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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 434 The chips on the table

In the top floor area of ​​the Difan Group, Xiao En was sitting leisurely. Opposite him was the rather embarrassed Tanya Difan, the famous collector in the universe.

The chaos in the Void Land has subsided. The Necromancer fleet led by Ronan the Accuser, under Sean’s secret instructions, withdrew from the space port and cruised in the surrounding star fields.

As a result, the armed forces who joined forces to resist naturally had no reason to continue fighting. After confirming that it was not a conspiracy by the Cree, they dispersed in groups.

Star-Lord, who originally wanted to make a fortune, escaped Yondu’s predators and took Gamora on his escape journey again. When Rocket Raccoon found Groot, this man who could only speak one sentence The tree man is dragging the unconscious Drax out of the chemical tank.

This team, which was supposed to form the Guardians of the Galaxy and save the planet Xandar, did not come together by fate like in the original timeline and became a dance group that would become famous in the universe in the future.

“Hello, dear collector, I’m sorry to meet you in such a rude way.”

Sean was leaning on the comfortable semi-circular sofa, with a soft carpet under his feet. The surrounding light was bright, and the layout and furnishings all exuded a luxurious atmosphere.

This is the private area of ​​the Difan Group. It originally belonged to Tanya Difan alone, but now it is openly claimed by this young man.

Standing behind the sofa is a bald woman with blue skin. Judging from the metal parts covering a large area of ​​her body, it can be judged that she has undergone several mechanical modifications.

Tanya and Tifan knew each other, Nebula, from the Rufmund civilization destroyed by Galactus, and like Gamora who came to trade, she was also the adopted daughter of Thanos.

It is said that she was brutally trained by the Mad Titan since she was a child and turned into a killing machine. Her hands are stained with blood and sin, and even the notorious space pirates are frightened. Together with Gamora, she is called “the most dangerous woman in the universe”.

“Your invitation method is really unique…”

Tanya Difan said with a smile.

The robe and shawl covered with scorch marks and the messy white hair made the elegant posture he originally maintained gone.

He thought of what had happened before, with an expression of lingering fear on his face. Even if he lived for a long time, had someone blow up a spaceship from a distance, and then be dragged back from the dust of the nebula to the land of ignorance, this thrilling experience would still be First time.

“You are the Earthling who brought down Thanos?”

Tanlia Difan rolled his eyes. As the controller of the Difan Group, he has such a huge information channel in Xuwuwu. He only needs to think a little, and he can probably guess Sean ‘s true identity.

“I thought this news was just a rumor spread by someone with good intentions. Thanos, as the overlord of the universe, has never encountered failure…”

Tanya Tifan put on an eager expression. No wonder Thanos’s adopted daughter followed him, and the accuser Ronan also left the Void Land obediently.

It is obvious that this young man has the tyrannical strength not to lose to Thanos.

When did the people on earth have such strong people?

Such thoughts flashed through the Collector’s mind.

In the galaxy, the only thing that impressed him was the civilized planet called Asgard.

After all, when Odin conquered the nine realms and was invincible, Hela, the goddess of death, and the heroic legion of Valkyries left a deep impression on collectors.

“Nebula had your doubts. She thought Thanos was invincible—”

There was a faint smile on Sean’s lips. He looked at the collector who was thinking a lot and said softly: “Until I took out this.”

A shining golden glove appeared out of thin air and was placed on Sean’s right hand. Five infinity stones of different colors were as bright as stars.

The collector’s eyes suddenly changed, and his funny and flattering expression suddenly turned into one of incomparable horror.

“Infinity stones…or five?!”

There was strong disbelief in his shocked tone.

Of course Tanya Tifan knew that Thanos was after the six gems, and for this purpose he also built a glove as an energy transmission device.

Therefore, when collectors wanted to take possession of the cosmic spirit ball, they considered the dangers involved, but in the end, personal preferences prevailed.

As a member of the ancient race with a long life and the elders of the universe, time is not worth cherishing, on the contrary, it is not worth mentioning.

In order to relieve the loneliness in the endless years and prevent himself from going crazy, Tanlia Difan chose to collect rare items, while his brother Gao Tianzun was obsessed with competitive gambling. They both regarded hobbies as strange existences in life.

“Space, mind, reality, time, power…”

The Collector breathed heavily as he counted them one by one, his eyes filled with the brilliant light emitted by the Infinity Stones.

When he got to the back, he couldn’t help but want to reach out and touch it, getting closer to the dreamy brilliance.

A group of rich purple light suddenly flashed, and the strong air flow knocked Tanya Difan out.

“Sorry, this is a personal item.”

Sean looked at Tanya Difan, who was rolling on the ground in a rather embarrassed state, and said with a smile.

“I want to negotiate a deal with you.”


Tanya Tifan shook his robes, and he didn’t seem to feel humiliated at all. He only had infinite gems in his eyes.

“I can give you the entire Difan Group, and even everything about me, as long as…”

This famous collector stared at the Infinity Gauntlet with burning eyes, revealing a greed that he tried to restrain.

“Do you think it’s possible?”

Sean said with a half-smile.

The Infinity Stones are the most precious items in the universe and a symbol of supreme power. Even the three major empires cannot afford the price, let alone Tanlia and Difan who have spent all of them.

“With all due respect, except for the Infinity Stones, you have nothing more valuable.”

Tanya Difan lowered his head in frustration, his heart was ready to move, and he wanted to snatch the golden glove immediately.

But as a collector, Tanya Difan knows better than anyone else how terrifying the holder of the five Infinity Stones will be.

“Sometimes, one’s own strength is also a bargaining chip.”

Sean looked at Tanya Difan who was in a daze and said in a deep voice.

He wants to build Xuwuwu into the bridgehead of the earth, and add the nine star fields as the overall defense line, which is enough to form a complete springboard.

“I have a Necromancer fleet from the Kree Empire, a female killer trained by Thanos, and an Infinity Gauntlet that can defeat the fleets of the three major empires… I think there is still room for cooperation between the two parties.”

Sean was sitting on the sofa with a calm face and a tough attitude that could not be refused.

The golden glove shone with a cold light.

PS: Reward for Crab “Eclair Falon” ()


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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