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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 453 An Unfriendly Conversation

“He looks like a human being, a male, but the surface of his body is covered with silver liquid, and he rides on… an aircraft similar to a surfboard.”

The listless Johnny returned to Basteco Mansion. The Human Torch, who was usually arrogant, was helpless in front of the intruder this time.

If Iron Man hadn’t taken action in time to save Johnny who fell from outer space, he might still be wandering in the desert of Nevada at this time.

In the spacious and bright living room on the top floor, everyone looked solemn, and Susan looked at Reid with worry, as if their wedding was going to be postponed.

“Whether the other party is an alien or an interstellar surfer, what is certain is that he has the ability to convert material energy. It seems like using cosmic radiation energy to affect changes in matter.”

Tony reasoned.

He was the only person other than Johnny who had seen the intruder with his own eyes. The intruder was like a mass of invisible air that passed straight through the solid and thick tempered glass.

It’s like the material composition of the glass window was instantly changed. This can explain why the other party was able to break into the Basteque Building easily.

“And this…Silver Surfer didn’t seem to want to be found, so he just destroyed the sensor.”

“He knew he was being watched and tracked him here?”

Reed frowned, what on earth did the other party want to hide?

An intelligent life that comes to Earth with unique abilities is obviously unlikely to have a friendly attitude towards communication.

During the years that Reed has been in the Void Land, he has long seen the cold cruelty of the big universe era.

There is no tenderness at all between civilizations, only naked jungle laws and interests.

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

Susan didn’t care at all about her fiancé.

She looked at her brother with concern and handed him a glass of warm water. Johnny seemed to be in a very bad condition, and his usually bright and handsome face looked quite pale at the moment.

Reed and Tony looked even more serious. The Human Torch was one of the more powerful members of the Fantastic Four, but when they met the Silver Surfer, they didn’t even have the chance to fight back.

This aroused strong vigilance in their hearts, and SHIELD had begun a thorough search around the world. Although the sensors were destroyed, the data collected was preserved.

“I don’t know, it felt weird after running into that silver surfer.”

Johnny said in a tired voice.

He felt very tired now, as if he hadn’t slept for several days and nights.

It was as if a black hole had appeared in his body, swallowing up all his energy.

Johnny just wanted to lie in bed, close his eyes and have a good rest. This feeling of fatigue made him not even want to talk.

“Hey, I can give you a comforting hug and maybe give that surfer a good beating the next time I see him!”

Ben, the stone man who usually likes to be noisy with Johnny, laughed heartily.

The thick hand reached out to pat his teammate’s shoulder. As soon as it touched Johnny, a sudden surge of energy poured into his body.

Then everyone saw an extremely surprising and ridiculous scene. Ben, who was originally tall and with muscles as hard as stone, returned to his original human appearance, with clusters of flames sprouting from the surface of his skin.

But Johnny’s muscles bulged, his whole body swelled, and his whole body was as hard as rocks.

The two of them actually switched their abilities in an instant.

“Wow, Johnny Stone, that’s a good title for you.”

Tony still had time to joke around, not caring about Johnny who was going crazy.

“You came into contact with the Silver Surfer, and he has the ability to convert matter and energy. Ben touched you just now, so the abilities of the two of you have been exchanged… This means that he has changed the structure of matter and energy between you. Keeping someone’s molecules in a state of constant flux.”

Reid put a hand on his chest and quickly explained.

He stared at Johnny with great interest, as if he was seeing a human specimen of great research value.

“It sounds like it’s going to be bad.”

Johnny looked at those thick arms and bulging muscles as hard as stone, with an expression of despair.

Normally, he would always make fun of Ben’s appearance, but when it was his turn to become like this, he felt uncomfortable.

“It won’t be worse than you are now.” Tony and Reed looked at each other, “Reed and I will get you back to normal, but that silver surfer is indeed something to be wary of.”

Susan glanced around, doubts rising in her eyes, and suddenly asked: “Where did Sean go?”


Greenland, Russell Glacier.

The faint blue light rippled like water, and a tall figure stepped out of the void portal.

The howling cold wind is accompanied by the biting cold air. This is the largest ice body in the northern hemisphere. The annual average temperature is between minus 30 degrees Celsius. It is inaccessible. Even today, with highly developed technology, it is still in an undeveloped state.

Huge ice caps cover the sea, broken ice is floating on the extremely cold sea, and there are huge icebergs moving slowly in the distance. Despite being in such cold weather, Sean is not affected at all.

The cold wind howled and roared against the hard ice, the extremely cold air currents swirled and swirled, and as far as the eye could see, everything was white.

Sensing the strong cosmic radiation, Sean followed it and came to a huge bottomless pit. On the hard glacier accumulated over hundreds of millions of years, extremely strong energy fluctuations escaped. come out.

The silver surfer hiding under the glacier seems to have sensed the human aura, and rises to a high place in a surfboard-shaped aircraft.

He noticed a pure energy in Sean’s body, like a violently burning supernova, radiating dazzling light in all directions.

“I would like to speak with your master.”

Sean said calmly.

Through Skynet’s global search, he eventually found the fast-moving Silver Surfer.

Unless necessary, Sean didn’t want to become an enemy of the ancient life that fed on the planet, so he wanted to be polite first and then fight to see if there was any room for maneuver.

“Human… you are not even food.”

The Silver Surfer spoke indifferently.

He is the messenger of Galactus, and his duty is to find suitable planets for his lord to serve as food for his lord.

“Everything you know will end.”

“Of course. I understand that if you want to be qualified for equal dialogue, you must first show your own strength.”

Sean said calmly.

Although he did not want to conflict with Galactus, he was not so afraid that even Galactus would not dare to face him.

This blue planet is his starting point towards the sea of ​​stars, and Sean will not allow anyone to take it away.

“I cross-checked the target’s radiation values ​​and queried all astronomical databases, Hegu 7, Betelgeuse 3, Weaver 6…the planets he has been to are all dead now – everywhere he goes Within eight to twelve days, the planet fell apart.”

Skynet’s voice reached Sean’s ears.

There is no doubt that the Silver Surfer created multiple large craters just to allow Galactus to feed better.

“Stop what you’re doing.”

Sean’s tone turned cold.

“You are not my master.”

The Silver Surfer didn’t want to talk to a human, so he turned the aircraft and prepared to leave.

In the vast white sky and earth, a bright light flashed, and the majestic energy rumbled like thunder.

The next moment, Sean was standing on the silver aircraft, and his strong arms strangled the silver figure and let him off the surfboard under his feet.

“You should be more polite.”

Sean stared coldly at the messenger sent by Galactus.

Without the energy blessing of the surfboard under his feet, his skin color gradually darkened, no longer shining silver, but deeper, like a bronze statue cast from black iron.

“Can we talk now?”

Sean tightened his palms and his voice was colder than the glacier that had not melted for thousands of years.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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