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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 444 Return to Earth

A huge piece of land floats in the magnificent and colorful nebula dust, like a huge cosmic beast, lying across the dark void.

Only when you look closer, you will find that it is a land plate with the head of a god as the main body. It was originally a void that was equivalent to an asteroid. After continuous expansion projects, it has turned into a giant city.

Five full years have passed since the war between the planet Xandar and the Kree Empire broke out. Even with the mediation and secret help of the Nova Corps, Xandar still gradually showed an irreversible decline.

In the first year or two, the two sides could still maintain a stalemate. However, after the military coup of Ronan the Accuser succeeded, he overturned the royal orthodoxy supported by the country’s great nobles, and reached a tacit understanding with the Supreme Wisdom, the Kree Empire He showed astonishing combat capabilities.

Xandar is not known for its military strength, because this civilized planet with developed trade and prosperous economy has always been protected by the Nova Corps. Even though it has been engaged in a space war with the Kree Empire for thousands of years, it has only been that both sides have continued to invest fleets. , to compete in resource consumption.

The long-term comfortable environment made the planet Xandar unable to resist the fierce offensive of the Kree Empire fleet and retreated steadily.

In today’s tense situation, whether it is ordinary people of all races in the universe, or large caravans who have accumulated huge wealth and want protection, they are all eager to find a relatively safe haven, and the land of ignorance is obviously an excellent one. s Choice.

Compared with the previous distribution center for smuggled goods, the new owner of the Void Land is more in line with the positioning of a safe haven.

Free and open trade has promoted highly prosperous economic activities. Without the deliberate monopoly of the Difan Group, a moderately competitive environment has made this space port prosperous.

An illegally operated slave market, a luxurious entertainment center, a variety of trade auctions, and a series of complete configurations all attract a large number of people ignorantly.

Coupled with the newly revealed Earth Legion, space pirates in the surrounding star fields will be eliminated every once in a while, which greatly ensures the travel safety of those large caravans and makes this trade route smoother.

This series of measures caused the population of the Void Land to grow rapidly, from tens of thousands to nearly half a million, and a large number of immigrants were welcomed every day.

Criminals wanted by the Nova Corps for violating the law, and refugees who lost their homes due to the all-out war between the planet Xandar and the Kree Empire, flocked to the Void Land.

Of course, if you want to obtain the right to live for a long time, you need prerequisites. After ignorantly accumulating in the early stage, strict regulations will be implemented later, and no one will be refused, and all three religions and nine streams will be allowed to mix here.

Without special skills or sufficient wealth, it is quite difficult to obtain long-term residency qualifications.

Outsiders must work for Umbrella, have the status of employees, and then pass an immigration review called S.H.I.E.L.D., register their status, and be registered, so that they can become official residents of the Void Land.

Even so, under the constraints of many regulations, the number of local residents of this god’s head, which was changing every day, continued to grow, so that later it was necessary to expand the construction land to accommodate a large number of outsiders.

“It’s incredible. I never thought that one day I would see so many alien life forms with my own eyes.”

In the Umbrella Building, Tony wrapped himself in a blanket and drank a hot drink.

The Iron Man’s eyes were full of surprise.

“There’s a lot more to surprise you, Tony.”

Sean looked up from his busy work and gave Tony a smile.

About two years ago, when the first fleet from Earth established a firm foothold in Xianwu Land and controlled and occupied the surrounding star fields, the first inter-star field portal was also successfully built.

Sean, who owned the space gem, referred to Asgard’s Rainbow Bridge and provided precise spatial coordinates and comparison parameters. After several failed attempts, he finally completed the design of the “Star Gate”.

It took several years for the Star Gate to be successfully put into use, and Tony was one of the first batch of testers. According to his personal experience, the Star Gate is currently not suitable for large-scale transmission, so the distance between the Earth and the Void Land is The exchange of resources can only be put aside for the time being.

“Anyway, there is no chance that there will be any more news that will be more shocking than when I found out you were a sentinel.”

Tony leaned back in his seat to rest. The cross-star teleportation caused him great dizziness. These symptoms of discomfort have not eased yet.

The passengers traveling with Iron Man were Mr. Fantastic Reed, but he first went to visit the assembly line in the Void Land and the space battleship in the dock.

This kind of fanatical and dedicated scientific research spirit puts Tony, who has always been proud, to shame.

“To be honest, I always thought you were an ordinary person, except that you are a little smarter than ordinary people, and you are younger and richer.”

Tony stood up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, feeling a little sad. He looked at Sean with his hands on the table and sighed: “At least I had a superhero identity before, which made me feel better than you.”

“Tony Stark never had to prove himself through this.”

Sean replied with a smile.

During the years when he was not on Earth, S.H.I.E.L.D. developed rapidly according to its original plan. The stable order kept the world on the right track and did not deviate from the route it had set.

When superheroes withdraw from the world stage, S.H.I.E.L.D.’s power expands, the Earth and Asgard form an alliance, and a mighty wave sets off, no one can stop the progress of this blue planet.

Hydra was completely swept into the trash heap of history. This evil organization that relied on the Third Reich and rose to prominence in the last century collapsed and disintegrated just one step away from success.

Even now, Nick Fury’s confidants, such as Coulson and Hill, have not figured out what is going on.

“While looking up at the starry sky above, you should also pay attention to the ground beneath your feet.”

Sean waved his hand and erased the projection model on the table. The war between the Xandar planet and the Kree Empire made Xu Wuwu seize the opportunity and take advantage of the situation to rise rapidly.

Due to the chaotic situation, Wuwu has attracted a large amount of trade activities and various elite talents, making this God’s Head no longer just a simple space port, but turning into a new third-party force.

“I am preparing to return to Earth, do you want to stay in the Void Land?”

Tony nodded without hesitation. It was of course more interesting to be ignorant than staying on Earth, managing Stark Industries, and immersed in boring business trivial matters.

He can’t wait to follow the First Fleet to see what space pirates are like, and at the same time fulfill his great childhood dream of becoming an interstellar ranger.

“I look forward to a romantic encounter with Princess Leia.”

Tony couldn’t help but yearn for him to fly a spaceship alone and travel among the stars. It would be best if there were a few unique alien beauties around him.

“I think you’d better pray that Pepper won’t hunt you across half the galaxy.”

Sean shrugged helplessly. It seemed that after leaving the earth, the prodigal Iron Man’s bohemian heart began to stir again.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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