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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 451 Single Night

“It looks like a meteorite, but its trajectory is completely wrong. This light spot itself should have a power source.”

Hearing Sean say that something unusual had happened, Reid’s eyes immediately lit up. He looked at the projected satellite image and frowned slightly.

In the dark and deep universe, a ray of silver light flashed past at such a fast speed that the image captured by the satellite was quite blurry, making it difficult to identify what it was.

It can only be roughly seen that this light point quickly passed through the dark void, passed the earth-moon defense line, and directly broke through the atmosphere.

Sean swiped his fingers and cut out another clear picture. It was a giant crater about two hundred meters in diameter. It was so neat that it didn’t look like it was struck by an object falling from high altitude.

“Since this unknown object came to Earth, many abnormal events have occurred around the world. The coalition government is actively blocking the news and claiming that it is just a special astronomical anomaly to prevent large-scale panic.”

Sean’s eyes moved slightly, and he vaguely thought of the true identity of the silver light spot, but he was not sure yet.

The other party was traveling too fast and had no fixed trajectory, so not even Skynet could accurately locate it and capture a clear picture.

“Suruga Bay in Japan, the Giza Pyramids in Egypt, the large-scale blackout that occurred in Los Angeles, California, and even the entire western region an hour ago…”

Reed learned about abnormal phenomena around the world from the smart terminal equipped with Skynet, and his eyes showed strong interest.

The essence of science is to explore mysteries and summarize rules. This magical gentleman happens to be a fanatical scientist.

“Sometimes I really pity Susan. You are going to marry the hottest female superhero in the world in a few days, but as the groom, you are more interested in such unknown and mysterious events.”

Tony raised his hand and took the smart terminal. He patted Reed on the shoulder and said in an experienced tone: “Instead of worrying about this, why not think about the bachelor party the day after tomorrow? Let me take care of such small things.”

“By the way, I’m curious what the official explanation from the coalition government is?”

Tony, who was sorting out the only information, looked up at Sean and asked curiously.

Usually when this happens, when SHIELD is unable to give an immediate explanation, the coalition government will definitely take the lead in covering it up to appease people.

“The freezing of Japan’s bays is caused by undersea volcanic activity, and the Giza pyramids are covered with two feet of snow because of temperature imbalances caused by global warming… The reasons are not bad, and by the way, they can promote environmentalism.”

Sean shrugged. Before intercepting the silver surfer, the coalition government naturally had to cover up the truth to avoid passive public opinion.

“Obviously this intruder carries strong radiation fluctuations. Maybe I can build a large sensor and connect it to the satellite network of SHIELD’s Trident Building so that it can be accurately located.”

Tony’s mind was not inferior to that of Reed’s, and he quickly came up with practical solutions.

“It’s a good idea, we can still…”

Reed agreed with Tony’s plan and wanted to communicate more, but was led away by Sean’s shoulder, “Leave this matter to Tony. I think you need to think more about life after marriage, such as Do you like a boy or a girl, what name should you choose…”

Looking at the two people walking away, Stark shook his head and laughed, and then devoted himself to the design of the sensor.

Linhai Mansion, which had been blown up twice and rebuilt twice, was definitely not allowed to go. If Pepper blocked it, there would be no way to escape easily.

After scanning the surroundings, Tony decided to work in the Basteco Building. Anyway, he would prepare materials and the like for him on Friday, and then ask SHIELD for reimbursement – after Jarvis was “killed” by Ultron , Stark created a brand new intelligent system for himself, named Friday.

It means “loyal and capable female assistant” and comes from the famous novel “Robinson Crusoe” by British writer Daniel Defoe. However, with Tony’s temper, his intelligent butler must not be a vulgar and rude male savage. So I used a gentle female voice.

As the world’s top genius, Tony only spent two days building the sensor and placing it on the top floor of the Basteque Building.


Tony tapped his hands on the operating platform with a proud expression on his face.

After uploading the sensor program to the satellite and integrating it with Skynet, SHIELD will be able to locate the intruder’s location as soon as the intruder appears again.

“The men of the Stark family are always so good.”

Tony praised himself without hesitation, and then prepared to put on a new outfit, just in time to attend Reed’s bachelor party.


Two hours later, Tony, who was wearing sunglasses, and Sean, who was smiling, put their arms around Reed’s shoulders and arrived at the most famous nightclub in New York.

A black DJ was playing DJs on the stage, and the dynamic music resounded throughout the venue, like waves sweeping across, hitting the walls with good sound insulation. Above the head were bright lights that flashed rapidly, and colorful LED lights rotated and flashed in all directions.

The men and women on the dance floor twisted their waists and hips to the rhythm of the music. From time to time, scantily clad waitresses with hot bodies walked past, carrying trays filled with alcoholic beverages.

“I asked Johnny to prepare all this for you, book the night, invite guests, tonight will be your last single night.”

Sean looked at Reed, who was stunned on the spot, with a faint smile on his lips.

“But I don’t know anyone here.”

Reed somewhat regretted agreeing to Tony’s suggestion. This kind of occasion was not the one he should have come to. Those hot girls swaying wantonly made people unable to help but pay attention.

“I originally wanted to invite some of your friends, but apart from boring nerds, I found that there were no spare candidates.”

Johnny walked out of the dance floor with two hot girls in his arms, his handsome face that looked like Captain America, full of frivolous smiles.

A bachelor party is not an academic seminar. Instead of inviting a bunch of boring scientists, it would be better to invite these passionate cover girls.

“This is Mr. Fantastic, Reed Richards, the smartest man in the world. You can feel free to ask him some academic questions.”

Johnny leaned close to Reed, winked and whispered: “Don’t worry, I will never tell Susan that you are the leading actor tonight.”

“Have a good time.”

“Relax and enjoy your stag night.”

Sean and Tony looked at each other and smiled, then left. People like them would only deal with this kind of situation in a trivial way.

When Reed came back to his senses, he was left alone, trapped in a gentle land.

The beautiful girls wearing suspenders, sequined tube tops or denim shorts were all passionate, clinging to the bewildered Mr. Fantastic, talking softly and laughing non-stop.

“Why are you so nervous? I’m most interested in science.”

A sexy girl with wheat-colored skin clung to Reid’s side, flipping her long brown hair with her fingers.

“Ahem, let me tell you about the Big Bang, or quantum mechanics? Wait, maybe general relativity will do…”

Reed spoke nervously, constantly throwing out physics theories one after another.

On the other side of the bar, Sean and Tony were placing bets on how long Reed could last in Gentleland.

“I think half an hour at most.”

“twenty minutes!”

On the lively and noisy dance floor, men and women swayed wildly, and Tony drank a glass of whiskey. He had said goodbye to this kind of occasion for a long time, and now he felt like he hadn’t seen it for a long time.

“If we continue talking, Dr. Richards will talk about the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. He should be hoping that God can throw a dice and knock him out.”

Seeing Sean rejecting two beautiful models who came close to him, Tony couldn’t help but joke.

But suddenly, that cynical and relaxed look suddenly solidified. The small sensor he was carrying was buzzing and vibrating in his pocket.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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