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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 450 The grown-up loli and the foodie

“Reed Richards and Susan Storm, also known as Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Woman, are part of the beloved Fantastic Four. In three days, we will hold this much-anticipated ‘wedding of the century’ in Tribeca, New York, and we will get married…”

Susan, wearing a white bathrobe, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the Basteco Building, with reporters and onlookers swarming below her.

This grand occasion has been going on since the news of the wedding was announced and has continued till now. Except for my brother Johnny, who doesn’t care at all, everyone else is quite troubled.

Her wedding to Reed has dominated the newspaper headlines for four days in a row, and it was always published on the front page. Even the news channels took turns to report on it in the morning and evening. It can be said to be a sensation across the United States, attracting countless people’s attention. gaze.

Susan listened to the announcer’s voice on the TV, and the tension in her heart became more intense. She turned her head involuntarily and stared at the snow-white wedding dress hanging on the hanger.

“It turns out that even superheroes will have random thoughts when they are about to get married.”

Pepper, who was helping sort out the guest list, said jokingly.

The acting president of Stark Industries has her blond hair pulled back, wearing a pair of high heels, a black suit and a professional skirt, exuding the aura of a smart and capable strong woman.

Seeing the nervous and worried look on his close friend’s face, Pepper couldn’t help but laugh and comforted softly: “Everyone knows that Dr. Richards is a good man, what are you still worried about?”

“He’s not like Tony, who always yearns for freedom and adventure, and is unwilling to take on family responsibilities; he’s also not like Sean, who is a perfect lover who can’t fault anything, but you can never guess his heart.”

Pepper held Susan’s shoulders, and her gentle voice was like a spring breeze, soothing the burning anxiety in her heart.

“Thank you, Pepper…when did you two little guys come in?”

Susan’s face relaxed a lot, and she turned around to hug Pepper, only to find Mindy, whom she hadn’t seen for a long time, sitting on the sofa, and Carrie, who was holding a bag of potato chips.

The two little guys were blinking their big eyes and staring at themselves, with expressions of anticipation on their faces that they wanted to hear more gossip.

“From the time the TV said ‘The Wedding of the Century,’ we’re sitting here.”

Mindy, who was no longer a blond little lolita, replied with a pouty mouth.

The peripheral vision of those eyes always glanced at the bag of potato chips held by Carrie, and her mouth opened and closed unconsciously in response to the other party’s squeaking sound.

“Sean said there might be something we could help with, and then he threw me and Carrie over… They obviously wanted to discuss a bachelor party, and they were making excuses.”

Mindy complained softly.

She and Carrie wandered outside for so long, and finally returned to New York to see Sean. Not only did this guy not care about him at all, he actually asked Carrie to urge her to lose weight!

This is not at all in line with what Minty had imagined before. When the two met, their eyes were full of tears, and they held each other’s arms and cried.

“You can’t get involved in these things…Carrie, there are freshly made honey toasts in the oven, as well as little puddings. Do you want them, Mindy?”

Pepper looked at the helpless Mindy and asked deliberately.

The once cute little blond loli has now turned into a long-legged girl with no tendency to grow disabled. I don’t know why Sean is always obsessed with asking Mindy to lose weight?

“Mindy can’t eat, she has to do aerobic training for half an hour later.”

Kali, who was happily chewing bread, reminded her seriously.

Under Sean’s unremitting snack offensive, she has defected to the enemy’s camp and become a responsible supervisor.

Mindy, who was hit hard both physically and mentally, collapsed on the sofa. She knew she shouldn’t have returned to New York, and continued to wander around in the RV. Anyway, there was endless money in the card, and Skynet was a full-time nanny. Isn’t it wonderful?

“Hmph, people who eat too much and don’t gain weight will become flat-chested girls!”

Kali’s special physique with the attributes of a foodie and the ability to not gain weight is simply here to attract hatred, making Mindy gnash her teeth with envy.

“Then you’re the chubby flat-chested girl, Mindy.”

Carrie finished the last chocolate pudding on her plate and licked her lips before replying.

This understatement once again caused tons of critical blows to Mindy.

She pounced on Carrie with all her teeth and claws, and the two of them fought in the huge room, causing Susan and Pepper to chuckle from time to time.

After a while, Mindy stopped and stood in front of the full-length mirror. A pair of leather boots, a short jacket and jeans perfectly outlined her youthful and exquisite lines.

From the mirror, it is difficult to see the cute appearance of the little blond lolita. Her baby-fat face has gradually become thinner, and she looks like a cool girl.

“I finally get it, Carrie!”

Mindy put her hands on her hips, looking at her friend who was staring at the black forest cake on the table, and laughed proudly.

“The reason Sean is so annoying and always asking me to lose weight and stay in shape must have some ulterior motive for me… Yes! That must be the case!”

“I think he just doesn’t want to see you turn into a fat girl.”

Kali looked at the tempting piece of black forest cake, with heaven and man fighting in her mind, and she answered casually.

These words were like a stab in the back, piercing Mindy’s girlish heart, and her triumphant laughter stopped abruptly.

Immediately, the two people rolled into a ball on the sofa, each tickling the other.


“Susan and Pepper are going to be busy trying on wedding dresses, choosing the wedding band, and setting up the scene…so what should we do?”

Reed, who was doing nothing, looked at Tony, who had his legs on the table with a cynical look, and then asked Sean.

“Of course it’s a bachelor party! It has to be the kind where the dancers take off their clothes!”

Tony answered directly.

He jumped up from the sofa excitedly. The past few days after returning to Earth were too boring. Compared with driving a spaceship and traveling among the stars, the current days were too boring.

“How long are you going to hide from Pepper?”

Sean, who was standing in front of the window, turned around and looked at Tony, who was eager to have some fun for himself, and asked in a joking tone.

If it weren’t for the fear of being forced into marriage by Pepper, this Iron Man who traveled across the stars wouldn’t be sitting here peacefully.

“Uh…I just wanted to be a part of Reed’s wedding…as his best friend…well, I was avoiding Pepper.”

Facing the contemptuous looks of the other two people, Tony nodded in frustration and admitted.

He has no plans to get married for the time being, because that means taking on the responsibility of the family, and he can no longer continue to be a carefree and wanton interstellar prodigal.

After finally opening the door to the universe, Stark didn’t want to lie in the grave of love so early.

“Then what are you going to do? Marry the general’s daughter, or walk into the church hand in hand with the daughter of the mayor of New York? Let me count, there are also the mutant Dr. Jean Grey, the female secretary Wanda …Oh my gosh, I never thought that one day I would lose to you in this aspect!”

Tony wrung his fingers, feeling helpless and frustrated at the end.

I think back then, he was the number one playboy in New York. He once achieved the astonishing feat of sleeping with every cover girl in a magazine. He was a top-notch veteran of pleasure. Few women could escape his grasp.

The results of it?

Tony’s eyes were a little sad. He couldn’t remember the last time he flirted with a beautiful woman.

“I’m not a Stark who adheres to the principle of ‘sweet talk before you go to bed, who are you after you get out of bed’. There will be weddings. Even if everyone comes once, it won’t take me much time.”

Sean shrugged. Dealing with various women did not give him a headache, but was a kind of spice to his daily life.

As Pepper said, he was the perfect lover, unable to find any faults except loyalty.

“Your shamelessness is directly proportional to your strength.”

Tony choked on his breath and almost couldn’t lift it up.

“Instead of worrying about me, think about Pepper, Tony. She spent the best years of her life with you. How long do you think she can wait?”

Sean patted Stark’s shoulder and reminded him kindly.

The relaxed expression froze on his face, and Tony suddenly fell silent.

“Okay, let’s talk about the bachelor party. First of all, no stripping dancers!”

Reed had to sacrifice himself in order to lighten the mood.

“good idea……”

Sean was about to speak, but a message from Skynet interrupted him.

A life form flying at the speed of light broke through the monitoring network of the earth-moon system and landed on the earth.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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