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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 442 Title

Hearing Roman say this, Nova Supreme’s eyes flashed with surprise. She had vaguely heard of the name of Earth, which was a backward civilization in the solar system and was under the protection of Asgard.

The archives of the Nova Corps probably contain brief information about the nine star regions. They were once the first pioneers in space. They have traveled all over the stars and have a good understanding of various civilizations.

And Asgard once had a glorious history. If Odin had not stopped his conquests and continued to pioneer and forge ahead, he might have been able to stand side by side with the three major empires today.

However, Odin does have his own difficulties. The Aesir have low reproductive capacity and a small number of members. In addition, Asgard itself has experienced a tragic war between the dark elves, and it really cannot support Hela’s ambition to conquer.

Instead of betting on the future of Asgard, it is better to settle down in a corner, use the nine star regions as the foundation, recuperate and strengthen, and wait until the vitality is restored before considering other things.

This idea is not wrong in itself, but it is a pity that Odin missed one point. When Asgard defeated the Frost Giants and became the co-lord of the nine realms in one fell swoop, the overly comfortable environment and comfortable life made his people lose their vigilance. Sex and gumption.

Thousands of years have passed by. The earth’s civilization, which was once in a barbaric period, has experienced a technological explosion and developed a scientific and technological civilization with unlimited potential. However, after Asgard put its horses in Nanshan and put its weapons into storage, its progress has stalled. Stagnation.

“The Difan Group took the initiative to evacuate the Void Land. Later, Ronan, the governor of the Kree Empire, sent an undead fleet to protect it. However, as the peace agreement was torn up, the war madman was asked to call back his army…”

Centurion Roman reported on the developments in the Void Land over the past year.

As the most prosperous trade center in the universe, the head of the ancient god has always been a hot spot for all parties to pay attention to. It is not difficult at all to obtain this well-known information.

“Tanya Difan will not just hand over Xunwu Land casually. There must be an extraordinary deal involved. Perhaps this is due to Ronan’s coercion?”

The Nova Supreme looked solemn. If the governor of the Kree Empire occupied the Void Land, he would have obtained an extremely important bargaining chip. This would undoubtedly be bad news for the Xandar planet, which was about to launch a full-scale war.

“I don’t think so. After Ronan’s undead fleet invaded the Void Land, they quickly withdrew from the space port. And according to the intelligence obtained by the Legion, the Void Land now belongs to the Earth.”

As a centurion of the Nova Legion, Roman naturally has keen observation skills. Ronan’s series of actions do not seem to support a puppet to control the Void Land.

What’s more, with Ronan’s character, he doesn’t even bother to do such superfluous things.

According to the information collected by the Nova Corps, Roman even felt that the actions of the Kree Empire governor were more like a bodyguard looking after a home.

It’s just that this idea is too whimsical. Ronan the accuser is a famous warlord in the universe. How could he obey the orders of an earthling?

“Keep paying attention. It’s best to establish a certain degree of friendly relations with the new owner of the Void Land.”

Xinxing Supreme pondered for a moment and expressed his attitude.

Nowadays, the planet Xandar and the Kree Empire, whose domestic situation is in a precarious situation, may break out into a full-scale war at any time.

At this time, it would be great to find one more powerful ally.

Nova Supreme watched the video, where a huge palm crushed the space pirate’s escape fleet, and couldn’t help but feel shocked.

In the age of the big universe, there are very few lifeforms with such powerful power.

“What’s the name of this Earthling?”

Nova Supreme looked at Centurion Roman and said softly.

A trace of embarrassment appeared on the chubby Roman’s face. He hesitated for a moment and replied slowly: “The information we got from the Void World is that this earthling is the founder of Umbrella, the watcher of the nine star regions, the first The commander-in-chief of a fleet…”

In the surprised eyes of Nova Supreme, the centurion announced a series of lengthy prefixes before finally speaking the other party’s name.

“Sean Sipers, Sentinel from Earth.”

Roman breathed a long sigh of relief, looked at the information in his hand, and secretly cursed the intelligence broker who gave him the information.


Supreme Xinxing repeated it again and nodded.



Compared to the ethereal land that is a trade center, this planet is a veritable garbage dump of the universe, surrounded by space anchors, which is the interface between the known and unknown worlds.

Especially near the garbage dump, the sky is dotted with large and small space entrances, and all kinds of space junk and spacecraft debris are dumped from them.

In the distance stands a majestic city, which is the main city of the Saka planet. It was built by the great Gao Tianzun, who is also the supreme master of the planet.

“I said can’t you find a quiet place?”

Collector Tanya Tifan sat in his seat depressedly.

He looked at Gao Tianzun wearing colorful and luxurious robes, dancing and dancing to the dynamic rhythm, looking happy and enjoying himself.

Although Tanya Difan knew that his brother had never been far-fetched, he should at least have some dignity and demeanor as an elder of the universe, right?

“Oh, you don’t like my music, or don’t you like my dancing?”

Gao Tianzun scratched his head and sat back in his seat.

Like Tanya Difan, he is one of the elders of the universe. He has a long life and knows a lot of knowledge and ancient secrets.

Compared with his brothers who are obsessed with collecting rare and foreign objects, Gao Tianzun is more interested in competitions and gambling. He is familiar with thousands of competition rules and game knowledge in the entire universe, and likes to set up gambling games everywhere to compete with high-level intelligent life. .

“If you don’t like this, then I’ll arrange a championship battle later!”

Gao Tianzun rubbed his hands excitedly.

After he left the Void Land, he discovered the planet Saka and turned this wild planet into a huge arena.

On the planet Saka, Gao Tianzun has absolute power, and the residents living here are also influenced by the ruler and love competitive fighting extremely.

Because this is a shortcut to a good life and the only way to win thousands of cheers. As long as you become the champion of the arena, even if you are just a popular candidate, you can get generous rewards from Gao Tianzun.

Therefore, whenever a championship game comes, residents of the entire planet go crazy for it, rushing to the arena to have a great time. The popularity of the game is even greater than that of the World Cup held every four years on Earth.

“I have no interest in those barbaric fights.”

Tanya Difan shook his head. He left the land of ignorance and went directly to Gao Tianzun’s Saka planet.

Those space pirates who swarmed away were actually the work of this collector, purely to vent his frustration.

“There is nothing in this world that can interest me anymore, except for the infinite stones.”

Tanya Difan looked gloomy, and his mind was filled with the shining light of the infinite stones.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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