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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 458 Let’s start a harem to save the world

“Then let’s talk about your marriage to Janata.”

When he heard Galactus say these words in a serious and serious manner, Sean’s heart and expression were rarely in sync, and he could no longer maintain his calm look.

The warm smile fell apart, his eyes were full of disbelief, and his face was full of shock.

Just now, I had an indifferent attitude of “I’ll beat you to death without saying a word”. How come in a blink of an eye, I’m sitting down to discuss when to get married? Are all ancient beings so out-of-the-box in their way of thinking?

Sean gradually calmed down and silently cursed in his heart.

He glanced at Janata who was silent. This foodie girl didn’t seem to have any objections to this. In other words, she didn’t understand the meaning of marriage at all.

Those big eyes were looking at him dazzlingly, and Sean always felt that they were looking at a plate of delicious snacks with longing.

“Isn’t this… a bit too fast?”

Sean considered his words and asked hesitantly.

“What? You don’t want to be responsible?”

Planet Devourer’s eyes suddenly changed, and his violent aura broke through the purple armor, like a wave of rage!

Just a look made the atmosphere roar like thunder, and the space rippled densely, like a fragile mirror.

Sean held his breath, raised the Infinity Gauntlet, and met Galactus’ cold gaze.

This ancient being has a tendency to go berserk and say, “Don’t you dare agree to this, I’ll blow your head off?”

Fortunately, Janata stopped in front of Sean in time, otherwise Greenland would have been sunk today.

After all, with five Infinity Stones, Sean was not completely powerless against the hungry Galactus.

The two collided only once, and the energy aftermath had already destroyed the entire Russell Glacier. Who knows if it would blow up the entire earth if it continued.

Therefore, Sean still has a good attitude that peace is the most important thing.

After all, Galactus is one of the five creation gods and the most advanced life form in the universe. He is not ashamed of himself.

“Calm down your anger, I just feel that it’s a bit sudden to talk about the wedding with Janata in a hurry…”

Sean said in the most sincere tone, his eyes so sincere that people could not help but believe him.

Unfortunately, before he could finish his words, he was directly interrupted by Planet Devourer.

Gaelatus waved his hand and asked decisively: “Do you have any parents or elders at home?”


After a moment of silence, Sean replied in a difficult voice.

He does belong to the category of “have a car, a house, and both parents are dead”, and he is a perfect marriage partner.

“That’s not enough. Among the many life forms I have seen, you are the stronger one. Not only do you have huge potential at the level of a single universe, but you also possess infinite gems… Of course, the most important thing is that Janata is pregnant. your child.”

After Galactus appeared in person, biological emotions became more obvious, and he no longer followed the instinct of hunger to think.

Otherwise, this terrifying existence that devours planets and makes all major civilizations regard it as a nightmare would not talk nonsense to Sean here and swallow the earth first.

“So, this matter is settled!”

Galactus stared at Sean, waiting for the human’s answer.

“To tell you the truth, before I met Janata, I had…”

Sean changed his tone to a deep tone again, and even his voice became much more weathered.

“It doesn’t matter. For a strong human like you, who shoulders the important task of reproducing the species, it is normal to find more partners. I can understand this!”

Galactus once again said an answer that surprised Sean.

Now he can be sure that this ancient being’s way of thinking is really different from humans.


High in the air, Iron Man and the Human Torch were whispering behind the clouds.

“What do you think they were talking about?”

Johnny asked curiously.

He witnessed with his own eyes that the hard ice in Greenland was completely destroyed by the aftermath of the terrifying energy of those two people.

The iceberg evaporated into water vapor and turned into a large diffuse white mist. Raindrops condensed in the clouds, and water droplets as big as beans plopped down, but they were all blocked out.

This shocking and magnificent power made Johnny feel scared for the first time, and he silently restrained his original frivolous attitude.

“Probably a discussion about the fate of the earth and all mankind.”

Tony was in a nanosuit, with fireworks emitting from the thrusters under his feet.

He didn’t dare to get too close. The extraterrestrial being wearing purple armor and looking like a machine was obviously not someone to be trifled with.

In Johnny’s eyes, the guy who was talking to Sean was a burly giant with blazing flames all over his body.

The planet devourer itself is incorporeal, and its image changes with each person’s mental mapping. Different races will see forms similar to themselves.

“What if Sean can’t convince him?”

Johnny asked worriedly.

He always thought smart people like Reed and Tony were better at solving problems.

This time the enemy is different from the criminals and villains in the past. The opponent can easily destroy the planet and destroy civilization.

If Sean hadn’t stopped it in time, I’m afraid this planet would have been devoured long ago!

“Who knows, but Sean is always good at persuading others. He can always see everyone’s weaknesses.”

Tony was joking, his face full of solemn expression, and the anxiety that had disappeared for a long time came to his heart again.

Facing a powerful enemy that he couldn’t defeat, no matter how hard Stark’s brain worked, he couldn’t come up with a suitable countermeasure.

At this time, we can only place our hope on Sean, who calls him the sentinel of the earth and the watchman of the human world.

Even if Tony never wants to admit it, it has to be said that Sean is indeed the one who leads mankind to a better future.

Even though he has been sitting behind the scenes, the world vaguely revolves around Umbrella, or Sean himself, just like the planets revolve around the sun.

“Stark, tell me about the situation in Greenland! SHIELD has detected a violent energy reaction there!”

In the communication channel, the new director Ruiwen asked hurriedly.

Greenland covers an ice sheet of 1.7 million square kilometers, and about 10% of the world’s icebergs come from there. However, in Skynet’s satellite network, the Russell Glacier, which has accumulated for tens of millions of years, has disappeared.

When the large amount of white fog dissipated, the pictures transmitted by the satellite only showed shocking huge potholes!

It was like some kind of magnificent force that directly wiped this piece of land from the earth. It was full of silent shock!

“Sean appears here. He is having a conversation about the fate and future of mankind with an ancient being, the ‘Planet Devourer’ in the words of the Nova Corps.”

Tony’s calm voice came to SHIELD’s helicarrier. At this time, senior officials from the coalition government gathered in the conference room.

Once things get out of control and develop in the worst direction, these people will be sent to the space base on the moon.

There are complete life-support equipment on it. The first batch of human immigrants have begun to migrate one after another and are about to begin their official life.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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