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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 459 The Five Gods and the Court of Life

Iron Man and Human Torch, who believed that the situation was serious, had no idea that Sean and Galactus had not had any philosophical dialogue about the fate of mankind and the survival of the earth.

Because the two have very different ways of thinking, the topic has changed from marrying Janata to the issue of racial reproduction and whether polygamy is reasonable for higher life forms. Regarding this argument, Planet Devourer gave Sean a lot of enlightening thoughts.

So much so that later, when Tony asked him in private why he could maintain a harmonious harem, Sean would always answer the same sentence –

This is all for world peace.

Janata has always been like an outsider, looking at Sean with dazzling eyes. She likes the pure energy, so that she no longer has to eat uncontrollably like her father, causing more killing and destruction.

As for spouses, partners, marriage… these are all like fun games to Janata, and she is willing to accept them without rejecting them.

“I’ve heard of the legendary story of Thanos’s failure in your hands. That Mad Titan is not a simple character.”

It has to be said that Sean is quite good at building relationships, even with beings like Planet Devourer. After some in-depth conversations, the initial bad impression of this human being was gradually erased.

Galactus glanced at the Infinity Gauntlet thoughtfully. The five gems were shining brightly, flowing with colorful energy.

If the other party can gather six gems, he will be qualified to be on an equal footing with himself – even in his prime!

“You humans are really a strange species. Although you are so weak, sometimes you can be surprisingly strong.”

Galactus slowly said that he once destroyed the capital of the Skrull Empire, where he met a female human who also possessed extraordinary power.

Sean’s eyes moved slightly. After reorganizing S.H.I.E.L.D., he learned many secrets from the past century, such as Captain Marvel, a former female pilot who was once the most powerful superhero on earth.

As early as the beginning of the last century, the Kree Empire and the Skrull Empire among the three empires competed to send advance teams to the earth.

To this day, S.H.I.E.L.D. still retains a Kree corpse, which was later used in Coulson’s “resurrection from the dead”, also known as the Tahiti Project.

Captain Marvel, whose real name is Carol Danvers, gained unprecedented power after coming into contact with the Kree fleet lieutenant May-Vell.

According to the secret past told by Nick Fury under the inducement of the Mind Stone, Captain Marvel, who went to the Kree Empire and then returned to Earth, only left behind an old-fashioned pager to communicate with S.H.I.E.L.D. Contact, he himself is not on this blue planet.

“The wonderful thing about life is not precisely because of its own wonder and the miracles it creates.”

There was a faint smile on Sean’s lips. He didn’t care about Captain Marvel. Even if he returned to Earth, he would not be afraid if he had the Infinity Gauntlet.

“I have something else to talk to you about life.”

Galactus seemed to have remembered something, and his mind was sluggish in a hungry state. He waved his hand, and Sean and Janata swayed and left the earth directly.

Everyone arrived at a huge spaceship, which looked like an oval-shaped dome. Rather than its own purpose, it looked more like the incubation chamber of Galactus, a place where he would sleep after filling his stomach.

Janata was no stranger at all and returned to her room happily, while Sean stayed and pretended to listen carefully.

As an ancient life that has existed in the world since the beginning of the universe, Galactus can be said to know many secrets and is a living history book.

Although most of the time, Gaelatus is asleep or hungry for food, rarely paying attention to changes in the outside world.

“Do you know the order of this universe?”

Galactus’ voice was dull. He would never mention this to any living being. This time he made an exception because of the close relationship between Sean and Janata.

“The so-called three major empires, including those cosmic elders, and even the former Celestial Clan, are not worth mentioning in front of these existences.”

Galactus said majestically, slowly unveiling the most mysterious layer of the universe.

Sean held his breath, just because he had six Infinity Stones, it didn’t mean he was at the end.

The ceiling of this universe is beyond imagination. Even the Infinity Gauntlet, which can restart time and space, is only qualified to talk to those top beings.

“Like me, those are conceptual entities… Death, the source, controller and creator of all life and souls in the universe, represents the end of life for billions of creatures. In all myths and legends, like the God of Death, Hell these could all be her incarnations.”

“Eternity is the sum of time in the universe, the manager of infinite dimensions, and infinity is the sum of space in the universe. The superposition of the two represents all time and space!”

“The last is annihilation, the symbol of non-existent matter, the collection of ‘nothing’, the few existences that are immune to the law of cause and effect… These are the creation gods of conceptual bodies, symbolizing the order of the universe.”

As the thoughts of Galactus changed, a curtain of light rose in the huge space, and four illusory figures stood against the background of the vast stars.

These creation gods, who are so powerful that they transcend logic and imagination, generally do not appear as projected entities. Just like Galactus, they together constitute the order of this universe.

“There is still one.”

Sean looked up at the illusory figure in the light curtain.

Above the four creation gods, there is a golden shadow with three different faces, spinning slowly.

“That is the Court of Life, the agent of the omniscient and omnipotent will. Even I can’t guess.”

Galactus showed a rare hint of humility.

This ancient being has always maintained a proud attitude, and this is true for any civilization and any race.

“The Infinity Stones are the supreme treasures from the birth of the universe. I don’t need to say more about their power.”

The planet devourer removed the light screen, looked at the golden glove on Sean’s right hand, and said solemnly: “The Mad Titan Thanos tried to collect them to maintain the balance of the universe in another way, but that is wrong, and it is also unacceptable. As permitted by the Court of Life.”

“You stopped Thanos and got the five gems, but the Mad Titan didn’t give up!”

There are four messengers under Galactus, and Silver Shadow is just one of them.

The most loyal among them is Stardust, the star-eater whose body is entirely composed of cosmic particles and energy. He got the news about Thanos from the elder of the universe.

“You mean, Thanos is investigating the reason for the demise of the Celestials?”

Sean frowned in thought, the Mad Titan had completely lost the game for the Infinity Stones.

But it seems that Thanos did not give up his plan, or disappeared with the Dark Order and gave up.

“Thanos is a madman, full of unrealistic and crazy conjectures. The destruction of Titan made him embark on the wrong path.”

In the torrent of memories of Galactus, the group of killers of the Celestial Clan emerged, a terrifying race from another extraterrestrial universe.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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