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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 436 Tomorrow and the Future

Peaceful time always passes quickly, and the new era is like a galloping horse, crossing the gap of time.

In an old house in Brooklyn, Steve wears a pointed hat made of newspapers, wields a long roller brush, and works diligently to paint the old walls, while his friend Bucky, who is gradually recovering his memory, is also cleaning the room. The hygiene inside.

It is hard to imagine that one of them is a World War II veteran of the last century and the other is Hydra’s ace killer, but now they are like ordinary people, wearing aprons and newspaper hats to clean up.

Especially Steve Rogers, the former war hero and righteous leader of superheroes, has disappeared from the public eye for a long time. People can only see him in museums and educational videos.

Captain America is very satisfied with his current life. After taking off his shield and stars-and-stripes uniform, he seems to have gotten rid of his past responsibilities and found peace of mind.

In the bar, Steve and Sean had a long conversation, and they talked a lot. After that, he signed the superhero agreement bill, no longer paid attention to the complicated and dark political disputes, and lived a retired life. .

Steve, who had left behind his shield and national flag, now felt relaxed, and all the confusion and hesitation he had felt had dissipated.

This World War II veteran fought on the smoke-filled battlefield, walked through the hail of bullets, and before victory came, he fell into the glacier with an incomplete promise.

Then I woke up from a long slumber of seventy years, as if I had slept for a long time. I opened the curtains, only to find that the world in front of me was completely different and had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The tragic war that swept the world was over. Some of the comrades and partners who fought side by side with him were old, and some were sleeping underground. This left a huge emptiness in Steve’s heart that could not be filled.

In peaceful times, Captain America, as a war hero, cannot find the value of his existence. The country only regarded him as a model for propaganda, while people thought he was a legendary figure who came out of history. Everyone called him Captain America, but no one cared about the little boy named Steve Rogers under the star-spangled uniform. Who is tall?

Just when Steve was at a loss, Nick Fury approached him and after some persuasion, he joined SHIELD. However, he soon discovered that the so-called SHIELD was not an organization that exercised justice. and institutions that maintain peace.

The black director was too indifferent. In a crisis, the solution to the problem was always the first priority, rather than people’s casualties and safety. This was completely unacceptable to Captain America.

Steve is like a lonely ghost living in the 21st century. All his memories are still stuck in the haze of World War II, and he is unable to adapt to the changes in the new world.

It wasn’t until later that he and Sean had a conversation in the bar, and the other party believed that it was the existence of superheroes that put the world in turmoil and chaos.

A group of humans with powerful abilities put on uniforms and capes to fight criminals. While upholding justice, they also ignore the laws and rules of the country. In a sense, superheroes also belong to the ranks of criminals.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, but not everyone can bear the heavy responsibility and restrain their own abilities.

So instead of letting superheroes save the world, why not fundamentally change the world?

Steve had to admit that Sean had done a great job. Even though the superheroes had disappeared, the world was not in turmoil, and a new order began to be established.

Without Nick Fury, S.H.I.E.L.D. has become purer, dedicated to maintaining order and homeland security. Even mutants who were originally persecuted can be recognized openly by people. They have got rid of the concept of mutants. Discriminatory names become “new human beings”.

Without the existence of Iron Man, Captain America and the Avengers, the world remains peaceful and beautiful. Everyone gradually forgets about superheroes, and they slowly become legends and classic characters in comic books.

“Steve, what should we have for dinner? There are no ingredients at home. We have to go to the supermarket to buy them.”

Bucky asked, who was busy cleaning.

The Winter Soldier, who slowly regained his memory, got rid of the darkness and haze of the past with the help of his friends, and began to live a new life.

A long time ago, Bucky accepted a public trial in the court and served his sentence in an isolated island prison. He was not officially released until Umbrella completely eliminated the sequelae of brainwashing.

Although he still needs to face the long-term supervision of SHIELD, this is a good start anyway.

“Since we are renovating our new home, we should celebrate today. How about soup, mashed potatoes, grilled lamb chops and fried shrimp?”

The painting job was almost done, Steve said with a smile as he looked down.

“Sounds like a lot. I thought you were going to ask Peter to bring over another pizza.”

Bucky joked and turned on the TV.

“…The World Security Council officially approved the ‘Land Building Plan’ not long ago. In Antarctica, Africa, and Australia, Umbrella will provide technical support to build new science and technology cities to prepare for the future of going beyond the earth and exploring the universe… …According to the latest news, the Earth will officially establish good diplomatic relations with extraterritorial civilizations, and promote friendly exchanges of science and civilization with each other…”

The old TV was playing the news, and the dusty screen scrolled with pictures transmitted from a distance. Occasionally, a few spaceships flashed by, as well as tall and straight figures, black uniforms, and flame armbands, which were being formed. The Exploration Corps, they will be the first humans to head into outer space.

“It’s unimaginable. I can still remember the scene when we attended the Stark Tomorrow Expo together. At that time, Howard stood on the stage and said that everyone is witnessing the future, and now, we are already in the future. “

Steve said with sincere emotion and some sadness.

“I also remember that that time was also your chance to change your life… Steve, you met Dr. Erskine and became Captain America.”

Bucky also smiled and said: “Before this, you were still a little man who put newspapers on the soles of his shoes when he went out. In the blink of an eye, you led us to defeat the Nazis.”

The two friends looked at each other and smiled. Those beautiful memories have now become precious pictures that gradually fade in their minds. They can only be taken out and savored occasionally.

“Okay, it’s time to go to the supermarket. Although the pizza shop Peter opened is delicious, we can’t eat it every day.”

Steve put on his coat and walked downstairs with Bucky. The sunset gradually sank into the horizon, and the steel jungle turned into a beautiful silhouette in the dim afterglow.

The soft sunlight stretched the silhouettes of the two people very long. They were walking on the streets of Brooklyn, as if they had returned to the last century.

Steve looked into the distance, a new era was beginning, and both he and Bucky would be witnesses.

ps: I recommend a book called “The Story of a Policeman”. Readers who like Hong Kong movies can give it a try~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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