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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 44 Hunting

Manhattan, Baxter Building.

Sean pulled Mindy, who was carrying a small schoolbag, into the elevator and climbed all the way up until the number stopped at the forty-eighth floor. Two figures, one large and one small, entered their new home under the guidance of the property manager who had been waiting for a long time.

“Wow…this is great, Sean!” Mindy opened her mouth and shouted excitedly.

The first thing that caught the little Loli’s eye was the huge transparent floor-to-ceiling windows. Sunlight shone in from the outside and fell on the temporarily empty hall. Outside the window were densely packed high-rise buildings, standing on the earth like trees growing in a forest. When night falls, standing here and looking up, you can admire the nearby Park Avenue and Central Park, as well as the colorful lights, giving you the illusion of overlooking the entire New York.

The simple European-style decoration and all-new furniture made Mindy extremely satisfied with this new home. She couldn’t wait to rush into the room, ready to pick a bedroom that she liked.

“The kid is a little noisy.” Sean said with a smile, his eyes soft.

Mindy lost her mother when she was very young, and later lived with her father. It must be said that the police officer failed very badly in the role of father. He completely raised his daughter as a killing machine, so that Mindy There is a fundamental lack of normal outlook on life and concepts of life, and they have developed the bad habit of resorting to violent means to resolve any disagreements, and can even take lives without blinking an eye.

Fortunately, under Sean’s deliberate guidance, this little blond loli has gradually forgotten her previous life. Those bloody and painful past events have turned into faded old photos under the passage of time, and are sealed deep in her heart.

Now his relationship with Mindy is somewhat similar to that of a family. Two equally lonely guys live together, giving each other and gaining the rare warmth in their hearts.

“It seems that you are quite satisfied with the Baxter Building. This building has a total of fifty floors. The residents are all New York’s elites. By the way, Mr. Reed-Richards lives above you. You are all Talented people who are famous in New York, I believe there will be common topics, and Baxter Tower is honored to have you stay here.”

The property manager in a suit and tie said flatteringly that anyone who has read newspapers frequently in recent times will be familiar with Sean’s face. After all, both entertainment newspapers and academic magazines are vying to report on this new owner. A young boy with dual auras as a wealthy man and a scientific genius.

“Reed Richards?” Sean’s eyes flickered. The genius known as the top three in the world lived above him. What an interesting coincidence. “I will visit when I have time. I have been looking forward to meeting Dr. Richards.”

After seeing off the attentive property manager, Sean walked to the balcony. Mindy was busy decorating her room. The excitement of moving to a new home probably wouldn’t pass soon, so Sean let her do what she wanted. There was a vibration in his pocket, and he took out his cell phone and answered the call from Wesley.

“How was the conversation?” Sean asked.

“Everything is as you expected, boss.” A respectful voice came from the other end of the phone. “When I brought up the origins of Danny Rand and the Hand, Alexandra’s attitude immediately changed. She was very happy. I simply agree to your request.”

“Alexandra doesn’t have long to live. The shadow of death is imminent. No one can stay calm.”

Sean stood on the balcony, overlooking the city below. The traffic stretched like a long queue on the highway. Looking into the distance, he could vaguely see the winding Hudson River.

While admiring the beautiful scenery of Manhattan from a height, he ordered Wesley: “Keep an eye on Danny Rand. I will go find him in person tonight.”

“Boss, do you really want to help the Hand Club complete their plan?” Wesley hesitated and asked.

Sean told him the plan of the Hand. If Alexandra unearthed the huge keel buried underground, it was said that it would touch the foundation of the entire New York. By then, the city would sink and collapse, and no one would know how many people would die. for this disaster.

Although Wesley was not a kind person, he still had hesitation and intolerance in his heart as he watched millions of people die.

“How could I let these madmen who long for immortality destroy New York? I will hand over Danny Rand to Alexandra, but the Dragon Bone and the Hand are together, and it is not their turn to get involved.”

Sean laughed softly in the breeze and said, the dragon bones that can resurrect the dead and the Hand with power all over the world are his goals. As for Alexandra and other Hand leaders, there will naturally be people Solve it for him.

“Those street heroes from Hell’s Kitchen, they should be gathered together, right?”

“The Punisher and Daredevil found some people, but they don’t seem to get along well.” Wesley used the resources at hand to track these target people. “The Hand had found Danny Rand before, but he was The Iron Fist escaped. Those ninjas were no match for him, and Jessica Jones and Luke Cage also followed some clues and investigated the Hand company… In short, everyone was on the same page. The children are all gathered together.”

“Well, very good, I’m about to get a lot of points.” Sean nodded with satisfaction, thinking of the dazzling redemption list in his mind, he couldn’t help but feel excited.

“What are you talking about, boss?” Wesley felt that his boss, who occasionally went off the rails, seemed to regard all this as a game.

“Well, I said you did a good job. You will soon be promoted and raised, and you will reach the pinnacle of your life… Keep up the good work, Wesley.”

Sean’s perfunctory answer left Wesley speechless. He had never been able to figure out the character of his boss. Sometimes he seemed to be easy to talk to, and sometimes he was cold, decisive and merciless. Most of the time, he had a look on his face. With a sunny smile, he is like a gentle and cheerful boy next door, but when he meets an opponent or aims at a certain target, he will immediately exude a deep and dark aura.

Because of this unpredictable sense of mystery, Wesley acted more cautiously and did not dare to have the slightest thought of betrayal. In his eyes, his young boss was even more powerful than the former underworld emperor Kingpin. It came at a terrible time.

After hanging up the phone, Sean moved his neck. A hint of excitement rose in his calm eyes. He felt the power rushing in his body. The warm sun’s rays were like water, seeping into his body bit by bit, as if turning into electric current. Stimulates cells and tiny molecules in the body.

“I always feel like I’m going to get five kills tonight.” Sean clenched his fists and grinned.

“Sean, how are you going to celebrate tonight? Let’s go to Chinatown. Roast duck is much better than pizza! I’ve already prepared new clothes!” Mindy walked out excitedly, wearing a dress like a little princess, which complemented this little girl. The little blond loli is getting cuter and cuter.

“Well, if I told you that I have other activities tonight, you wouldn’t blame me.” Looking at Mindy, who was filled with joy, Sean said cautiously.

The huge living room was quiet for a second, and then accompanied by the angry voice of “liar”, the little blond lolita who was in a frenzy began to chase Sean crazily. Two figures, one big and one small, chased around the new house, half Hours later, it ended with Mindy slumped on the couch.

“Can I make it up for you next time?” Sean sat on the sofa and stroked Mindy’s little head.

“Well, only this time… and you are not allowed to touch my head!” Mindy nestled on the soft sofa like a kitten, “Remember, you must come back safely.”

ps: Well, the update is a bit late, sorry


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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