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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 446 Community of Interests

The semicircular staircase hall was full of people, and the voices were noisy, like a pot of boiling water.

Leaders from more than two hundred countries gathered here and took their seats.

They represent the pinnacle of power on this planet, and the consensus they finally reach is enough to influence the direction of the world.

At the center of the seat is the World Security Council composed of the five major countries. Below are representatives of various small countries and forces. Among them are Magneto Eric Lancer, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Wakanda, and Latto. Vinia’s Doctor of Destruction Victor Doom, one represents Africa and the other represents Eastern Europe, and they are both qualified to attend.

All of this is thanks to Sean’s carefully prepared plans when he laid out the world and planned the future.

Magneto and his brotherhood were sent to the vast African continent, and Dr. Destruction Victor Doom was sent to his hometown of Latvinia.

Nowadays, the former unites most of the countries in East Africa with Wakanda as the center. Especially after mutants are widely recognized by all walks of life and are even called “new humans”, the leader of the Brotherhood has vaguely formed the idea of ​​founding the country. Thoughts, for this reason, he has tested SHIELD’s attitude many times.

Latvinia, led by Victor Doom, is a country dominated by a religious regime. There is only one voice from top to bottom, and that is Doctor Doom.

Doom actively gathered the dark forces in Eastern Europe and included all the alien creatures as his minions, which also made Latvinia the spokesperson of all parties in Eastern Europe.

Sean was sitting in the reception room next door, tapping his hands rhythmically. He didn’t guess the result, because it was already determined and there was no need to worry too much.

This global summit is just a stage play for the world to see. When big countries sit down to talk, the remaining small countries will not have any say. What can really affect this meeting is nothing more than the five members of the World Security Council. seats, plus S.H.I.E.L.D. and some remaining national representatives.

The decisive role was actually a young man sitting in the staircase hall who did not attend the meeting.

“History is always written.”

Sean held Wanda’s hand, and the warmth caused a blush to appear on the other person’s cheeks.

He is the founder of Umbrella, the top advisor of S.H.I.E.L.D., the secret leader of the mutants, the owner of the Infinity Gauntlet, and the supreme commander of the First Fleet…

A series of dazzling and prominent identities have proven that Sean has already reached the pinnacle of the power pyramid. Because of this, he can sit quietly behind the scenes and promote the development of events.

“The big people who really have the right to speak have made their decisions long ago. The five major countries want to be like the trading companies in the Great Navigation Period, taking the lead and gaining huge benefits. As for the small countries, they have no right to speak. To be more precise, In other words, no one cares about their opinions, and their weak voices are not worth mentioning in the face of the tide of the times.”

In the elegantly decorated reception room, the live scene of the staircase hall was projected on the wall. Leaders of various countries talked fiercely and argued with each other. Long speeches echoed in the wide space through translators.

If you observe carefully, you will find that most of the first people to stand up and express their opinions are the presidents or leaders of various small countries. The leaders of the five major countries remain silent, and SHIELD also remains silent.

“Even if a coalition government is formed, there are still many issues that need to be resolved.”

Wanda sat next to Sean and said softly.

The broad palms and slender fingers intertwined with each other, their knuckles touched and rubbed, and the ambiguous atmosphere gradually heated up.

“In the final analysis, it comes down to the distribution of benefits, who gets more and who gets less. There is an old saying in the East, which means that people rarely worry about getting less things, but pay more attention to whether the distribution is even.”

Sean smiled and held Wanda in his arms. The afternoon sunlight filtered through the screen window, making it look quiet and beautiful at the moment.

As for the clear projection of the world’s highest summit on the wall, he didn’t pay attention at all. He seemed to only have eyes for the charming Scarlet Witch in his arms.

In the early stage of the formation of a coalition government, there will definitely be a lot of obstructions and dissatisfaction, as well as endless problems, but human beings are always very adaptable. When they see the vast universe with their own eyes and get more resources, these The discordant noises will naturally gradually disappear.

What’s more, the world has never run according to the will of the majority.

Sean said no more, and bent his head slightly, tasting Wanda’s soft red lips, and a charming moan sounded, like a primitive piece of music playing.

Compared to the heated conversation in the staircase hall, the battle situation in this reception room was more intense and intense.


Three hours later, after a long debate and game of interests, only five countries and regions were left on this blue planet. A new coalition government would be formed by them, forming an unprecedentedly large political system.

The first is the Commonwealth of Western Civilization, which covers both sides of the Atlantic and the European continent.

This area is mainly characterized by high cultural solubility, and the number of alliance countries now exceeds fifty. The United States, Canada, Britain, Germany, and France are the leaders of the joint group, which maintains the most favorable competitiveness.

However, there are also many internal contradictions, and it may be divided into two coalition groups, the coastal group headed by the United States and Britain, and the European inland group headed by Germany and France.

The second representative force is the Eurasian Civilization Union, including the border between northern Asia and Eurasia.

This region has a foundation of cultural identity, and there are fifteen countries that form the alliance, which will play an important role in the global landscape in the future.

The third is the Commonwealth of Civilizations, including West Asia and North Africa and parts of the Indian Ocean and East Asia.

Similar cultures promote the integration of various small countries. However, although there are many allies, most of them are at an underdeveloped stage. As for the leadership of the group, Iran and Saudi Arabia compete for it.

Their only advantage is that they are rich in natural resources and the oil industry chain is a key economic industry. Even in the era of the rise of new energy, they still have great development potential.

The fourth and fifth are the Chinese Civilization Union and the Latin American Civilization Union.

These large power groups all use the integration of civilizations and geographical location as key factors.

The five major federations together form the only government on earth, and each country will gradually turn into a federal region with independent and autonomous powers. Of course, the transfer of management functions will be a long and difficult process.

As for waiting until the boundaries between countries disappear and the great integration of nationalities and beliefs, that must be a matter of several generations.

After the general strategy is decided, the next step is to finalize and negotiate various details. SHIELD plays an extremely important role in this process. When the coalition government is formally formed, the power and responsibilities of this huge organization will be fully fulfilled again. promote.

Sean only stayed for one day. That night, as the founder of Umbrella, he attended the celebration dinner of the Commonwealth of Western Civilization and then left quietly.

Compared with these political gambling games, he cares more about the two cities built in Antarctica and Africa. Like Australia’s Federal New City, they are transit points to outer space and important logistics bases.

Sean plans to install a star gate in each of these three cities that can carry out cross-star transmission, and record the spatial coordinates of the Void Land, so that they will be the beacons of the First Fleet and will not let those who are heading towards the dark universe The adventurers who pioneered exploration lost their way in the vast sea of ​​​​stars.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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