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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 45 Gathering

At the beginning of the lanterns, Chinatown is crowded with people. Tourists and local residents coming and going form a crowded wave. A group of hurried eccentrics are like a small boat riding the wind and waves, bumping forward in the sea of ​​​​people.

“Please give way!”

This group of people seemed to be being chased, almost arrogantly squeezing away the pedestrians around them. This behavior immediately aroused a burst of dissatisfied complaints. Several burly male tourists tried to stop them, but were stopped by a tall black man. The haired woman pushed it away easily, as if she were pushing aside a building block at will, without any effort.

“Oh, damn, this woman is so strong!” Seeing the group of people disappearing into the crowd, the tourists who were pushed away regained their composure.

Boss He is a third-generation immigrant from New York. He relied on the cooking skills he learned from his father to open a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown. Because of its authentic taste, it has always been popular among local overseas Chinese and other foreigners who love Chinese food culture. Welcome.

“Call it done.” Boss He sent the last batch of customers away and hung a “Closed for Business” sign at the door, which was the end of a busy day.

If the business continues to be prosperous like this, then he will consider whether he should recruit more workers. Anyway, there are many young overseas Chinese in Chinatown who need jobs.


The door to the restaurant was pushed open and then closed forcefully.

The intrusion of a group of uninvited guests interrupted Boss He’s beautiful vision. These people did not seem to be here to eat. They were a tall black-haired woman, a curly-haired young man in a suit, a tall and strong black man, and a burly man with weapons on his body. A big man, and a strange guy wearing a red devil suit. This strange combination made Boss He almost think he had encountered a group of crazy robbers, and he quickly raised his hands in fear.

“We are closed.” Boss He said weakly when he saw that this group of people did not commit any robbery.

A group of people broke in and ignored the restaurant owner’s reminder. They looked out the window nervously. The tall black-haired woman directly lifted a heavy red-lacquered long wooden cabinet with both hands and blocked it. Restaurant door.

“She’s so strong.” The man dressed like a red devil sighed. “Sir, for your safety we need to make this place appear to be closed.”

The young man with brown curly hair explained to the boss in fluent Chinese: “We will not hurt you, we are just borrowing this place temporarily.” (Children who have watched this drama, please ignore the sentence “fluent Chinese”)

A man in a red devil suit and a mask on his head closed the window. The Hand may appear at any time. He was listening intently, using his super hearing to sense everything in the outside world. The group of ninjas did not seem to follow.

“Okay, now this restaurant belongs to us for the time being.” After the curly-haired young man whispered a few words to the owner, the restaurant owner took the initiative to leave.

“What did you tell him?” the black-haired woman asked curiously.

“I just gave him my credit card and promised to pay his rent for the next six months.” The curly-haired young man said in a relaxed tone, “My name is Danny, Danny Rand.”

“Jessica.” The black-haired woman said calmly, “I know you two, the Punisher and Daredevil of Hell’s Kitchen.”

“I thought people had almost forgotten me after disappearing for so long.” Daredevil said mockingly to himself.

He originally went to find helpers with the Punisher, but he happened to bump into Jessica Jones who was chasing clues. Following this extraordinary female private detective, the three of them came to the Hand’s position, Midtown Circle Financial Company. .

Iron Fist Danny Rand also broke into the Hand’s lair alone to investigate the mysterious disappearance of the black man Luke Cage in Harlem. At the same time, he also came to this real estate company controlled by the Hand, chasing the same man. The five targeted people gathered together under various coincidences and had a scuffle with the minions of the Hand. Several street heroes used their abilities to escape and hid in the densely populated Chinatown.

“I think now is the time to answer questions -” Jessica said with a cold face, “First of all, who can tell me who are those guys who are chasing us?”

“The Hand.” Danny Rand and the Punisher replied at the same time.

After the two people looked at each other, Danny Rand continued: “The Hand is an ancient criminal organization that has always existed. The people in this organization have fanatical ideologies, and every member is willing to defend their organization to the death. Belief.”

“Sounds like a terrorist.” Luke Cage frowned. He had lived in Harlem for so long and had never heard the name of this organization.

“No, the terrorists want to let the world know what they are doing, and this organization is more mysterious and evil, and their footprints are all over the world.” Daredevil added that he had fought against the Hand before and knew this well. The organization is terrible.

“Then what do they want to do? Why are they recruiting young people in Harlem?” Luke Cage asked doubtfully. The reason why he traced the real estate company was because recently, Harlem Young black men continue to disappear or die.

“The purpose of the Hand is unclear at the moment, but obviously they came to New York for a reason. I feel like they want to find me.” Danny Rand hesitated and revealed his identity, “I am the Immortal Iron Fist. , the guardian of Kunlun.”

The scene suddenly fell into silence, whether it was the Punisher holding a 9mm Browning automatic pistol, Daredevil wearing a mask, Jessica who had always maintained a cold expression, and Luke Cage who was listening carefully, They all looked at Danny Rand with strange eyes.

“What did you take? Lithium?” Jessica sneered mercilessly.

Danny Rand wanted to defend, but was interrupted by the Punisher: “Okay, shouldn’t what we should be talking about now be what to do next?”

This burly man, who was like a mobile arsenal, held a Browning pistol and glanced at everyone with cold eyes, “The Hand is planning an amazing conspiracy. There is a huge conspiracy in their lair, the bottom floor of the Midtown Circle Financial Company. I don’t know what’s inside the pothole, but I’m sure the earthquake a week ago was caused by them!”

“Whether it’s the disappearance and death of black people in Harlem that Luke mentioned, or the disappearance of the architect that Jessica investigated, these are all inseparable from the Hand! Now in front of us, there are nothing more than two Lu, forget about this, walk out of this restaurant, and give up the previous investigation; or, use your and my abilities to bring down this huge organization!”

Everyone was silent for a while, everyone was thinking that this time was different from the previous crises they encountered. The opponent was not a gang leader or a street thug, but a well-organized behemoth.

“I want to protect the peace of Harlem.” Luke Cage was the first to give the answer. He has always been a hero in Harlem.

“It seems that I am the first person to admit that I am a little powerless about this matter. This is beyond my ability.” Jessica immediately gave the answer. She refused the invitation to form a team to beat the Hand.

After experiencing a disaster, Jessica just wanted to be an ordinary person. She opened her own detective agency just to forget the bad life before, so no matter what, she did not want to be involved in this kind of fight against evil organizations again. things to do.

“Oh, this is a great opportunity. I tried to fight against the Hand alone, but failed. Now we have so many people with extraordinary abilities, but you said you don’t want to participate?!” Danny Rand shouted in disappointment , the reason why he returned to New York was to completely eradicate the Hand and let those people feel the pain of losing everything.

“Not everyone is willing to live this kind of life. When you choose to fight against the darkness, it means that you cannot take into account the friends and family around you. The people you want to protect may very well be in trouble because of your decision. And met with misfortune.”

Daredevil completely understands Jessica’s psychology. He has also been through this stage before. If he hadn’t learned the news about Erica, he might not have put on the suit again.

“Thank you, I think I should leave.” Jessica gave Daredevil a rare smile, then stood up and prepared to leave.

Daredevil was about to say something, but suddenly his expression became solemn. He listened carefully, and heard a slight sound of footsteps echoing on the street outside. The other person had a strong heartbeat, like a war drum beating, and burst out “dong dong” Even through his voice, Daredevil could feel the extremely strong vitality in this person.


The door blocked by the red lacquered wooden cabinet was easily pushed open, and a young man wearing a black mask walked in from the outside. He slowly glanced at the group of people who were waiting, and said with a smile: “Everyone is here.”

“Then… let’s go together.”

ps: Well, it’s tomb sweeping during the Qingming Festival, so there’s only one update…

I forgot to mention it yesterday. Thanks to the boss “l477423” for the reward. I am the first helmsman in my life. I am very excited…

As for adding more chapters, because I am handicapped, I will postpone it to the weekend and try to code a few more chapters (~ ̄▽ ̄)~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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