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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 437 The Rise of New Forces

The core area of ​​Voidland is dotted with rows of high-rise buildings, beautiful art centers, magnificent entertainment venues, and colorful lights swaying, creating a dreamy feeling.

The most eye-catching thing is a towering building that stands proudly. It is the tallest building in the Void Land. It looks like a half-opened sail and is shiny silver. The red and white umbrella-shaped logo hanging on the top is even more eye-catching.

Today’s Void Land can be said to have a completely new look compared to the intricate architectural layout and chaotic and dark areas of the past.

The former dirty and messy bottom mining area and the mixed residential area have all been re-planned and designed. While order has been restored to this lawless land, it also exudes a brand new vitality.

Sean clasped his hands on his chest and looked down at the prosperous land beneath his feet. A year had passed since he took control of the Void Land.

Although he is in the universe, Sean is still accustomed to using the time unit set by the earth to describe the movement of matter and the passage of all things.

Although when it is placed under the picture of the universe, it will be full of uncertainties and become imprecise.

The definition of time units such as minutes, seconds, hours, years, etc. is just a human-set concept of time. Different civilizations have different designed time units or time concepts.

The gap between the nine star regions is not that big, but in the vast universe, there are many unique civilizations with completely different concepts of time, and they all have different ways of communicating with the outside world.

Without the Difan Group, the Void Land did not decline due to the departure of Tanlia-Difan. Although it was silent for a period of time in the early stage, it quickly recovered to its original heights later relying on free and open trade exports. Prosperity.

No one knows what kind of agreement the new owner of the Void Land has reached with Ronan, the governor of the Kree Empire. When Tanlia Difan left, many big forces couldn’t wait to rush in here. , they were like sharks smelling the smell of blood, opening their bloody mouths, trying to enjoy this table of delicacies to themselves.

However, the Kree Empire’s undead fleet forced the group of profiteers with the idea of ​​making a fortune to retreat temporarily with strong reluctance.

During this process, those space pirates who came in entanglement and took action upon hearing the news never stopped harassing and provoking the Void Land, but they soon paid a heavy price.

Thanos’ adopted daughter, Nebula, proves her worth to Sean. The vicious space pirate is like a lamb to be slaughtered in the eyes of this ruthless female killer.

After single-handedly destroying two small fleets in succession and triggering internal chaos among the space pirates, some of these marauders from the macrocosmic era were officially incorporated, while others were wiped out by the former.

“The casualty rate of free citizens is getting higher and higher, and the reorganized space pirates are uneasy. If you still don’t plan to call Ronan back from the Kree Empire, I’m afraid the Void Land will become an abandoned place.”

Nebula passed the verification and identification of a little girl in a red dress and strode into this private area.

She turned to look at the artificial intelligence called “Red Queen” and turned her attention to Sean.

The adopted daughter of Thanos quickly showed extraordinary abilities after accepting Sean’s employment. Obviously, the Mad Titan’s rigorous training was not without effect.

At the beginning, Sean announced the liberation of the miner slaves in the Void Land and planned to classify them as free citizens to act as an effective force guarding the Void Land. Nebula was responsible for training them.

In less than half a year, this group of low-level slaves who only knew how to rob and extort were able to fight head-on with the space pirates, all thanks to Nebula.

“Space pirates are encroaching on the surrounding star fields and seriously affecting the normal operation of the Void Land. If this happens, the entire waterway will be paralyzed.”

Nebula said solemnly, she didn’t understand why Ronan’s undead fleet left suddenly.

People in today’s ignorant land are in panic, like a boiling oil pot that will explode immediately if there is a spark.

“It was impossible for Ronan to support the Void Land. He summoned the warlord forces of the Kree Empire and declared his rebellion against the rule of the Supreme Intelligence. He believed that the Kree people should not accept the rule of a mechanical will.”

Sean shook his head and denied the suggestion. He said softly: “Due to the call for war within the empire, the Kree Empire unilaterally tore up the peace agreement with the planet Xandar. After the war began, Ronan mobilized all the Necron fleets. , which has my permission.”

“Otherwise, why do you think this group of space pirates suddenly gathered together again? The war between the Kree Empire and the Xandar planet broke the peace of the universe. More civilizations plundered resources and wanted to join the higher-level power banquet. In their eyes, ignorance is just a huge, sweet and delicious cake.”

Sean’s face was calm, and he didn’t seem to feel anxious at all. He had not shown his face since taking control of the Void Land.

Nebula has always been taking care of it, which made many people initially think that the new owner behind the Void Land was the Mad Titan Thanos.

But later, this illusion was quickly exposed, and as the Dark Order disappeared, news of Thanos’ suspected death also spread more and more widely.

“You deliberately let them think that the cake was unguarded and lured these people into taking the bait.”

Nebula’s eyes flashed, as if she had guessed Sean’s plan.

“How did the three major empires establish their status? And how did Thanos establish his illustrious reputation?”

Sean looked at Nebula, and without waiting for a reply, he said directly: “It’s a war again and again!”

“No matter how different the civilizations in the universe are, one thing is roughly the same. Barbaric plunder and ruthless conquest are the best means to quickly establish majesty. Friendly exchanges can never exchange for true peace.”

“I need a group of people to jump out first and let those with bad intentions see the bloody lessons with their own eyes.”

Hearing Sean’s explanation, Nebula felt relieved. No wonder this young man first freed the slaves and then used freedom as a temptation to drive them to fight.

Afterwards, Ronan the Accuser was allowed to take away the Necromancer fleet, leaving Xun Wuwu in a miserable situation of isolation and helplessness.

The rise of a force is bound to be accompanied by the fall of stars. Sean needs to let people know that the Difan Group has become a thing of the past in the land of ignorance.

“In chaos, more opportunities are born.”

Sean waved his hand, and a huge three-dimensional projection appeared in the sky. This was the distribution of power in the era of the big universe.

The vast universe is not at peace. The war between the Kree Empire and the Xandar planet has rekindled. Large-scale conflicts broke out between the two parties, involving countless planets. Even the Nova Corps, which considers itself the police of the universe, can hardly stay away.

The Shi’ar Empire, which seems stable, and the Skrull Empire, which maintains a low profile, are also undercurrents in private, with internal conflicts and external conflicts emerging one after another.

In addition to these powerful beings who stand at the top of the galaxy, there are also the transcendent elders of the universe, the observer civilization that never interferes in any affairs, and some secret organizations that spy in secret.

If a new force like the Earth wants to seek a higher position, in addition to trying to survive in the cracks, it can only wait for chaos to come and gain opportunities for rapid development.

“Don’t worry, an army will come to Xuwu Land soon.”

Sean looked at the vast universe, his eyes filled with anticipation.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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