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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 447 The Wedding of the Century

In New York Bay, a five-story luxury cruise ship sailed on the Hudson River, with ribbons fluttering, balloons floating in the air, and laughter flowing in the air.

Standing on the deck and looking up into the distance, the first thing that catches your eye is the Statue of Liberty holding a torch. Along the way, there are tall buildings on both sides of the bank, like forests, with sparkling waves.

From the end of the 19th century to the 20th century, when the wave of immigration was rising, seeing the Statue of Liberty for the first time, then cheering and making a splash was a classic and iconic scene in countless movies.

This luxury cruise ship under the name of Umbrella has cheerful music echoing in the sky, strong champagne aroma floating in the air, half an acre of green lawn on the top deck, and elites from all walks of life are holding mini-golf games. Competition, and the bars and swimming pools on the second and third floors are even more lively. There is a fiery atmosphere everywhere, like an entertainment center floating on the sea.

“Let us wish Mr. Reed-Richards and Miss Susan Storm a happy and prosperous future.”

The owner of this luxury cruise ship, Sean in a neat suit, was standing in the center of the banquet. He raised his glass, looked around and said a blessing loudly.

What followed was a chorus of echoes and warm applause.

Reed and Susan, the heroes and heroines of this banquet, cuddled together and welcomed everyone’s good wishes with bright smiles.

This is their engagement party, the perfect Fantastic Four couple, who will get married next week.

Sean looked at the chatting and laughing guests, took a glass of champagne from the waiter’s tray, and drank it slowly.

In his capacity, he held this engagement banquet for the Fantastic Four, who he had good personal relationships with. Naturally, there were a lot of guests. Among the crowd, you could see all kinds of rich and powerful people. It could be said to be the epitome of Vanity Fair.

It has been exactly two years since the world’s highest summit in New Town, Australia.

At the beginning of the establishment of the coalition government, it did encounter many complex problems that were difficult to solve, such as national boundary demarcation, people’s sense of identity, culture, religion, etc. The public opinion that arose was also mixed.

However, as time goes by, and as interstellar colonization alleviates serious problems such as the increasing scarcity of Earth’s resources and the intensification of conflicts between countries, the powers and responsibilities of the federal government are increasingly recognized by the public.

The Supreme Council headed by the five major powers, plus S.H.I.E.L.D. and regional spokesmen such as Wakanda and Latvinia, form a power pyramid that determines the world pattern.

The credit points promoted by the coalition government have gradually become daily monetary units, and there has been no expected economic crisis or financial collapse. Overall, the planet has stably completed the peaceful evolution from the country to the human race as a whole.

People are gradually seeing the hope of the future and jointly longing for a better life in the era of the big universe. It is in this environment that the perfect couple of the Fantastic Four, Reed and Susan, decided to hold a wedding. In the expectation of everyone, Enter the palace of marriage.

This lively event was reported by all media as soon as it was revealed, and the newspaper even published a prominent headline of “Wedding of the Century.”

Since the emergence of superheroes, the Fantastic Four have been the most popular group, bar none.

Even Spider-Man, once known as “New York’s good neighbor”, and Iron Man, who has always dominated the headlines, rarely surpass this extremely unique superhero team in terms of popularity.

This is partly due to the main theme of America, which emphasizes the concept of family first. The other part is that the Fantastic Four are more powerful than Iron Man who is keen on international crises, or street heroes who are not recognized by the law. Close to the people.

With Sean’s toast, the atmosphere of the banquet reached its climax. Stoneman Ben and his black girlfriend sat on the side of the bar chatting with each other, while Johnny Human Torch was among the flowers. Like a fish in water.

Without exception, Reed once again became a loner at the banquet. Susan had already been dragged away by her girlfriends. While doing spa treatments, she talked about intimate topics between women. The man who was about to enter the wedding hall The protagonist, on the other hand, is ignored.

“This scene really seems familiar.”

Sean passed a glass of champagne and said jokingly.

“I am always the most inappropriate person in situations like this.”

Reed smiled to himself. The gentle young man before had now grown a stubble and became more mature and steady.

This magical gentleman with a genius mind has been ignorantly busy updating and improving fleet equipment for the past few years. The cutting-edge technologies from the three empires have an unparalleled fatal attraction for him.

“That guy Tony drove a spaceship to the planet Conrashat by himself. I hope he won’t be packaged and sold as cargo by the predators.”

Sean carried Reed to the corner of the deck. The two of them are not permanently stationed on the earth. The former is currently staying at the space base on the moon, and the latter is the scientific advisor of the First Fleet in the ignorant land.

“You and Susan both seem a little nervous.”

Putting his hands on the railing, Sean turned his head and looked at Reid, with questions in his eyes.

“Maybe I’ve been away from the earth for too long, and I feel a little unfamiliar with all this.”

Reed’s tone was dejected. He looked at the high-rise buildings along the coast, and his face did not show the surprise and satisfaction after the successful proposal.

“Is this premarital anxiety?”

Sean teased.

“It is said that most men are like this. Tony is the most obvious example. He has been with Pepper for so many years, but when it comes to marriage, he still subconsciously avoids it.”

Thinking of the Iron Man who traveled across the galaxy, Sean couldn’t help but smile. The main reason why Tony didn’t come to the banquet was because he was afraid of meeting Pepper and being forced to face the same choice as Reed.

“Who knows, I can understand quantum mechanics and superstring theory, but I still have trouble figuring out what Susan wants.”

Reed sighed, he had never been the kind of person who could handle love affairs with ease.

In this regard, he envied Johnny, who could always show tireless energy and enthusiasm for beautiful women.

“One week from now, it will be the happiest moment in your life. Don’t think too much about it.”

Sean patted Reid on the shoulder and said in a relaxed tone.

At that time, it may also be a grand gathering of superheroes.

Those superheroes who have long since withdrawn from the world stage and are cheered and admired by people will meet each other in this wedding of the century.

Since the implementation of the Registration Act, this can be said to be an unprecedented time for a group of well-known superheroes to come together.

“Instead of being anxious before marriage, you should be more worried about whether Susan will become a runaway bride.”

Sean’s eyes were joking and he said deliberately: “You have to know that she is about to spend her whole life with Dr. Reed Richards, and half of the fun of her future life will be lost.”

Reed shook his head with a smile and downed the champagne in his hand.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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