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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 441 That man is from Earth

Xandar planet, Nova Corps headquarters.

Roman strode forward in a blue uniform, with three light spots lighting up on his chest, which were equivalent to the rank badge of the Nova Corps, representing that he was a centurion.

As one of the few neutral forces in the universe that maintains order, the Nova Legion has distinct levels within it. From the newly graduated rookies, the first-level Nova Soldiers, to the fourth-level centurions, each has different authority. , the top leader is Nova Supreme.

Since being promoted to Centurion and no longer having to fight with space pirates and mercenaries, Roman’s originally strong body has become increasingly bloated.

He touched his precarious hairline and couldn’t help but miss the days when he was a new star soldier.

Entering the high-end conference room of the headquarters building, Roman adjusted his clothes and prepared to meet the Rising Star Supreme.

In the empty hall, the Nova Supreme was having a video conference with the governor of the Kree Empire. A clear projection appeared in the void, and the screen showed a blue head painted with black vertical stripes.

Roman stopped. As an elite member of the Nova Corps, he certainly knew about the escalating violent conflict between the planet Xandar and the Kree Empire.

The lunatic accuser Ronan gathered the warlords in the country and launched a mighty military coup, preparing to overthrow the dominance of the supreme wisdom.

Originally, the Kree Empire had signed a peace agreement with the planet Xandar, and the two sides ceased war, and their respective fleets were gradually withdrawing.

However, forced by the calls for war within the empire and the warlord forces led by the accuser Ronan, the Kree Queen had to unilaterally tear up the peace agreement in an attempt to alleviate the fierce domestic conflicts.

“The Kree Empire’s fleet landed on four resource stars on the Xandar planet yesterday, destroying thirteen outposts and five military bases… Mr. Punk, neither you nor I want to see the war break out again. According to the Supreme Intelligent calculation and deduction, which does neither side any good.”

Nova Supreme’s face was serious, and Xandar’s will to continue the war was not strong.

Different from the prevailing militarism in the Kree Empire, the culture of the Xandar planet is more inclined to multi-racial integration and is highly tolerant. It attracts a large number of foreign immigrants with an open and free atmosphere, and drives an extremely developed trade economy.

This is also the reason why Ronan, the accuser, calls Xandar a germ that needs to be exterminated and an inferior existence.

Extremely prosperous trade and a free and open social atmosphere have built a diversified capital country and attracted many immigrants. This has made Xandar’s colonial expansion much faster than other civilizations.

But he also threatened the dominance of the three empires, especially the Kree Empire, which was in constant friction with the planet Xandar.

The warlords, led by the warlords, have always wanted to turn the Xandar planet into a colony and plunder the wealth crazily. However, the domestic aristocratic parties believe that the continued war is meaningless and can only increase the empire’s military expenditures.

“I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do. Ronan has gone crazy, and no one can convince a madman.”

Punk, the leader of the moderate faction, said regretfully.

He is also a member of the Supreme Accuser and a great nobleman of the Kree Empire. In Punk’s eyes, war will only consume the empire’s military expenses and hinder trade exchanges. The Supreme Wisdom also made this judgment, so There will be the signing of previous peace agreements.

It’s just that madman Ronan, who summoned a group of warlords and actually announced that he would launch a military coup to overthrow the long-term rule of the Supreme Wisdom.

Suddenly, the Kree Empire fell into unprecedented turmoil.

Once we enter a peaceful era, the big warlords who dominate one side will gradually lose their right to speak, and the big nobles will begin to usher in a new era of power.

This is a fundamental contradiction between the two sides and cannot be alleviated or eliminated.

Therefore, Ronan’s crazy behavior unexpectedly received many responses, and the warlord’s power grew day by day.

Now that the Kree Empire has too much time to take care of itself, it has no time to pay attention to the war-torn planet Xandar.

“I don’t want the empire to resume war, but now it seems that this is an unstoppable trend.”

Punk shook his head helplessly and cut off the remote communication.

On the one hand, Ronan continues to create conflicts within the empire, and on the other hand, he plunders the planet Xandar. It won’t be long before a full-scale war breaks out.

The Nova Supreme slammed the table with great respect. She is the leader of the Nova Corps and one of the councilors of the planet Xandar.

Although the Nova Corps should not have its own stance, as long as they are living creatures, they will have emotional tendencies.

Xandar’s free and open cultural atmosphere has won great favor from the Nova Legion. Otherwise, this powerful legion would not have set up its headquarters here.

And the more important reason is that Xandar’s parliament provides funds to the Nova Corps all year round, establishing academies, organizing fleets, exploring and developing uninhabited planets… These activities require huge investment.

The Nova Legion was just a group of pioneers at first. In order to resist the crises encountered when exploring the planet, a team similar to a militia was formed, with only about 500 people.

Later, after gradual development, a strict hierarchical system was formed and internal rules and regulations were formulated. Only then did the Nova Corps come into being.

But after getting rid of the difficult days of pioneering, this group of space militia discovered that repairing and maintaining the spacecraft, as well as replenishing new forces, all require resources.

It is completely impossible to maintain the development of the Legion by relying solely on the pioneering planet. At this time, the planet Xandar stepped forward and appeared as an enthusiastic sponsor.

After a long period of management, the Nova Corps, which maintained the order of the universe, was transformed into a guard force to protect its own planet.

“Notify Xandar’s council to prepare for first-level combat readiness!”

Xinxing Supreme thought for a long time and sighed.

War is a brutal and terrifying beast, devouring lives without restraint. The Nova Corps’ daily duties are to fight against notorious space pirates and to arrest mercenaries and thugs who have committed crimes.

The war between the two civilizations has gone beyond the control of the Nova Corps.

“Roman, do you have any good news that you can let me hear?”

When Nova Supreme saw the centurion, he forced a smile on his face.

“I don’t know whether this news is good or bad.”

Roman touched his sparse hairline out of habit, stepped forward and handed over a report.

Originally this kind of thing should not be done by a centurion like him, but this week he promised to accompany his daughter, so for work reasons, Roman rotated from the fleet back to the planet Xandar.

“Three days ago, a large-scale conflict broke out in ignorance.”

Roman clicked on the video of the file and projected it in the air.

“Twenty pirate groups, plus hundreds of mercenaries, a total of more than 6,000 people, a cheering warship, and twelve small fleets… This level of armed force is enough to occupy a country that has not entered the colonial era. Civilized planet.”

Nova Supreme looked at the dense group of battleships, frowned slightly, and asked: “I remember that the owner of the Void Land is Tanya Difan.”

“That’s in the past and now it belongs to another person.”

Ronan clicked on the image, and a blurry figure emerged. He said solemnly: “The Nova Corps knows nothing about him. The only confirmed information is that this man is from Earth.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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