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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 438 The First Battle

In the vast universe, huge colorful nebulae spread out like a magnificent picture.

In the deep, dark and quiet void, streamlined space fighters are arranged neatly, like a sharp arc, enough to cut through any enemy standing in front of them.

In the middle is a huge and sturdy black warship, more than two thousand feet long, like a thick fortress, giving off a strong sense of oppression.

This is the proud work of Xandar Heavy Industry Group. It is called the “Cheer”. It has more than 6,000 life-saving cabins, enough to carry 20,000 elite warriors. It is equipped with a curvature engine and uses an anti-matter energy core. The entire battleship is The armament includes twelve quadruple powerful laser turrets, twenty-four laser secondary cannons and four multi-purpose launchers.

A huge main gun was installed on the bow of the ship at a large cost, and its lethality is unquestionable. It can be said that this steel behemoth, unless it encounters the regular legions of the three empires, is completely capable of conquering any civilized planet.

I don’t know how this motley crew of space pirates obtained such strategic military weapons for colonial expansion.

“This bunch of bastard weapons and equipment are almost catching up with the ace fleets of the three empires.”

A one-eyed dragon with mechanical prosthetics spat and said viciously.

This man named Teach comes from the planet Carbine and has a wild long black beard. He used to be a notorious space pirate. The most famous thing he did was to single-handedly hijack the Sovereign planet. The flagship of the “Queen of Vengeance” later hid in the Void Land in order to avoid the high priest’s crazy pursuit.

“Teach, you often say that you are the most ferocious pirate and the best captain in this universe. Now is your chance to prove yourself.”

Nebula fiddled with his mechanical arm and said coldly.

They were standing at the space port of the Void Land. After six months on earth, the hordes of space pirates that gathered together completely occupied the surrounding star fields of the Void Land, forming a dangerous trend of encirclement and attack. .

And the legion that Sean mentioned made Nebula even more disappointed. An Earth coalition that had never experienced the baptism of war could not possibly be a match for those space pirates.

In the eyes of Thanos’s adopted daughter, the people of Earth are like a group of weak Oroni, while the space pirates with the support of big forces are predators standing at the top of the food chain.

The gap between the two sides is simply a huge gap that cannot be filled. If it were not for knowing Sean’s tyrannical strength, Nebula might have left long ago.

The person she is willing to serve is a cosmic overlord who is strong enough to fight Thanos, not an arrogant lunatic who is so arrogant that he cannot distinguish reality.

“what should we do?”

Teach was nonchalant, holding a cigar from Earth in his mouth.

He hadn’t heard of Earth, but the vodka shots and cigarettes these guys had were really amazing.

“Let’s wait and let this Earth coalition see what space war is.”

Nebula stood at the space port, and Sean had given the order. They were only providing logistical support.

Obviously, the new owner of the Void Land wanted to let this legion, which left the earth for the first time, experience a cruel baptism of blood and fire.


“How many of those bastards are there?”

John, wearing a crisp black uniform and a flame armband on his right hand, stood at the space port and asked the clerk.

“There are nearly three thousand people on the flanks, which is almost the number of a fleet. Seventy percent of the armed elements are composed of space pirates, and there are also some mercenaries who joined halfway.”

The clerk-looking man replied.

“Mr. Sipers said that we will cripple them this time! After going through tens of thousands of virtual battles and tens of thousands of strategic exercises… we will not lose to these rabble!”

John, with a resolute face, sneered, and a ball of flame burst out from his palm, swaying continuously.

He looked at the clerk and asked, “How are Bobby and Pietro preparing?”

“Everything is ready, waiting for your instructions!”

replied the clerk.

At the other end of the space port, Iceman Bobby and Quicksilver Pietro, also wearing black uniforms, boarded a destroyer.

Thanks to Sean’s vigorous promotion, the earth is moving forward rapidly. Especially after occupying the Void Land, it has gained a large amount of scientific and technological accumulation from higher civilizations, coupled with the unconditional industrial support provided by the World Security Council, a team has gradually The formed space fleet rushed into the sea of ​​stars first.

This human coalition is mainly composed of the younger generation of mutants and super soldiers jointly cultivated by various countries. The commander is Emil Blonsky, the supreme leader is General Thaddeus Ross, and leaders of various countries selected The elite formed a military council, a total of twelve people.

“This is our first battle! Humanity is supreme!”

“Humanity first!”

Quicksilver’s voice sounded on the communication channel, followed by impassioned echoes.

Enjoying the cake alone also comes with some risks.

The land of Void has gradually transformed from an underground black market into a prosperous trade center and an increasingly important space port, which can generate huge profits. In the eyes of those big forces, this is undoubtedly a rich and delicious sweet cake.

At that time, they were frightened by the governor of the Kree Empire, and these cowardly people did not dare to act rashly. However, as time passed, the Kree Empire tore up the peace agreement with the planet Xandar, and the conflicts escalated day by day. Even the Nova Corps could not Take control of the situation.

Now that the accuser Ronan has too much time to take care of himself, it is the best time to seize the land of ignorance in a big way!

“Everything is ready, just waiting for John’s order.”

Bobby said calmly.

He spent some time in the Mutant Academy, but in the end he was still confused and couldn’t find his place.

With the advent of a new era, this iceman with great potential joined the expeditionary force formed by the World Security Council.

My friend John, who was the first to make the choice, has now become a mature and qualified battleship commander and a hot new star in the expeditionary force.

“Maybe this is an opportunity.”

Bobby thought in his heart, he didn’t want to fall behind his friends and classmates and gradually become the forgotten existence.

“The First Fleet, dispatch!”

John’s voice came from the encrypted channel.

In the space port of the Void Land, small carrier-based aircraft flew past like swimming fish, and the dense beams of light broke the past calmness of the dark void.

Groups of flames bloomed violently, and behind the brilliant and beautiful fire, there was cold death. The two sides began to attack continuously. Numerous fleets composed of space pirates and mercenaries were like fierce wolves, flocking to surround Xunwuwu. Earth’s first fleet.

However, under the central command of Skynet, the “Prometheus” where John was stationed established a meticulous defensive front, avoiding the opponent’s fierce bites time and time again. Instead, it lured the enemy deeper, causing the opponent to fall into the encirclement.

Against the background of the deep and dark universe, thousands of carrier-based aircraft are like flexible fish, swarming towards the huge “cheers”. The core of the aircraft is a bright light, which is an upgraded artificial sun, serving as the key. energy core.

The space pirate’s “Cheer” responded easily and immediately activated a strong energy field, which was enough to withstand the continuous bombardment of the main gun, prevent the close-range attack of the carrier-based aircraft, and at the same time release a dense firepower network.

In the silent vacuum environment, groups of dazzling flames burst into bloom!

ps: I watched “Venom” and it was so cute. I highly recommend it~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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