widen their eyes with disbelief.

Just now, the arrogant and domineering governor of the Kree Empire knelt down in such submission?

They no longer cared about the power gem falling into each other’s hands, hurriedly hid in the collapsed ruins, and fled away quickly, not even daring to look back.

“Two little mice.”

Sean looked away. Without even looking at Ronan, the accuser who had become a puppet, he walked slowly towards the Difan Group Building.

After clearing out the Kree Empire Archon, it was time to talk to the collector about cooperation.


The land of nothingness fell into chaos, with killings and battles everywhere. The Kree Empire’s undead fleet roared and bombed, and continuous explosions echoed in the sky.

Inside the head of this ancient god, space pirates and interstellar caravans joined in the melee, and a team of plunderers also got involved in the fierce and tense battle at some point.

As for the private armed forces of the Difan Group, they were defeated as early as the first round of contact battles and fled in panic. Even if there were some diehards left, they were strangled by the merciless undead fleet.

“Damn Karina! Damn Kree bastard!”

Waking up from the collection center that had been reduced to ruins, Tanya Difan couldn’t help but curse.

The power gem that was about to be obtained disappeared, and all his precious collections were completely damaged. It can be said that he lost his wife and lost his army.

All this happened because of the audacious maid and the ambitious accuser Ronan.

Without them, Tanya Difan would have left the Void Land with the Power Stone by this time.

The Difan Group can be regarded as a force that cannot be underestimated in the vast universe, and Tanlia-Difan’s identity as the elder of the universe makes him have a transcendent status.

But Ronan, the governor of the Kree Empire, that crazed lunatic didn’t care about this at all. He didn’t even pay attention to the Nova Corps. He wanted to tear up the peace agreement and destroy the Xandar planet, so he would not be afraid of the Difan Group.

In the final analysis, the Difan Group is just a large commercial organization with massive wealth and extensive connections. Compared with advanced civilizations with thousands of space fleets, there is a huge gap between the two that is difficult to fill.

“No matter what, leave this place quickly.”

Tanlia Difan packed up his things and looked at the collections scattered all over the floor. This long-lived elder of the universe was so heartbroken that he couldn’t breathe.

By the way, he scolded that damn maid and Ronan of the Kree Empire over and over again.

As the ruler of the Void Land, the Difan Group certainly has a secret passage that is unknown to everyone. It can avoid the Kree Empire’s undead fleet and directly escape from this star field.

Through the front cabin of the spacecraft, Tanya Difan saw beyond the void, the colorful nebula dust, like thick clouds splashed with countless kinds of paint, spectacular and magnificent.

The famous collector sighed. He had been running Wuwu Land for so long, and had finally managed to build it into the most famous distribution center for smuggled goods in the universe, a bustling trading port. But now he had to give it up, and it was inevitable in his heart. Somewhat reluctant.

But the victory was that Tanlia-Difan had enough time. Whether it was the Difan Group or the Void World, they were just boring games he played to pass the time.

“I’ll get it back anyway.”

Tanya Difan comforted herself in this way.

He was thinking in his mind whether he should go to the Saka planet to visit Gao Tianzun, whom he had not seen for a long time.

The spacecraft’s thrusters ejected intense firelight, breaking through the void, like a brilliant meteor thrown into the beautiful nebula.

Ronan the Accuser is a well-known warlord leader in the universe. He has never followed the rules of the Nova Corps and is extremely powerful. With the Kree Empire on his back, which is among the ranks of advanced civilizations, it is extremely unlucky to meet him.

It is estimated that the peace between the Kree Empire and the Xandar planet will not last long, and the universe will soon be plunged into raging war.

Just when Tanya Difan relaxed, the huge nebula rendered layer by layer like an oil painting slowly swirled like a vortex in the sea.

The industrial-grade solid spaceship suddenly shook, like a small boat in a violent storm, teetering on the edge and likely to disintegrate at any time.

It was as if there was an invisible big hand moving the galaxy, ripples spread out in the boundless void, and the magnificent force pulled the colorful and beautiful nebulae.

The destructive storm containing surging energy bombarded the spacecraft on which Tanya Difan was riding. The collector sat inside the cabin with a horrified expression on his face.

The star field surrounding the Void Land has always remained calm and stable. How could such a terrifying cosmic storm suddenly erupt?


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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