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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 440 The pace of expansion

Information dissemination in the context of the large universe has already entered a new era of quantum communication. Different from the estrangement between civilizations at the beginning of the colonial era, which made it difficult to communicate, now even if they are separated by more than half a galaxy, information transmission only takes a short moment.

After the rise of colonial expansion with the main themes of barbarism and plunder, it also promoted exchanges between civilizations to some extent, and gradually began to transform into an era of great racial integration.

The war in the Void Land attracted the attention of many major forces. Since the Kree Empire tore up the peace agreement with the planet Xandar, Ronan the Accuser led many warlord leaders to prepare to launch a military coup to overthrow The rule of the supreme wisdom for many years and the brief peace in the vast universe were finally completely broken.

Chaos is like a pebble thrown into water, which will set off huge waves sooner or later. As a space port with bustling trade, Xuwuwu’s importance and strategic significance are undoubted, and it has naturally become a sweet piece of cake in the eyes of various civilizations.

That group of space pirates who are entangled together for profit and money, the reason why they can form fleets, integrate into one, use cutting-edge and sophisticated weapons and equipment, and eat away at the surrounding areas that control the Void Land with lightning speed Star Territory, naturally there are people secretly supporting it behind the scenes.

The vicious space pirate is just a knife, and the hand holding it is hidden behind a dark curtain.

After Sean occupied the Void Land, he had already expected that he would fall into a dangerous situation surrounded by wolves, but with five gems in his hand, he no longer needed to fear any tyrannical existence.

There is no free lunch in the world without paying a price. This principle is also true in the vast universe.

Sean took a fancy to the huge wealth and considerable development potential of the Void Land, and wanted to build it into a bridgehead for the earth to move towards the sea of ​​stars.

He could see the bright future of the Void Land, and so did everyone else, especially after Ronan the Accuser evacuated the Necron Fleet and devoted himself entirely to the cause of the Kree Empire’s uprising.

The Difan Group and the governors of the Kree Empire left one after another. Without the support of sufficient foundation and the protection of the strong, this god’s head continued to exude a mouth-watering alluring fragrance, attracting a group of hungry maned dogs and wolves. The ground jumped up.

In the era of the big universe, where danger and opportunity coexist, in Sean’s eyes, it is like a novel and interesting game.

He deliberately concealed himself, put Nebula in front of the stage, attracted swarming space pirates, and took the initiative to create a great opportunity to train the Earth’s coalition forces.

Everything went smoothly according to plan, and the earth won the victory, breaking into the sight of every civilization in the universe with a powerful attitude.

“Your people have taken over the development of Voidland, what should I do next?”

Nebula arrived at the top floor of the Umbrella Building. The adopted daughter of Thanos now had a completely new look, and her mechanical body had been remodeled by Skynet, making her look even more powerful.

The surface of the skin is plated with a layer of silver, reflecting cold light. It is a body shell mixed with vibranium metal, full of soft lines with female characteristics, which contains terrifying explosive power.

This is a reward given by Sean. It is a mechanical body created using Umbrella’s most cutting-edge biological plan and the newly developed vibranium technology.

After Nebula woke up, she couldn’t help but be pleasantly surprised when she saw her brand new body. The feeling of evolving again was simply joyful.

She could intuitively feel that this body made of vibranium was far better than before.

What rushes through the blood vessels throughout the body is no longer viscous plasma, but has turned into liquid metal like mercury. The heart is like the engine of a battleship, capable of releasing violent power that roars and vibrates at any time.

Xingyun clenched his fist, feeling the omnipresent power in his body, and felt a sincere awe in his heart towards Sean in front of him.

“After this war, those with bad intentions should be able to see clearly that ignorance is not the fat they covet.”

Sean looked out the window at the bustling scene with a smile on his face.

After the war, there were no more space pirates roaming the shipping lanes, harassing passing caravans, and the Earth Alliance’s control over the surrounding star fields gradually increased, and the prosperity of the past was gradually restored in ignorance.

After re-planning and investment in construction, it has been divided into three parts: the space port responsible for trade and transportation, the slave market with continuous flow of people every day, and the carefully built trade center, such as auction houses, entertainment halls, etc. wait.

In Sean’s words, it is to meet all the needs of any customer. Whether it is a large caravan running a legal business or a criminal smuggling and plundering, they can all find what they want in ignorance. Enjoy a luxurious and pleasant comfort experience.

Of course, the premise is to abide by the rules of the Void Land, that is, Sean’s will.

“Gamora is your next mission.”

Sean turned around and looked at Nebula.

“She knows the whereabouts of the last gem. According to the information I received, Gamora is mixed up with Star-Lord Peter Quill. I contacted Yondu Udon of the Predators. You can cooperate.”

Nebula’s electronic eyes flashed with complicated emotions, and she stood there stunned for a moment before slowly nodding.

Gamora is her sister. Although the two are not related by blood, as two people adopted by Thanos, they grew up together and maintain subtle emotions for each other.

Nebula once thought that she should be full of hatred for Gamora, because every time she suffered a failure in comparison with the other party, Thanos would replace a part of her as a punishment and lesson.

That process was undoubtedly extremely painful, and Nebula didn’t even want to think about it.

“I’ll bring her back.”

Nebula’s tone was cold.

She has a deep understanding of Sean’s tyrannical strength. She crushed the space pirate’s escape fleet with her bare hands. This scene shocked all the forces that were watching in secret, and even the three empires were quite surprised.

During the time that Nebula was under Sean, he roughly figured out his character. This man from Earth was not like Thanos who blindly plundered and conquered everything with killing and bloody methods.

Sean prefers to sit at the card table and enjoy the game within the rules system, because he is both a participant and the rule maker, and can flip the table at any time.

“When you come back, Xunwu Land will have a new look.”

Sean waved his hand, signaling Nebula to leave on his own.

He propped himself up on the table and clearly projected a real model of the Void Land, which was equivalent to the head of a god on an asteroid, and would need to undergo continuous expansion in the future.

In this regard, Umbrella gave a detailed plan after careful consideration, and this huge project will soon be put on the agenda.

As the conflict between the Kree Empire and the planet Xandar intensifies, the influx of population in the Void Land has begun to show a surge, so Sean must deal with it.

He tapped his fingers, and a wide-area star map appeared in the void, depicting a complex and precise coordinate system, and each light spot shone like stars.

Sean raised his finger, starting from the earth, and traced across the moon, followed by the nine star fields connected as a whole, all the way to the Void Land.

Like an expansion route running through the galaxy, it is clearly reflected in the eyes.

ps: Crab’s reward for “Liangyue Sake is intoxicating”~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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