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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 435 The new overlord

Under the threat of the Infinity Gauntlet, Tanya Tifan finally chose to give up the ignorance. He could see that this young man from the earth had a close relationship with Ronan, the governor of the Kree Empire, and the Mad Titan Thanos. It’s the same kind of people.

What they have in common is that they don’t care about the rules on the surface, or they have the courage and strength to dare to flip the table at any time.

Thanos and Ronan have fallen at Sean’s feet one after another.

Tanya Difan is a guy who knows the current affairs. He doesn’t want to be the next stepping stone and be stepped into the ground by the other party.

This well-known collector in the universe very wisely provided everything Sean needed, including the liquidity of the entire Difan Group, control of the star fields surrounding the Void Land, and so on.

Tanya Tifan understood that Sean wanted a puppet on the surface. As for the Kree Empire, he already had Ronan the Accuser and a fleet of undead.

After that, he would take the Void into his pocket and build a huge and prosperous trading port, which would truly mean he had his own place in the vast universe.

“The land of ignorance will have a new master.”

Tanya Difan opened his hands and performed a rather exaggerated ceremony.

After meeting all Sean’s requirements, Shi Shiran, a collector with a transcendent status, left.

“Di Fan is not trustworthy.”

Nebula, standing behind the sofa like a guard, said coldly.

She had dealt with Tanya Difan many times, and knew that underneath the other person’s seemingly funny and clown-like behavior, there was hidden thoughtfulness that should not be underestimated.

As an elder of the universe who has lived for a long time, Tanya Difan’s thinking is very different from that of ordinary beings, making it even more difficult to predict.

“Of course he is not trustworthy. This collector is probably thinking about how to take away the five infinity stones from my hand.”

Sean smiled and nodded. Tanya Difan was willing to give up his ignorance, and was so generous that he attached the entire Difan Group. Naturally, there was a secret plan in this.

“The superiors should not worry about the treacherous plots in the dark corners. Just like Thanos, the Mad Titan who leads the Dark Order and dominates billions of living beings, will he be afraid of other people’s ill intentions?”

Sean stood up, a relaxed smile on his face.

He walked slowly to the transparent viewing platform and looked at the colorful nebula and dust, feeling calm inside.

From the earth to the stars and the sea, Sean has always been playing the role of the man behind the scenes, until he surpassed those superheroes and evil villains and reached the top of the world.

Now, in the dark universe, he had an impulsive desire to let go and do something big.

Starting from the Void Land, looking around, we see the three great empires, the Nova Legion, the Elders of the Universe, the Dark Order…

Although he is already on top of the earth, the road ahead is still long.

“Under the starry sky, in the forest of civilization, we still have to speak with our fists.”

Sean turned to look at Nebula and said softly: “It’s just that as times change, violence and barbarism often put on the cloak of civilization and give it a high-sounding whitewash.”

Nebula was speechless. She had heard Thanos say similar words many times.

The pair of mechanically modified electronic eyes stared closely at the golden glove on Sean’s right hand, which was the supreme treasure that the Mad Titan had been pursuing all his life.

Even though he saw with his own eyes that Ronan, the arrogant accuser, bowed at the opponent’s feet, Nebula still had doubts in her heart.

It wasn’t until Sean showed off the Infinity Gauntlet that Nebula completely believed that Thanos had been defeated at his opponent’s hands.

She has been by Thanos’ side all year round. As a loyal subordinate, she knows very well the Mad Titan’s tyrannical strength.

Thanos, who sits on the throne of the overlord of the universe, has countless dangerous thugs and criminals under his command. He can easily destroy a planet and wipe out half of all life. He is a terrifying existence that none of the three empires are willing to provoke.

In Nebula’s past knowledge, Thanos, who trained herself to be a killer, was invincible and could not be defeated or killed. Therefore, although she and Gamora harbored endless hatred in their hearts, they never dared Reveal half of it.

But now, this huge shadow and terrible nightmare that shrouded Nebula’s heart seems to have quietly dissipated, and it is no longer as despairing as before.

“What do you want me to do?”

The trained female killer asked directly.

She is very smart. For the things she has done in the past, after losing the protection of Thanos, she will probably be wanted by the Nova Corps and then be thrown into Qien Prison and imprisoned for the rest of her life.

If she wants to escape Thanos’ control and gain true freedom, Nebula will of course have to find a new backer, and Sean, who can compete with the Mad Titan, is undoubtedly the best choice.

“Same as you did with Thanos.”

Sean smiled slightly. He needed to open a channel and establish a stable communication channel from the nine star fields to the Void Land.

This is a time-consuming and laborious project. Ronan the Accuser, who has become a puppet, needs to return to the Kree Empire and launch a mighty military revolution to overthrow the rule established by the Supreme Intelligence.

Therefore, Sean needs to find a spokesperson who is strong enough to deal with the notorious space pirates and the warlike predatory civilizations.

“Before that, you can pay more attention to Gamora’s whereabouts.”

Sean said casually.

“She also holds the whereabouts of the last gem.”

Nebula felt awe-struck in her heart and suddenly looked at Sean, with a hint of fear in her eyes.

Gamora had only mentioned this news to her. How did Sean know about it?

In Xingyun’s eyes, the young man standing on the observation deck was shrouded in mystery.

“In the entire universe, I am the only one who can help you escape Thanos’ control.”

Sean said calmly.

He knew that Gamora and Nebula, these two dangerous women who were adopted and trained by Thanos, always wanted to escape from the control of the Mad Titan.

In the original timeline, Ronan the Accuser obtained the Cosmic Spirit Ball, decisively broke the deal with Thanos, and took the Power Stone for himself.

And Nebula chose Ronan’s side without hesitation, trying to escape from Thanos’ huge shadow with the help of the Kree Empire’s Praetor.

“I can do something for you, as long as you kill Thanos.”

Xingyun thought for a moment and replied coldly.

There was a strong hatred in the indifferent voice.

How painful would it be for a normal living body to undergo several cruel mechanical transformations?

If Gamora’s hatred comes from her massacred home planet, then Nebula comes from herself.

“That day will come.”

Sean said in a relaxed tone.

There was no hatred between him and the Mad Titan, but it was impossible for two living beings who also pursued the ultimate to coexist with each other.

“I’m waiting.”

Nebula stared at Sean, who had an upright back, as if he saw a cosmic overlord rising.

PS: There was a power outage, so I coded a chapter on my mobile phone, sorry (_)

Good night~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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