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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 445 Changes

Australia, Federal New Town.

The black car parked in front of a completely white building. Sean got out of the car and looked across the continuous stairs to the bronze statue of the Milky Way standing above. It was like a thin disk, dotted with countless stars, and the sunshine The metal’s light is reflected when illuminated.

“This city was built two years ago. The preparations have been going on for a long time and were once put on hold. The main problem is the resistance of the Australian government. Although the World Security Council passed a resolution on the land-building plan, it caused a lot of controversy. Public opinion criticized it.”

Wanda, who was wearing a pair of black high-heeled shoes, stood behind Sean. Her delicate face had matured a lot. She was no longer the young girl from Sokovia before, but had gradually transformed into a qualified spokesperson for Umbrella. .

Wearing a black skirt, she stood out against her long, slender, straight, snow-white legs. The slim-fitting women’s suit outlined her beautiful curves, and her soft brows revealed a somewhat cold and glamorous temperament that would make people thousands of miles away.

Time has unparalleled magic, making people grow and change constantly, and the same is true for Wanda.

“From the country to the planet, human beings need to slowly accept and eliminate long-standing cultural barriers, as well as differences in religious beliefs, races and skin colors.”

Sean said softly. He returned to the blue planet beneath his feet through the inter-star portal about two days ago.

During the period of departure, Umbrella and the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. did not undergo major changes. The World Security Council, headed by the five major powers, still controls the dominance of the planet.

After the First Fleet officially started its expedition, it was broadcast live around the world. It was undoubtedly an exciting moment. There was a large-scale heated discussion in various countries. People believed that the interstellar era was coming, and the World Security Council took the opportunity to launch various plan.

The land-building plan is to build a new city each in Antarctica, Africa and Australia, which will serve as a science and technology center in the new era, as well as an important base and transit station leading to outer space.

The first two are easy to say. Mainly the Australian government has expressed strong protest against this plan. Of course, this is just a way for politicians to seek benefits. After the five major countries promised to give up part of the benefits, the majority leader of the federal government, that is, The Australian Prime Minister readily accepted the construction plan and took the initiative to provide 20% of the resource supply.

Today, the World Security Council calls on all countries to encourage new immigrants. This new federal city in Australia alone has a population of 350,000 residents, of which only one-third are local aborigines, and the rest are from all over the world. of immigrants.

Even the most obtuse person can feel the changes that are taking place in the world. The moon base is promoted on TV every day, claiming that the first space city is about to open. By then, people will officially enter the era of migration and leave the earth’s mother planet Warm embrace, heading towards the boundless starry sky.

“You don’t have to worry about Pietro. He is now the deputy commander of the assault landing ship. Quicksilver’s reputation has spread throughout the Void Land.”

Sean climbed up the steps and suddenly turned his head to meet Wanda’s beautiful eyes, making the other party subconsciously want to avoid them.

Although the two had the closest relationship, Wanda was still like a frightened deer whenever they were alone, full of shyness and panic.

In Sean’s eyes, this has a special charm. For him, handling various affairs and resolving conflicts between various interest groups after returning to Earth is nothing but a piece of cake.

The real headache is dealing with those lovely people who are either beautiful and generous, or cool and proud. Thinking of this, Sean couldn’t help but rub his lower back.

It can be said that these two days were full of fire and the battle was fierce, especially when faced with the passionate and demanding Qin, if it weren’t for his strong physique, comparable to Superman, he would really have to hold on to the wall.

“It’s great to witness the dawn of a new era.”

Sean stood under the bronze statue and looked at the dense crowd of people gathered in a circle. It was a dark place. They were media organizations from various countries, armed with long guns and short guns, preparing to report this unprecedented big news.

Australia’s Federal New City is now the focus of attention from all over the world. Heads of state and leaders from various countries have come here to participate in the highest global summit held by the World Security Council to discuss major plans for interstellar colonization and the formation of a coalition government.

This conference will last for three days. Leaders from various countries will gather here to decide the future of mankind.

This is a great moment that will be recorded in history. If the global summit is declared successful, then all the countries and regions on this blue planet beneath our feet will form a huge political entity.

“very nice.”

Wanda stood silently behind Sean and repeated.

Those beautiful eyes were filled with unconcealable joy.

As a member of Umbrella, she certainly knew how much the man in front of her had sacrificed to get this planet to this point.

While the two were thinking about their future, a Cadillac extended limousine parked at the entrance of the Xincheng Building. A beautiful and generous blond woman got out of the car. She had wavy curly hair and a dignified blue formal suit. She was elegant and elegant. .

As soon as she appeared, she attracted many media who had been waiting for a long time. Even though there was a wall of tall and strong bodyguards in black, the reporters still rushed up with guns and cannons, wanting to interview the new director of SHIELD.

“Director Lawrence, what do you think of the proposal to establish the Earth Federation?”

“If a federal government is formed, how will the religious beliefs, cultural differences, and national boundaries of each country be judged?”

“Will globalization lead to the emergence of dictators? How to ensure a peaceful and stable transfer of power?”


Sharp questions were asked one after another. The new director kept a smile on his face and replied in a gentle tone: “When the meeting is over, we will naturally come to a conclusion. SHIELD will try its best to solve every problem and ensure that mankind Smoothly move towards a new era.”

Sean stood high, looking down at Mystique, whose pseudonym was Jennifer Lawrence, with a faint smile on his lips.

Because General Ross was responsible for the organization of the expeditionary force and the financing of the fleet, he took the initiative to resign from the World Security Council.

According to Sean’s arrangement, Raven, one of the consultants of SHIELD, was able to successfully take over the position of director, becoming another female leader after Peggy Carter.

Compared with General Ross, Mystique is more proficient in political methods. Especially after SHIELD’s power was expanded, she began to gradually intervene in the power struggle between countries, giving full play to the power of alliances and alliances. He is a politician who unites various political parties and treats them as pawns or puppets.

After the era of Nick Fury and Alexander Pierce, S.H.I.E.L.D. has become more than just a huge intelligence agency, and has turned into a global government department with a wide range of powers under the auspices of the World Security Council. , mobilize massive resources at any time.

And Umbrella, with S.H.I.E.L.D. on her back, naturally rose rapidly, like a Leviathan beast of staggering size.

“Let us welcome the new world.”

Sean smiled brightly at Wanda and walked towards the meeting hall with his head held high. In three hours, the world would be completely different.

ps: I recommend a book called “Crash Landing on an Alien Planet” by Science Fiction Channel

The escape capsule crash-landed on a strange planet of life, but the steam engines in this world could not fly out of the atmosphere. However, as he continued to explore the planet, he discovered deeper secrets, which might be his chance to return home.

Multi-riveted steamed steel, biological evolution, technological god religion, racial collision, mysterious ruins… This alien planet that should be strange has so many “familiar” things.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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