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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 455 I, Swallowing Star, will blow your head off today

It was a peaceful day.

The afterglow of dusk shines on New York, and people take a break from their hard work and embark on their journey home with a relaxed or heavy heart.

The traffic on the viaduct was weaving, and the streets were crowded with people, creating a busy scene.

Although the coalition government has been established for a long time, most people are still accustomed to referring to the country. The integration of races and cultures has always been a long way to go. I am afraid that we will have to wait until the next century for all mankind to embark on interstellar travel. Only in the era of immigration can there be development.

As the most prosperous city in the United States, New York has been described as the “Big Apple” that is both beautiful and delicious. While it is appreciated by tourists from all over the world, it has also suffered too many terrible disasters.

The superheroes who were once active and the super criminals who opposed them emerged in an endless stream, coupled with the marginalized mutants, making the city restless.

However, all this has been greatly improved after the enactment of the Registration Act. Nowadays, people no longer pray for superheroes to fall from the sky to save themselves. SHIELD has gained everyone’s trust. Those super soldiers and mutants are enough to deal with villains with extraordinary abilities. and criminals.

On the banks of the Potomac River, in the Trident Building of S.H.I.E.L.D., Reed hurriedly walked into the command room. As the new director, Raven, Supreme Commander Zemo, Iron Man Tony Stark, and the rest of the Fantastic Four The knights were all sitting on their seats.

“Skynet’s satellite network has detected strong cosmic radiation in Greenland.”

Mr. Fantastic looked solemn, and the Silver Surfer was on the largest island in the world.

“That’s nothing. I have worse news.”

Tony lost his usual playful look, with a rare serious expression on his face, and said in a deep voice: “That damn surfer, I cross-compared the radiation values ​​​​on him, and checked the global astronomical database on Friday, you can’t even imagine… …This guy is a terrifying finisher!”

“Every planet he visited had extremely violent explosions within a week, and then died completely.”

Tony slid his finger and brought up the data comparison chart and video information.

A planet collapsed and shattered, like the explosion of hundreds or thousands of large-yield nuclear bombs. The surface was devastated and covered with red lava. All life was extinct and died. Then under the influence of strong gravity, the planet collapsed and disintegrated from the inside, turning into the universe. A touch of dust.

“This is news coming out of ignorance. The Nova Corps has issued a warning, claiming that a terrifying being named ‘Planet Devourer’ is about to come to Earth.”

“And the Silver Surfer Johnny met was just the other party’s messenger.”

“Oh my God! The entire galaxy is at stake!”

Reed looked at the dense spots displayed on the data map. Those were planets that had become dead zones, covering almost half of the galaxy.

“You should rush to Greenland as soon as possible. I will notify SHIELD to activate level one alert. The moon’s space base will be docked with the earth to prevent the worst case scenario from happening.”

Raven, who looked like a blonde beauty, said softly.

“And… Sean has passed. As long as he is here, we still have a glimmer of hope.”

The words of the new director instilled some confidence in everyone present. Otherwise, they would really have no confidence in facing an ancient life that would devour the planet and destroy civilization.

“Set off……”

Before he finished speaking, a strong shock swept over him. Tony’s body shook a little while he was standing, and he supported the table with both hands to barely stand still.

The whole building shook violently, like a small boat in a raging tide. Strong earthquakes were heard continuously. The stone man walked steadily to the floor-to-ceiling windows. The water of the Potomac River outside seemed to be turbulent, and the tempered glass made a buzzing sound. There was a buzzing sound, and there was a faint commotion of panic below.

“Is this an earthquake?”

Reed frowned, he had a bad feeling.

“It’s really strange…the direction of the earthquake source is not at the ground.”

Tony, who put on a new suit, flew out of the building. He looked up at the gloomy sky. Behind the thick black clouds, gray air currents rolled up, forming a terrifying storm vortex.

It’s as if the giant beast’s bloody mouth is about to swallow the entire city. Just from the visual effect, it is quite terrifying.

“I see you!”

Thunderous roars resounded throughout the world, and everyone raised their heads in horror. They all heard this huge voice, as if someone was roaring angrily in their minds.

The storm swept across the dark clouds, lightning and thunder burst out, the sky suddenly darkened, and invisible fear grew in people’s hearts.

At the space base on the moon, a large number of pictures were continuously sent back. It was a terrifying shadow that could not be seen to the end, like a huge rolling wave, rushing towards the blue planet.

Just judging from the picture, the wave of shadows like a vast ocean surpasses human imagination. In front of it, the planet looks extremely small, like dust.

“This is… Galactus?”

Reed was stunned. It was like a bottomless huge black hole. The dense gray air flow was like billions of tiny tentacles, pulling the broken and floating cosmic dust, blocking the warm light of the stars and celestial bodies. The nine star fields instantly into darkness.

The god-king Odin, who is far away in Asgard, is staying in the garden of his late wife. This one-eyed old man whose divine power is constantly leaking has soft and sad eyes.

Suddenly, he grasped the eternal scepter tightly, and the divine crow perched on his shoulder let out a terrifying scream, flapped its wings and flew into the air.

“This is…the god of the universe?”

Odin’s expression was grim. If his guess was correct, then all nine star fields might be shrouded in the shadow of death.

Before the planet devourer arrived, it caused a terrible phenomenon. A huge inverted funnel-shaped vortex formed in the sky over New York. Extremely terrifying suction power emanated from it. Various blocks were in chaos, and the viaducts were blocked into long dragons. People They abandoned their cars and ran away.

Loud roars tore through the dense clouds, blazing white lightning danced like silver snakes, cars circled and flew into the air, and high-rise buildings were crumbling, as if they would collapse at any time.

In just a few minutes, the whole world seemed to be doomed!

“We have to do something!”

The propeller under Tony’s feet shoots out fireworks, and he must rush to Greenland.

“SHIELD will evacuate the crowd and reduce casualties.”

Ruiwen urgently issued orders one after another.

The sky was completely dark, and the haze covered the sky. The atmosphere was like boiling water, roaring and vibrating, and a huge wave of shadows slowly covered the blue planet.

Like a hungry giant, it is eager to eat delicious food and absorb more energy to fill its stomach.

At the same time, on the glacier on the other side of the earth, the silver shadow that had recovered its memory and emotions was crawling humbly on the ice. He sensed the arrival of the great lord.

Sean, who was in the blazing light, slowly opened his eyes. He looked directly at the majestic giant in his mind, tenaciously resisting the heavy pressure coming towards him.

What method should be used to stop a starving cosmic god and obtain the qualifications for a calm and equal dialogue?

Sean thought for a while, then at Skynet’s suggestion, he coughed twice and said, “Your daughter is pregnant with my child.”

His voice was completely transmitted into the consciousness of Galactus through his mind.

The violent energy suddenly stopped, as if the whole world fell into silence. Silver Shadow, who was kneeling aside, was stunned, and then moved his body carefully, trying to stay away from this human being.


The loud sound was like a thunderstorm, rumbling in the sky.

After a brief silence, there was an extremely terrifying energy riot, like a heavy hammer hitting Sean!


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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