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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 454 Confronting Galactus

“You did something stupid.”

The silver shadow, which had lost its source of power, struggled in vain with its legs, but its deep bronze face was as cold and hard as a standing statue.

Despite facing the threat of death, those eyes were always indifferent, as if they didn’t care at all about their own lives.

“Looks like I need to wake you up.”

Sean released his palm, and the invisible air wave was like a cannonball, hitting Silver Shadow’s body hard, pressing the bronze-like body into the hard glacier.

Then, the shining golden gloves were put on, the Mind Stone lit up slightly, and the soft orange light reflected the silver shadow’s eyes.

Those indifferent eyes suddenly became vivid, as if a statue made of copper and iron came to life, and a twisted expression appeared on the cold and hard face.

“No one dares to offend the Lord, and no one is willing to face the Lord… That is a terrifying existence beyond your poor thinking. Even the entire universe will tremble in the shadow of the planet devourer, cower and surrender.”

Silver Shadow held his head in pain and knelt down on the hard ice. His voice was urgent and panicked, containing deep fear.

“Do you still remember who you are? Why do you serve Galactus? How many times have you witnessed the destruction of civilizations and the disintegration of planets?”

Sean stepped into the void, and the Mind Stone released a soft radiance, covering the struggling silver shadow.

In his perception, the Star Devourer seemed to have no emotion at all, just like a machine, only following the inherent procedures.

Now under the influence of the Mind Stone, Silver Shadow’s erased memories and emotions are slowly reviving, flashing in his mind like a fleeting glimpse.

“I…I am Nolin Ryder!”

Silver Shadow remembered his name.

He is an astronomer. His home star Zenn-La is located outside the Milky Way. It was a prosperous and peaceful civilization until the arrival of Galactus. A huge shadow covered the entire planet and all life was plunged into fear. .

“My homeland…”

The scene that had long been forgotten reappeared in front of Yinying’s eyes.

Thick clouds cover the sky and the sun, and the hungry planet devourer wants to choose this planet as a satiating food.

Every clan member knelt on the ground in despair, except Nolin Ryder, who tried to have a conversation with Galactus through a special astronomical instrument, begging this great being to spare his home planet.

“There are countless desolate planets in the universe to devour. Why do you have to choose us? Why do you have to kill all living things?”

Nolin Ryder mustered up the courage to ask questions. He was under tremendous pressure, as if he was trapped in a vast abyss and would be shot to pieces at any time.

“Hungry…no time to choose…”

The majestic image standing in the sky repeatedly murmured this sentence.

“Wait, please listen, I can be your messenger. I am willing to search the sky for you, inspect the star paths, and soar in the dark void for you. I just ask you…please let my compatriots go. Live my world.”

Nolin Ryder begged earnestly.

He is willing to serve Galactus in exchange for the safety of his home planet.

“You have spoken and I have heard you, and you will be my messenger.”

After a moment of silence, Galactus granted Nolin Ryder unprecedented power.

When he touched this powerful cosmic energy, his whole body was immediately covered with a silver shell, and all memories, good and evil, conscience, morality, etc. disappeared.

From then on, there was no more astronomer Nolin Ryder, only the star-eater Silver Shadow remained.

The intermittent memory scenes suddenly stopped, a faint smile appeared on Sean’s lips, and he looked at the stunned silver figure.

“What did I do?”

Silver Shadow looked at his hands. He thought of countless civilizations and planets that had become the food of the planet devourer, and he was an accomplice.

After serving the great lord and becoming the messenger of Galactus, he no longer had any memory of Nolin Ryder, and even immediately pointed to his home planet and suggested to Galactus that this one could be eaten.

However, the hungry Galactus still kept his agreement and spared Nolin Ryder’s home planet.

This is the story of Silver Shadow.

From then on, he always rode a surfboard-like aircraft, traveling across the vast universe, looking for suitable “food” for his Lord.

Generally speaking, they are all uninhabited and desolate planets. However, as the Galactus starved for a longer time, the great lord that Silver Shadow served gradually overcame his sympathy for intelligent life and no longer minded destroying those places that gave birth to civilization. planet.

“The hungry will not give up the food in their mouths. The Lord is coming soon.”

Silver Shadow said helplessly to Sean.

The Earth will soon be reduced to a delicious pastry in the mouth of Galactus.

The life breath of this planet is extremely strong, and in the eyes of the great lord, it is simply the most suitable food.

“Galacto is in a state of hunger?”

Sean stepped onto the smooth and shiny silver surfboard, and the majestic cosmic energy surged out of it, as if the aircraft under his feet was a portal, connecting to the unknown space.

There is a world of difference between the Galactus in its prime and the ancient life in its state of hunger.

“And very angry. The Lord’s beloved has left, and the raging anger that burns everything will spread to the entire galaxy sooner or later.”

Silver Shadow looked at Sean’s Infinity Gauntlet and kindly advised: “Human, you are indeed very powerful, but you are still small and humble in front of the great lord.”

“The planet devourer is not a terrifying existence that any life can stop. You have one last chance to leave this planet! Keep a trace of fire for your home planet!”

The wind and snow were raging on the glacier, like a cold sword that cut the skin, lashing Sean standing in the void.

He meditated quietly for a while and said softly: “Don’t underestimate the courage of human beings – they will be defeated, shrink back, and become corrupted by power and money, but sometimes they can also burst out with unprecedented courage.”

Sean’s tall and straight body, the golden torrent is rushing and boiling, releasing his power to his heart’s content, and the endless energy is rising like a frenzy.

The hot and intense dazzling light seemed to rise above the glacier like the sun. The steaming light and heat rushed into the silver surfboard under the feet. The smooth and shiny hard shell twisted and changed like a mass of melting liquid.

The intense high temperature swept away the biting cold wind, the glaciers slowly melted, and a large amount of water vapor evaporated, turning into a hazy white mist that engulfed Sean, and only the dazzling human silhouette could be seen.

That silver surfboard is not only Silver Shadow’s aircraft, it is also the source of his power.

Like the silver skin covering the body, it was given by Galactus and is the hardest substance in the universe.

It can withstand most radiation damage from outer space. Even if it withstands the fierce bombardment of battleship gunfire, it will not be damaged at all.

Now, Sean took action with all his strength, like the terrifying power of a supernova explosion, causing the silver surfboard to peel off its original form and float like a ball of mercury.

Sean’s spirit was powerfully amplified by the Mind Stone, and he used the silver surfboard given by Galactus as a medium to enter the unknown space.

A huge and majestic figure filled his field of vision.

In Sean’s mind, the figure of Galactus was reflected. The huge body that stood tall and tall was covered with a thick layer of red armor, which was full of complex and precise micro-textures. It was more like energy transmission than a defensive armor. device.

“Planet Devourer…”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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