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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 449 Cosmic Level Natural Disaster

When the Silver Surfer brazenly crossed the fleet defense line in the Void Land, triggering a fierce alarm, the Nova Corps had entered the highest level of alert. As the leader, the Nova Supreme looked solemn, with deep worries in his eyes.

There was even more turmoil within the Nova Corps. Centurions were running around in a hurry, mobilizing their fleets, not even caring about supporting the planet Xandar. Whether they were senior officers on vacation or rookie recruits who had just graduated, they all rushed to the scene immediately. Received the call-up order from the Legion.

All in all, there was a tense atmosphere throughout the Nova Corps. Even if the Kree Empire’s entire army attacked and tore through the solid defense line composed of the Xandar planet fleet, this had never happened before.

Wearing a dark blue uniform, the elegant and dignified Nova Supreme came to the headquarters building on the planet Xandar. She was originally discussing the armistice agreement between the Kree Empire and Xandar with Queen Lilandra of the Shi’ar Empire. Now he hurried back and sat in the conference hall waiting for many centurions to arrive.

“Has the news been confirmed? Logically speaking, that terrifying existence should not appear during this time period.”

Centurion Roman Day, who happened to be on vacation, habitually touched his increasingly bald head and sounded a little disbelieving.

“Roman is right. According to our calculations, Galactus should still be in the dormant stage, or wandering in the uninhabited planetary belt.”

Another centurion named Admox nodded and said.

When he said that title, the conference hall fell into silence for an instant, and everyone had a hint of uneasiness and fear on their faces.

Galactus, an ancient life, a cosmic-level natural disaster.

In the archives recorded by the Nova Corps, it is difficult to trace back the existence of Galactus. Many people say that this ancient life was born with the Big Bang of the universe. Some people say that it is the consciousness of the mechanical insect swarm. No one knows the exact answer anyway.

Even the Elders of the Universe may not be able to figure it out. They only know the name of Galactus, a name that has long been forgotten, Gaelatus.

Apart from this, no more information can be found. The other party is an ancient life that is older than the Celestial Clan. It itself makes many civilized races fear them and treat them like gods.

Compared to Galactus’s illustrious reputation, Thanos’s madness is not worth mentioning. This is a terrifying existence that relies on devouring the huge energy of planets to maintain its own survival. It can be called the ultimate nightmare of every civilization.

“I didn’t want to believe it at first, but this is indeed true.”

Xinxing Supreme sighed, moved the tabletop, and a clear picture was projected in the center.

The background is a deep and dark vast void. A desolate planet appears in front of everyone’s eyes, and is immediately covered by a huge shadow.

There is no body, no voice, just a huge tide of shadow with no edge, in which an extremely strong energy storm surges. The masses of dust-like material contain the cosmic energy that can destroy the planet.


Some people couldn’t help but exclaimed.

They watched helplessly as the desolate planet, like a withered seed, lost its vitality bit by bit. The earth dried up instantly and opened huge gaps.

The entire planet was shrouded in a huge shadow. With a loud roar, red lava surged up, the ground collapsed, and the plates collapsed, just like a terrifying scene of the end of the world.

It seems that in this short period of time, the entire planet has been tortured and ravaged tens of billions of times. Shocking huge cracks are all over the surface. The boiling core lava spurts out hot red magma, and the continental plates are torn apart. , like cracked porcelain.

The rumbling sound was deafening, as if the planet was screaming on the verge of death, and then disappeared into the vacuum. In the end, the entire planet completely collapsed and disintegrated under the pull of huge gravity!

For a moment, the conference hall was silent for a long time.

It was hard for everyone to imagine that this terrible natural disaster like the earth shattering was just the eating behavior of an ancient being.

“We have to respond.”

Nova Supreme looked serious.

Once Galactus fully awakens from its starvation state, it may be another huge and irreversible disaster.

Although it is said that this ancient life usually chooses uninhabited and desolate planets, according to the data recorded by the Nova Corps, the life planets that gave birth to civilization have also had such unfortunate experiences, and there are many, so they cannot be taken lightly.

The home planet of the Rufmund civilization is the most typical example. The Rufumund people, who originally worshiped the iron-blooded dictatorship and had strong military strength, encountered this terrible disaster and fell directly from a high civilization to homeless people. Refugees.

“Can we judge the movement trajectory of Galactus? Generally speaking, this ancient life will send its own messengers to choose planets that meet the standards as food.”

A centurion named Richard spoke up.

He looked at the silver light spots fixed in the projection and said solemnly: “If we can determine the search route of the Galactus, we can lead the Galactus to the uninhabited planetary belt and minimize casualties and losses.”

Nova Supreme’s eyes lit up. Planet Devourer would not look for food on its own, but would send envoys to do such things, so this was the only chance for the Nova Corps.

“There are four messengers of Galactus, this one should be the Silver Surfer.”

Nova Supreme has the answer.

The four Star Eaters, Stardust, Flame King, Tyrant, and the surfer known as “Silver Shadow”.

They have all been given great power by Galactus to find suitable planets to serve as food, and are equivalent to servants.

“Not long ago, the silver shadow passed through the Void Land. Judging from the trajectory, it seems that this time he chose the nine star regions.”

Centurion Roman said thoughtfully.

His eyes were a bit strange. Everyone knew that the earth was a rising star among all current civilizations.

Whether it is occupying the Void Land and accumulating a large amount of resources, or the sentry who crushed the space fleet with his bare hands, people dare not despise the earth as before.

“No matter how powerful an individual is, he cannot withstand Galactus.”

Nova Supreme smiled bitterly and shook his head.

She understood what Centurion Roman meant. Now that the earth is rising rapidly, although the Void Land is a neutral party, it does not participate in the war conflict between the Kree Empire and the planet Xandar.

However, Ronan, the governor of the Kree Empire, had secretly cooperated with Sean after all. Instead of waiting for the other party to become stronger and become an enemy in the future, it would be better to use Galactus to solve this future trouble.

“The Nova Corps will not use such despicable methods, even if we are on Xandar’s side and Hyundai may become an opponent.”

Nova Supreme hesitated for a moment and rejected this tempting proposal.

The planet devourer is not just targeting one planet. In a state of hunger and thirst, even if the nine star fields are reduced to nothing, it cannot satisfy this ancient life.

“Informing Xunwuzudi of this news, I hope that the man known as the ‘Sentinel’ can survive this disaster safely.”

Xinxing Supreme looked heavy, and that was all she could do. The Star Swallowing Envoy had already gone to the nine star regions, and it was too late to stop him at this time.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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