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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 443 Past Events of the Celestial Clan

Gao Tianzun looked indifferent and turned the ring on his hand. Infinity stones were the origin of the universe and symbolized the fundamental rules. Of course, they have unparalleled allure for collectors who are obsessed with collecting rare treasures.

“If it is true that the man from Earth possesses five gems as you said, I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible.”

Gao Tianzun changed his sitting position in an angry manner, looked at Tanlia Difan who was extremely depressed, and gave a rare and serious advice to dissuade him.

Not every life form is worthy of the power of the Infinity Stones. Even a descendant of the blood of the gods like Star-Lord cannot hold the Power Stone for a long time.

Moreover, Sean is still one gem away from being able to become one of the most powerful beings in the universe. It is very irrational for Tanya Difan to take the initiative to provoke the other party.

“Why not change your interests? There are always many valuable collectibles in the universe. There is no need to focus on the infinite stones.”

Gao Tianzun said with a playful smile.

As one of the Elders of the Universe, he knows many ancient secrets, and it is not a secret that the Mad Titan Thanos is pursuing the Infinity Stones.

If Tanya Tifan really accepts the Infinity Stones as his precious collection, I am afraid that the Dark Order will come directly to his door immediately.

“What would you do if someone took away the planet Saka and asked you to give up the competitive game you love?”

Tanya Difan said gloomily.

He admitted that he was a little unwilling. The five Infinity Stones confused the collector, so much so that the Difan Group spent a lot of money to entangle a group of space pirates, just to create a little trouble for Sean.

“I won’t let that happen.”

Gao Tianzun smiled confidently, and he pulled Tanlia Difan to the center of the arena, preparing to give his brother a wonderful performance.

It was not night yet, and the arena was not open to the public. The large circular venue was empty, and the seats around were empty. There were no spectators, and it seemed quite deserted.

The two of them were sitting in a luxury box in the arena, and through the transparent glass wall, they could clearly overlook everything below.

“Have you found a new champion warrior?”

Tanya Difan asked boredly.

He knew that Gao Tianzun always liked to find those powerful life forms, throw them into the arena, and after a brutal fight, finally select the most powerful champion warrior.

“Of course! He is the best challenger I have ever seen! A born warrior!”

When Gao Tianzun mentioned this, his eyes shone with astonishing light and his face was full of smiles.

“Bill is a Cobain. His home planet was destroyed. The survivors who escaped selected him as the guardian of their tribe. They used the most cutting-edge genetic modification technology to evolve him into the most powerful warrior.”

Tanlia Difan yawned. He had no interest in Gao Tianzun’s beloved competitive games at all, unless those powerful life forms were willing to become specimens in his collection.

“Choose a team and let them face off against the invincible Horse Face Bill.”

Gao Tianzun pulled a microphone, and his voice echoed in the empty arena.

Immediately, a reinforced metal fence slowly rose on one side of the circular field, and a group of Kroonan warriors strode out wearing iron armor and carrying a variety of cold weapons.

The appearance of the Krunan people is like a pile of hard and rough gray-black stones. They are strong and naturally strong. They are not afraid of pain and immune to most radiation damage.

This team of Kroonan warriors has won thirteen games in the arena and is a popular player on Sakaar.

“Horse Face Bill!”

Gao Tianzun shouted excitedly, using this way to welcome his favorite champion warrior.

The metal fence on the other end was pulled up, and a tall figure emerged from the darkness.

Tanlia Difan frowned. The champion warrior whom Gao Tianzun called “Horse Faced Bill” wore a steel helmet and black armor that reflected cold light. He held a golden warhammer in his hand and exuded an unforgettable feeling. A powerful aura nearby.

But the most eye-catching thing is the head that looks like a horse. If you just look at this shape, it is quite similar to Asgard’s Thor.

“Whoever defeats my champion warrior will be truly free!”

Gao Tianzun’s voice sounded, and the group of Krunan warriors looked at the lonely Horse-Faced Bill, their hearts ready to fight.

All life on the Saka planet is the private property of Gao Tianzun. Slaves like them who are sent to the arena have no freedom at all.

The two sides were in a stalemate for a while, and when they saw Bill Horseface walking slowly towards him, the Cloonan warrior finally couldn’t hold himself back any longer, and charged forward with a roar while waving a tomahawk or a spear.

“The massacre has begun.”

Gao Tianzun rubbed his hands excitedly, as if waiting to see.

I only saw Horse-faced Bill in the center of the arena. His feet shook slightly. His whole body shot out like a sharp arrow, and countless cracks appeared on the hard ground.

Immediately afterwards, the atmosphere exploded, and Bill Horseface raised his golden war hammer, smashing the leading Crunan warrior into powder, and the hard stone instantly shattered and disintegrated.

The other hand clenched a fist fiercely, and the strong muscles bulged one by one, crushing the air. The head of the Crunan warrior who was catching up behind him immediately exploded, and the body fell down helplessly.

Fortunately, the body structure of these battle-hardened Croonan warriors is very different from that of ordinary life forms. They do not have the tissues and organs of carbon-based organisms, so the scene does not appear to be very bloody.

Tanya Difan cheered up, as Gao Tianzun said, this was just a one-sided massacre.

In just a few minutes, the team of twelve people was slaughtered. Horse-faced Bill used efficient methods to coldly kill everyone in the field, leaving no one alive.

“Where did you find this guy?”

Tanya Tifan asked curiously.

It is impossible for an ordinary slave-catching ship to catch a powerful life form like Bill Horseface.

“This was Thanos’s bet. Although he won, he still gave Horse Face Bill to me.”

Gao Tianzun said smugly.

“The Mad Titan was investigating the truth behind the massacre of the Celestials. He came to the planet Saka not long ago, hoping to get more information from me.”

“That’s a taboo! A secret that should never be mentioned!”

Tanya Difan’s face suddenly darkened and he shouted in a stern tone.

As an elder of the universe with a long life, a trace of fear actually flashed in his eyes.

“I was tricked by Thanos. He didn’t mention the Celestials at first. He just said he wanted to make a bet. The bet was Bill Horse-Faced.”

Gao Tianzun felt a little guilty and replied in a resentful tone.

He thought he knew thousands of competition rules and game knowledge, and there was no way he would lose to that Titan.

Who knew that Thanos actually won the bet in the end, and Gao Tianzun had to tell everything he knew as agreed.

“The Celestials are one of the most powerful beings in the universe. They once dominated everything and regarded every civilized planet as a testing ground… However, they were massacred and purged. No one knows what happened. We should not take the initiative. mentioned.”

Tanya Difan whispered.

He and Gao Tianzun are both elders of the universe. They have experienced an extremely long life cycle and have existed in the world before the three great empires have risen and the pattern of the universe has not been formed.

For the Celestial Clan, any ancient cosmic life is very secretive and they are unwilling to mention it too much.

Tanya Difan looked at the sneer Gao Tianzun and said helplessly: “I hope Thanos will not cause more trouble.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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