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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 457: Get married

On the ice of Greenland, Sean raised the Infinity Gauntlet. The five gems absorbed the energy in the body, bloomed with brilliant light, and built a strong barrier!

The extremely terrifying energy riot was like a heavy hammer slamming down. Peiran’s power radiated in all directions with Sean as the center of the circle.

Like a meteorite hitting the hard ice, with a loud rumbling sound, an indescribable huge shock wave swept across, which contained extremely terrifying and destructive power. The thick ice cap accumulated and covered over tens of millions of years was like A violent eruption of boiling lava.

It was like an endless tide of energy, expanding outwards in a mighty manner, like a violent wave that swallowed up everything. The hard ice that had not melted all year round, like snowflakes under the blazing sun, melted away in an instant!

Before the silver figure on the side could escape, he was thrown over by the air wave. His whole body seemed to have been run over by a warship, and severe pain hit his heart.

Without that layer of indestructible silver skin, the Star Devourer’s strength dropped significantly, and he could not even approach the center of the energy tide.

The surfboard that he stepped on as a source of power only lasted for a short time, and then disappeared in the wave of destruction. If the water vapor evaporated, there would no longer be any trace of its existence.

The material it was made of was once one of the hardest substances in the universe, but it still couldn’t withstand the violent and violent energy impact.

At this time, Iron Man Tony Stark, and Johnny Human Torch behind him, happened to arrive in Greenland, which is the center of cosmic radiation.

Before they started looking for the silver surfer, they saw a bit of golden light suddenly expand and radiate with brilliance.

In an extremely cold world with bone-chilling winds, a bright and dazzling golden sun rises!

“Severe energy fluctuations have been detected, it is recommended to leave immediately!”

Friday’s soft female voice warned.

Tony slowed down the accelerating thruster, and saw the dazzling light cluster like a star, suddenly shrinking inward, condensing into a pure point, and then exploding outward again.

“Run away!”

The light screen inside the suit lit up red, and a harsh buzzer sounded.

The index of energy fluctuations has exceeded the safe upper limit of the test on Friday. It is like the terrible shock wave of a nuclear bomb explosion that is rapidly expanding, almost like an avalanche.

Tony pushed the thrusters desperately, and the flames erupted, quickly climbing upwards, trying to avoid the terrifying energy bursting out of the ice cap below.

Johnny Human Torch also sensed the danger. Fierce fireworks erupted from his body, and violent air waves of molten gold and iron swept over him. The huge icebergs floating around him on the sea were evaporated into water vapor in just one breath.

The two superheroes who escaped in time had shock in their eyes and were speechless for a moment.

Their vision was filled with raging air currents, steaming white mist, and strong golden light.

Destructive power seemed to fill the entire extremely cold world.

The space collapsed and shattered, like a black hole. The solid and thick ice cap has now completely disappeared. It seems that there is a magnificent and tyrannical force that has completely wiped it away!

“Oh, God……”

Johnny muttered to himself as he was almost involved.

The always arrogant Human Torch was still frightened. If he had been slower, he might have been evaporated into a ball of gas.

“Is that Sean?”

Tony said with an unconvincing tone.

In a pitch black space of nothingness, a golden figure stood proudly.


“Shameless human being, are you still alive?”

Planet Devourer’s mental fluctuations showed some emotion for the first time.

The terrifying gaze, as vast as the abyss and as heavy as the mountains, stared at Sean, and this humble creature actually blocked the blow.

The golden glove shimmered, and Galactus was surprised. It was the Infinity Stone, the supreme treasure from the creation of the universe.

Unexpectedly, this human being can collect five gems scattered in the universe, and only the last one is missing to enter a new realm.

“Ho ho…”

Sean breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t expect Galactus to be merciless.

Even if it wasn’t for Janata’s sake, wouldn’t he even want his future grandson?

You must know that the daughter of the Star Swallower, the lovely foodie who ran away from home and came to Earth, is Janata. She was indeed pregnant with Sean’s child – although during this process, the two parties did not have any close and negative in-depth communication. .

“I also have a headache. There is an extra child out of nowhere.”

Sean couldn’t help but secretly curse at the thought of Galactus being so angry that he wanted to blow his own head off.

He has done nothing. Not only is he happy to be a father, he also has to endure the scorn and disgust of many women, including Mindy.

What exactly is going on? This begins with the birth of Janata. Since becoming Galactus, Gaelatus has naturally forgotten all instincts except eating and maintaining necessary survival.

The immortal Galactus essentially has no need for offspring, and Gaelatus, who considers himself a superior being, has long ago abandoned the mating desire of inferior creatures.

Janata was born from a cosmic worm inside Galactus.

The reason why Galactus is constantly hungry, needs a lot of energy, and keeps devouring planets is because of the insatiable cosmic worm.

Janata itself was transformed from a cosmic worm. After continuously absorbing energy, a new life was born, that is, the daughter of the Star Swallower.

So from the moment they met, Janata said that Sean met the requirements of a spouse because he had the power of the Sentinel. In a sense, he was enough to meet the eating needs of the daughter of Galactus.

“Great Galactus, I do have an unusually close relationship with your daughter, the beautiful Miss Janata.”

Sean said sincerely.

Being attacked at night every day and asking for food, how can this relationship not be intimate?

Ever since Janata returned to New York with Mindy, Sean felt like he had a cute little animal that he always had to find time to feed.

Janata’s nose is very sensitive. No matter where he is, as long as he is a little hungry, he can always find him by following his breath.

Over time, the cosmic worms in Janata’s belly actually gave birth to new life just like Galactus.

Therefore, Sean said that Janata was pregnant with his child. This sentence was interpreted literally and did not mean any deception.

“Human, maybe you possess the most magical creation in the universe, the Infinity Stones. I can spare your home planet for this, as long as you serve me and become a servant of Galactus!”

The loud sound echoed like thunder, this time echoing only in Sean’s mind.

In any case, he was qualified to talk to Galactus.

“But! Don’t try to get close to my daughter. She is a descendant of Gaelatus and does not need a partner…”


The majestic and cold voice suddenly stopped with the arrival of the purple-haired girl.

Janata flew lightly in the air. This was the first time she showed her original image in front of Sean.

A strange helmet that looks like an energy transmission device, a fitted purple skirt and boots, and long flowing hair flying in the wind, as charming as a jumping elf.


Seeing his daughter who had run away from home, Galactus could no longer maintain his majestic image.

The shadow frenzy that devoured the earth converged and retreated, and the cosmic energy condensed into an entity, which was instantly projected onto the earth’s Greenland.

Galactus wore the same heavy armor as Janata. He looked at his daughter with complicated emotions, and then stared at the human in front of him indifferently.

Galatus sensed that a new life was being given birth to in Janata’s body, which was the descendant of Galactus and the third tribe in the universe.

Facing the cold gaze of Galactus, Sean felt chills all over his body and felt a chilling aura.

He was convinced that if it weren’t for Janata being here, Galactus would definitely hammer him to death!

“Okay then, human.”

After a long silence, Galactus’ cold eyes relaxed somewhat.

He said a little helplessly: “Then let’s talk about your marriage to Janata.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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