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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 452 Silver Shadow Attacks

“The target is approaching New York! Wait, it’s the Basteco Tower!”

Tony took out the small sensor he carried with him, and his expression suddenly changed. On the display screen that received a large amount of cosmic radiation data, a small red dot was approaching the Basteco Building at an extremely fast speed.

The sensor is connected to SHIELD’s satellite network, so the unknown intruder can be located immediately as soon as it is discovered.

“Breaking the speed of sound, the other party must want to destroy the sensor!”

The Iron Man waved his hand and patted his chest, and the reactor containing the nanosuit flashed slightly. The nanopolymer material was like bright blood that penetrated the skin, quickly covering the whole body.

The thrusters under Tony’s feet erupted, shattering the marble floor tiles, and the sound drowned out the dynamic music.

He raised his hand and fired a palm cannon, which directly knocked down the roof of the entire nightclub, and then said: “I leave this to you, Reed!”

Mr. Fantastic, who was surrounded by a group of hot girls, was already talking about Schrödinger’s Cat. When he saw Tony finishing dressing up in the Nano Suit, he immediately came back to his senses.

The elastic body, like plasticine, turned into a rotating blanket, catching all the rubble and tiles falling like rainstorms to prevent people from being injured.

“It seems like there’s a lot of fun again. What a wonderful singles night!”

After Johnny and the beautiful model beside him had a passionate kiss, they turned into raging fire and soared into the sky, flying out of the hole in the roof.

As one of the Fantastic Four, the Human Torch cannot miss this opportunity to shine.

Sean, who was sitting quietly at the edge of the bar, was always as steady as a rock. If the messenger of Galactus really came to the earth, then even if all the superheroes went into battle, there would be no chance of winning.

Moreover, even if the Silver Surfer is defeated, there is still a Planet Devourer standing behind him, the true master of the universe.

“The five Infinity Stones seem to have no confidence against Galactus.”

Sean took a sip of whiskey on the rocks. That ancient being who relied on devouring planets to survive and was regarded as the end of civilization was one of the top beings among the five gods.

Although he is often beaten by many superheroes due to his unstable state, there is no doubt about his own strength.

“We can only wait and see what happens.”

Sean’s face was calm. He was only one soul gem away from being able to embed the Infinity Gauntlet and become a veritable overlord of the universe. At that time, he would be qualified enough to talk to Galactus on an equal footing.

For now, let’s take a look at what the Silver Surfer, one of the four Star-Eating Messengers, wants to do.

Shaking the glass slightly, looking at the dance floor where the crowd had dispersed, Sean raised his head and drank the cold liquid in one gulp.


The propeller combination under his feet deformed, the air faintly rippled, and an explosion came from the thick air. Amidst the rumbling vibrations, Tony’s flight speed suddenly accelerated, and he arrived at Basteque in less than twenty seconds. The top floor of the building.

Buzzing alarms echoed in the room, and the computer connected to the sensor flashed red rapidly, affected by a large amount of cosmic radiation data.

“That guy is here!”

As soon as Tony finished speaking, a bit of silver light expanded rapidly, rippled like water, and went straight through the tempered glass.

A strong airflow exploded in the room, like a hurricane. Before Tony had time to react, he felt a flash of light in front of his eyes, and was hit hard against the wall behind him.

“Friday! Take a picture of him!”

“Okay…Mr. Stark…electronic signal…”

The intruder who visited rashly was a strong man, his whole body covered with silver liquid, and he was riding an aircraft similar to a surfer.

The opponent waved casually, and invisible power burst out, like a violent magnetic storm spreading and sweeping across it. The sound of electric current was mixed with crackling sparks. The computer screen connected to the sensor dimmed and instantly turned into a pile of scrap metal.

Even Friday, Tony’s intelligent assistant, was passively disconnected due to the disorder of electronic signals.

Tony could also see that all the lights on the entire street outside the Basteque Building went dark in an instant, and a large-scale power outage spread to several blocks away.

The intruder didn’t speak, but glanced at Tony coldly. His powerful silver body suddenly changed, rippling like water, suddenly passed through the reinforced glass, and disappeared!

“Johnny—go after him!”

Tony shouted quickly when he saw the thunderbolt falling from the sky.

Johnny paused for a moment, and the flames burning all over his body became more intense, dragging a long flame tail and biting tightly at the silver figure in front of him.

Between the densely packed high-rise buildings, two figures started a fierce chase, one behind the other. The roaring air waves were like rolling thunder, resounding in the sky from time to time.

“This guy is so fast!”

Johnny finally saw the other person’s appearance clearly, a surfer with a whole body of silver.

“Hey, man! Are you from California?”

The silver figure ignored Johnny’s shouts.

He seemed to have the ability to penetrate matter. He rode a surfboard-like aircraft and passed directly through the buildings. The air was churning with water-like ripples. The glass windows were not damaged at all, but his body rushed directly through them.

Although the opponent kept accelerating, trying to get rid of Johnny who was following closely behind, the Human Torch was not to be outdone, pumping up the energy in his body, and the hot temperature seemed to ignite the air.

Johnny flew at a low altitude, narrowly avoiding the oncoming large truck, and threw a ball of fire with his hand, trying to drag down the silver figure.

The result was a blazing fireball containing high temperature. As soon as it left the palm of the hand, it exploded and formed a stream of fire all over the sky. It was really beautiful.

“He can manipulate energy?”

Questions arose in Johnny’s mind.

He sidled through the gap between the two cars and crossed the highway traffic. The two of them were chasing each other like a race. Soon they were flying from Manhattan, New York, to Washington, D.C., with buildings flashing under him.

“It’s time to end this.”

The blazing flames on Johnny’s body released more intense heat, and his speed suddenly increased!

The tumbling air waves roared and rolled, and the Thunderbolt instantly approached the silver figure in front. It only needed an acceleration to stop the opponent.

At this moment, the silver figure stepping on the surfboard turned around suddenly, and his cold palms strangled Johnny’s neck with perfect accuracy, his eyes full of indifference.

The high-temperature flames seemed to be unable to cause any harm to him. The silver figure drove the aircraft that looked like a surfboard and slowly rose into the sky. After a while, he rushed out of the atmosphere and arrived in outer space.

“alright, you win.”

In the vacuum environment, the high-temperature fire on Johnny’s body gradually subsided, and a blue planet filled his field of vision.

Due to the lack of oxygen in the brain, Human Torch’s breathing gradually became weak, as if he would suffocate at any time, and his consciousness began to become blurred.

The silver figure said nothing. He stared at the earthling, his indifferent eyes did not waver at all. He gently let go of his hand and let the other person fall downwards.

All life on this planet will eventually become food for the great Lord.

He thought as he looked down at the vibrant earth.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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